New student
The student account gives you access to a number of electronic services that Lund University offers its students. The way you activate your student account differs depending on if you have applied for degree programmes or courses through the University Admissions in Sweden website or if you are coming to Lund as an exchange student.
When you have activated your student account you can register to your course by logging in to Ladok. Log in to Ladok using your student account.
You can only register when the registration period is open. We recommend that you use a computer when you register, as problems have arisen from registration via tablets and mobile phones.
Students at Lund University receive a personal access card, known as the LU card. The LU card serves as an ID card within Lund University and you also use it to access the buildings relevant to your studies and borrow books at all university libraries. The card is free and getting one is quick and easy.
Canvas is your educational platform and gives you access to:
- Programme overview
- Course syllabus
- Course material
- Assignments
- Exam information
- Submission information and deadlines
- Information from teachers and course administrators
- Contact information for classmates, teachers and staff
- Communication with your lecturers and classmates
Login to Canvas using your student account (see step 1. Activate your student account).
Bachelor's studies
- BSc Economy and Society
- BSc International Business
- Ekonomie kandidatprogram (in Swedish)
- Systemvetenskapligt kandidatprogram (in Swedish)
Master's studies
- MSc Accounting and Finance
- MSc Data Analytics and Business Economics
- MSc Economic Development and Growth
- MSc Economic Growth, Population and Development
- MSc Economics
- MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- MSc European and International Trade and Tax Law
- MSc Finance
- MSc Information Systems
- MSc International Marketing and Brand Management
- MSc International Strategic Management
- MSc Management
- MSc Managing People, Knowledge and Change
Find your department in the list below and click the link to find go to the department's pages.
Find dates for admissions results, last day to reply etc:
The schedules will be available approximately one month before the courses start. You may always check your preliminary schedule before that.
Go to TimeEdit and choose the relevant semester. In TimeEdit you will find the courses for LUSEM. Courses at other faculties may appear in TimeEdit, but if there is no match you will have to find the schedules for these courses separately.
Type the course code or part of the course name. Choose the correct course by clicking on it and it will show up under "my criteria".
Repeat step 2 until you have all the courses that you want to look up and then press "show schedule".
The academic year at Lund University is divided into two semesters each lasting 20 weeks. Examination periods are included in the semester periods.
Semester dates at Lund University
The official academic year at Lund University is divided into two semesters (autumn and spring), each lasting 20 weeks.
The academic year 2024/2025
- Autumn semester 2024: Monday 2 September 2024 – Sunday 19 January 2025
- Spring semester 2025: Monday 20 January 2025 – Sunday 8 June 2025
The exact duration of the semesters may vary slightly from faculty to faculty and also from year to year, depending on which weekday the official dates are that year. It is therefore advisable to check for exact dates directly with the department(s) concerned.
What about holidays?
There is no official break in the academic calendar for Christmas or Easter, however in practice there is usually a break over Christmas and New Year's Eve as well as over the Easter period, including the public holiday days.
Please check with the programme coordinator to confirm when classes and assignments pause, before making any major plans or travel arrangements.
Servicedesk for IT support
The IT support at Lund University is open Monday-Friday 08.00–17.00.
mail: servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se)
phone: (+46) 046-222 90 00
Eduroam is an encrypted network and is a collaboration between a large number of universities around the world. Students from other universities that have Eduroam can log in on the Lund University campus. In the same way, Lund University students can connect using an Eduroam network at other universities
Access to internet
You can access internet through the wireless network Eduroam. Log in to Eduroam with your student account username (adding "" at the end) and your student account password. For example, if your student account username is fek09pha, your user ID for Eduroam will be fek09pha [at] lu [dot] se.
Eduroam wireless network – Lund University
Students have access to a number of programs during their studies. Both the programs and any necessary user licenses can be downloaded from the Student Portal under 'Service'.
The most common word processing program is Word from Microsoft Office. The University has a contract for Microsoft Office 365 which covers all students and employees. Go to the Student Portal for instructions on how to retrieve and install Office 365. You also have access to Google’s Office package Google Drive via your Student Account.
Desktop computers
Students have access to computers with network access, software for word processing, spreadsheets and slideshows, pdf converters and other necessary software relating to classes and courses.
The computer rooms are situated in the basement of the Alfa 1 building.
The easiest way to print from your own computer is via the PaperCut portal, where you select "Web Print" in the menu and upload your document, but you may of course also use one of our desktop computers.
The printers are located in:
- The School of Economics and Management Library in LUSEM Learning Hub.
- Room EC2:017 (computer labs)
- Student computer rooms 0057 och 0058 and the self study area 0023 at Alfa1.
Getting started with your printing account
There are two payment methods for copying and printing at Lund University.
