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Research data management

The LUSEM library offer support on certain issues regarding the handling of research data. Here you find information on requirements and guidelines, data management plan, storage of data and sharing data.

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Requirements and guidelines   

There are Swedish laws and regulations that affects you as a researcher when handling research data.

Managing research data containing personal data

If your research data contain personal data, special legislation applies. Processing of personal data is regulated in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All handling of personal data must also be registered in Personal Data Lund University (PULU).

Read more about processing of personal data and PULU on Lund University Staff pages

If you have questions regarding research using individual-level data linked with registers you can contact LUPOP (Lund University Population Research Platform). LUPOP is an open resource available for all researchers at Lund University.

LUPOP for researchers

Ethical perspectives

If your planned research involves people or the processing of personal data you may need to seek ethical approval from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority.

Research ethics and ethical review on Lund University Staff Pages

The Swedish Ethical Review Authority

The Swedish Ethical Review Authority’s guidance on ethical review for research that involves people (In Swedish)

LUSEM has a research representative available to employees who need guidance on issues related to research ethics and good research practice. More information and contact information is found here: 

Research representative at LUSEM

Archiving of research data

The university is subject to The Swedish National Archives Regulation on preservation and disposal, which stipulates how archiving of research data is to be performed. The research at a university is a public authority activity. The documents produced in research belong to the University.

Read more about how to handle and archive research documents at Lund University

Requirements from funders

Research funders are increasingly placing demands on research data management, for example regarding data management plans and for data to be accessible. To find up to date information on what applies for your project, read more on the research funders websites.

Data management plan

A data management plan (DMP) is a document providing a framework for how your data material will be handled during and after a research project. It should include answers to questions such as how the data will be collected, stored, made accessible, preserved, and cover legal or ethical requirements you may need to consider.

At Lund University you have access to the system DMP Online to create and update your data management plan.

DMP Online

For support on DMP Online and data management plan, contact the LUSEM library.

Storage of research data

For guidance on technical solutions for data storage, contact LDC on servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se or contact the LUSEM library to get help with finding the right function within the university. 
Here you find information about storage solutions at Lund University:

Storage solutions at Lund University (In Swedish)

Security on Lund University

If you use data from Statistics Sweden (SCB) in your research project, you can use their platform MONA (Microdata Online Access).

MONA - Statistics Sweden’s platform for access to microdata

Sharing research data 

There are many platforms and services where you as a researcher can make your research data available, both general (like Swedish National Data Service, SND or Zenodo) and subject specific (which you can find via for example r3data). Publishers and journals sometimes provide services for making research data available. Even if data cannot be openly shared, you can still publish a description of your research data to make it searchable and visible – FAIR.  

Swedish National Data Service (SND)


re3data (Registry of Research Data Repositories)