About the Department of Business Administration
The Department of Business Administration at Lund University is one of Sweden’s leading environments for education and research related to the private and public economy. It conducts active and advanced research in entrepreneurship, finance, research policy, marketing, organisation and leadership, accounting and strategy.
The Department of Business Administration is the largest department of the Lund University School of Economics and Management, with about 2,500 students and around 200 staff.
The campus is located next to Ideon Science Park in Lund, Sweden’s largest and first research village that brings together research with innovators and entrepreneurs. The expansive Öresund region and the renowned university city of Lund, home to the major research facilities Max IV and ESS, provide the department with important influences for very high quality education and research.
The department works closely with the surrounding business community and also with other universities.
The Department of Business Administration is headed by a head of department and a department board, which is chaired by the head of department.
The department board consists of six representatives from the teaching and research staff, one representative from the administrative staff, two representatives from the students and one representative from the doctoral programme. Others with the right to attend and express opinions are the directors of studies, the safety representative and the head of course administration.
The management group consists of the head of department, deputy heads of department, directors of studies and the head of course administration.
Preparatory and advisory boards are:
- The Council for education at undergraduate and graduate level (NUGA), which is led by the academic director of studies.
- The Research and PhD Education Committee (FFUN), which is chaired by the director of research and PhD programme.
History of the department
Lund University has conducted teaching and research in business administration for more than fifty years. The Department of Business Administration was established in 1958 within the Faculty of Social Sciences. It was originally located on Gerdagatan in Lund.
Thanks to generous donations from the Crafoord Foundation, the first step towards a joint School of Economics and Management was taken in the late 1980s when the Holger Crafoord Centre was built. Construction took place in three stages over 10 years. A later organisational change led to the establishment of the School of Economics and Management as a separate faculty within Lund University.
Since its inception in the 1950s, the Department of Business Administration and the subject have developed considerably. Today, business administration is a multifaceted subject area that offers teaching and conducts research in finance, accounting, marketing, organisation, entrepreneurship and strategy.
Contact – Management
Head of Department
Niclas Andrén
prefekt [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se
046-222 95 04
Director of Research and PhD Programme
Jens Rennstam
jens [dot] rennstam [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se
046-222 43 49
Academic Director of Studies
Caroline Hellström
studierektorforgrundutbildningen [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se
046-222 78 18
Head of office (course administration)
Mårten Sommelius
marten [dot] sommelius [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (marten[dot]sommelius[at]fek[dot]lu[dot]se)
046-222 80 31
Who was Holger Crafoord?
Learn more about the industrialist who gave his name to the Centre.