Connect a Visa/Master card to your printing account
- Log in with your student account to the PaperCut portal
- Select Visa/Master card
- Enter your card details
- Authenticate with BankID, bank card reader or password (depends on your bank)
When you print, money will be automatically drawn from your account. The first time you connect your Visa/Master card, 1 SEK will be drawn (that you can use for printing).
Buy and register a top-up prepaid card
- Buy a top-up prepaid card at the LUSEM Library
- Log in with your student account to the PaperCut portal and select "Redeem card" in the menu
- Type the code on your top-up card (including hyphen)
- Click "Redeem Card"
Fees for printing and copying
Scanning is free of charge.
B/W A4 simplex
print: SEK 0,50
copy: SEK 0,50
B/W A4 duplex
print: SEK 0,90
copy: SEK 1,00
Colour A4 simplex
print: SEK 1,00
copy: SEK 1,00
Colour A4 duplex
print: SEK 1,80
copy: SEK 2,00
B/W A3 simplex
print: SEK 1,00
copy: SEK 1,00
B/W A3 duplex
print: SEK 1,80
copy: SEK 2,00
Colour A3 simplex
print: SEK 2,00
copy: SEK 2,00
Colour A3 duplex
print: SEK 3,60
copy: SEK 4,00
While LUSEM plans to run all online teaching with as much flexibility as possible, all online activities, e.g. streamed video lectures, seminars and other synchronous interactions, will take place during LUSEM’s office hours 09:00–17:00 (CET), without exceptions. For live activities Zoom will be used in most cases.
Lund University offers staff and students the opportunity to use Zoom. Zoom is used at many other universities in Sweden and has proven to be reliable and easy to use. In order to get good sound, simple headsets or headphones with a microphone is recommended.
Microsoft Teams
Lund University offers all staff and students access to Office365, in which Teams is included. Teams is a collaboration tool with document management and the same communication functions as Skype for Business. It can work as an alternative for digital meetings, tutoring and even lectures.
Download software
Students have access to a number of programs during their studies. Both the programs and any necessary user licenses can be downloaded from the Student Portal under 'Service'.
LUSEM’s online teaching model is based on interaction, and students will not be able to receive a passing grade unless participating with audio and camera on. Here are some technical recommendations:
- You can participate in a digital meeting from your mobile phone or computer.
- If you are on a computer, we recommend that you use the web browsers Firefox or Chrome.
- Make sure that your internet connection is good and stable.
- Most modern mobile phones and laptops have both built in webcams and basic speakers.
- For better sound, we recommend using a pair of headsets or headphones with a microphone. Most modern mobile phones comes with a simple headset that will do the work.
The Unit for Educational Services at Lund University has created a website with tips and advise on online studies. For example you can learn about what to consider before using ChatGPT.
Join Adam and Viktor when walking around on campus.
LUSEM Learning Hub is a modern study environment with 360 study places (both individual study places and group rooms), including the LUSEM Library.
LUSEM Learning Hub is located at Alfatorget byt the LUSEM Library. Scheelevägen 15. Click the link to see map and directions.
At LUSEM library you will find, among other things, course literature, quiet study places and group workspaces. You can get help with your loans and with searching for sources for assignments and essays. If you need reading and writing support, the library offers help with obtaining adapted course texts, such as talking books.
Address: Scheelevägen 15H, Alfatorget (Alfa 5-6).
Computer rooms
- Alfa 1 building, basement
Group rooms
- Alfa 1 building, basement
- EC2 building, basement
- EC2 building, floor 1
- LUSEM Learning Hub
- LUSEM Library
Group rooms in the LUSEM Library are booked via this link: EHL: room reservation for students – TimeEdit
Open environment
- Alfa 1 building, basement and floor 1
- EC1 building, ljusgården (the Atrium)
- EC2 building, basement
- EC2 building, ljusgården (the Atrium)
- EC3 building, floor 1, Café Holger
- LUSEM Library
- LUSEM Learning Hub
Quiet reading places
- LUSEM Library
- Alfa 1 building, basement
There is a Quiet Room at LUSEM (not to be confused with a 'resting room'). The room is EC2:141. It is always open and accessible to all students and staff. The room is sparsely furnished and is intended to be a place of recuperation where you can sit in silence, collect your thoughts, pray, or meditate.
The LUSEM exams office is found on the balcony above the atrium Ljusgården in EC1.
At the exams office, you can pick up written exams in Economics. For written exams in other subjects, please contact the specific department.
Classrooms (external)
- MHA: Mattehuset, auditorium A, Sölvegatan 18.
- MHB: Mattehuset, auditorium B, Sölvegatan 18.
- Kårhör: Kårhuset, auditorium, John Ericssons väg 3.
- Kårgasque: Kårhuset’s gasque room, John Ericssons väg 3.
- Kåraula: Kårhuset’s auditorium, John Ericssons väg 3.
- MA: Matematicum’s annex ('Matteannexet'), auditorium, Sölvegatan 20.
- Paln and Palö: Palaestra auditorium lower and upper, Universitetsplatsen, Paradisgatan 4.
- Genaula: Genetikhuset’s auditorium, Sölvegatan 29.
Exam rooms (external)
- MA: Matematicum’s annex ('Matteannexet'), Sölvegatan 18-20, first floor.
- MHA/MHB: Matematicum, auditorium A or B, Sölvegatan 18.
- Gasque: Kårhuset’s gasque room, John Ericssons väg 3, basement floor.
- Eden: Paradisgatan 5 (the building behind “Gamla kirurgen”).
The academic advisors offer personal guidance regarding study and career choices. They can also offer help and advice regarding the application process and how to select the best studies for your needs.
Academic Skills Services (ASKS) provides free and confidential learning support, in English and Swedish, for all students at LUSEM., including:
- Consultations for individuals or small groups
- Online chat via the ASKS Canvas page
- Comprehensive online resources for academic writing, referencing, study skills, reading and critical thinking etc.
- Workshops on various academic skills, in English and Swedish
- Reading and writing retreats
- Writing clinics for thesis support (April-June)
Get prepped for success! Career Services serve students at the School of Economics and Management who are interested in learning about working life, discussing career alternatives, finding interesting jobs and internships, or other career related matters.
The goal of the network is to connect LUSEM students who are passionate about data science and to provide support in quantitative applications and software.
Canvas Page: Data Analysis and Mathematics – help center
Here students can find a wide range of support material and lectures related to mathematics and data analysis, such as Python tutorials:
Data Analysis and Mathematics – help center in Canvas
Data Science Lab
The Data Science Lab (DSL) is a network of PhD students and master students who keep a lab open regularly aiming for helping all LUSEM students with questions related to data methodology, design and data analysis, AI and machine learning.
Where: Located in room B:307 in the LUSEM Learning Hub in Alpha 5-6.
When: Thursdays between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Lambda Data Society
Lambda is the premier student data science organization at Lund University. The group members are passionate about harnessing the power of data to drive innovation and impact. Therefore, the group collaborates on projects and organizes workshops and events. Lambda is open to all students at LUSEM, and always welcomes new members.
For more information about the Data Support Network and upcoming events, visit the Department of Economics' web:
The International Office at Lund University School of Economics and Management develops and administers the international study opportunities.
Lund University offers various forms of learning support for students with long-term disabilities. A long-term disability might be, for example, reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia, visual impairment, neuropsychiatric disabilities or mental health conditions.
At the Student Health Centre you will find advice and guidance about looking after your well-being while you are studying. You can also take part in courses and groups, get in touch with someone for an individual conversation and get yourself tested for certain sexually transmitted diseases.
The Student Health Centre is accessible for all students at Lund University and is located at Sandgatan. For more information and to book an appointment, click the link below.
If you are a new student, or if you are a bit stuck in your studies, you can get assistance from our study mentors. The study mentors are talented students who have studied for a while, and who are happy to share their knowledge and experiences. All subject areas of the School of Economics are represented by our study mentors.
Studiestugan is open: Tuesdays and Thursdays 13:00–15:00.
Welcome to Studiestugan in EC3-107, close to Café Holger.
LundaEkonomerna is the student union for all students at LUSEM. The main purpose of LundaEkonomerna is to continuously monitor the quality of education at LUSEM by representing the students’ opinions towards the School. However, there is way more to LundaEkonomerna than this fundamental function.
Lund University Finance Society (LINC) stands as one of the most prominent finance societies in the Nordic region. The purpose of LINC is to provide members with the skill set to break into the field of finance. Previous knowledge is not required.
Our student ambassadors are doing a fantastic job sharing their story with prospective students.
You can make a big difference for someone else as a study support mentor or international mentor.
Go to Rules and regulations to find information about:
- rules concerning exams on courses
- grades and academic credit
- credit transfer
- application to courses within a study programme
- leave from studies
- transcript of records from Ladok
- rules and regulations for LUSEM's courses online
Student rights might involve student influence, the student work environment, exam implementation, degree projects and much more. You can find information about your rights and responsibilities as a student in relation to the University in the List of Rights.
Guide to dealing with discrimination, harassment and victimization:
Do you have a complaint concerning your undergraduate or graduate education at the School? Read about how to process it here:
Processing of complaints concerning education at LUSEM
The student union LundaEkonomerna ensures quality and wellbeing for all students at LUSEM. Fill out the form on their website to report on an issue:

LUSEM Digital Maps
A help for students to find and get around the LUSEM Campus.

Novice week
The social introduction for new students is organised by LundaEkonomerna, the student union at LUSEM.
Novice week –
LundaEkonomerna student union