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Graduated doctoral students at the Department of Economic History

After finishing their PhDs, many of our students stay within academic. Some of them are found at our own department in Lund, but several have found positions at other universities both inside and outside of Sweden. Also, a significant number have been recruited to high profile positions outside the academic world in both the private and public sectors.

Below, you find information about our former doctoral students stretching back to 2014. The list includes their names, the title of their thesis with a link to the actual manuscript, and brief information about their early careers. We list both their positions within our department and what they initially moved on to do.

A few have been selected for interviews where they have been asked to share their experience looking for jobs and how the education their received at our department has benefitted them. If you want to know more, just follow the links.

Bertus Markus Melles
Transforming Foundations: Structural Change and Development Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa (1960–2024)

Liang Zhao
International Capital Flows, Monetary Policy, and Banking Instability: Lessons from Sweden, 1877-1939
Researcher and teacher at Guangdong Ocean University, China 

Valeria Lukkari
Economic Disparities in Colonial Kenya: Income Inequality and Wage Differentiation
Researcher, Dept of Economic History, Lund Univeristy

Marcos Castillo
Roots Across the Atlantic: Social Networks and Economic Outcomes from the Swedish Mass Migration to the United States, 1880-1920
Data manager, Dept of Economic History, Lund Univeristy


Vinzent Leon Ostermeyer 
Why Firms Grow: The Roles of Institutions, Trade, and Technology during Swedish Industrialization
Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Elien Dalman 
Patterns of Persistence: Intergenerational mobility and Sweden's social structure 1865-2015  
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology, Lund University

Elisa Labbas
Squeezed in Midlife: Studies of unpaid caregiving among working-age men and women across Europe
Analyst at City of Malmö

Luka Miladinovic
Us and Them: Economic Consequences of Ethno-confessional Diversity
Postdoc in Economic History, Gothenburg University

Nicolai Baumert
For God's Sake: The Work and Long-Term Impact of Christian Missionaries in Cameroon 1844-2018
Advisor to the chancellor of the Hamburg University of Technology
Read Nicolai Baumerts story here

Michael Chanda Chiseni
Here I am Send Me: The Historical and Long-Term Impact of Christian Missionaries in Zambia 1924-2018
Postdoctoral research fellow at the Governance and Local Develpment Intstitute, Gothenburg University

Tony Johansson
Sverige och den västeuropeiska arbetslösheten 1970-1990
Chief of staff and political advisor to the Vice President of the Regional Executive Board at Region Skåne

Emrah Gülsunar
The State, Parliamentary Legislation and Economic Policy during the Structural Transformation of British Economy, 1700-1850

Sascha Klocke
Land, Labour, Legacies: Long-term Trends in Inequality and Living Standards in Tanzania, c. 1920-2020
Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Martin Önnerfors
Water for the Many. Health, neighbourhood change and equality of access during the expansion of Swedish urban water networks
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Economics, Uppsala University
Read Martin Önnerfors story here

Emelie Rhone Till
Agriculture for Development in the 21st Century: Evidence from Ethiopia
Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Luis Serratos-Sotelo
Disease, Death and Displacement: The long-term effects of early-life conditions on income, education, and health in Sweden, 1937-2011
Data Scientist at Devoteam Creative Tech, Malmö

Igor Martins
Collateral Effect: Slavery and Wealth in the Cape Colony
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Enrico Debiasi
The Historical Origins of the Mortality Gradient. Socioeconomic inequalities in adult mortality over two centuries in Sweden
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Public Health Services, Stockholm University

Maria Mwaipopo Fibæk
Rural Income Diversification, Employment, and Differentiation in Kenya and Implications for Rural Change
Principal Social Consultant at RSK international, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Read Maria Mwaipop Fibæks story here

Prince Young Aboagye
Inequality and Uneven Development in Ghana
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Julius Probst
Growth, Factor Shares, and Factor Prices
Application Specialist at Macrobond Financial, Germany

Viktoras Kulionis
Energy Embodied in Trade, 1970-2014
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH,  Zürich

Kathryn Gary
Work, Wages and Income: Remuneration and Labor Patterns in Southern Sweden 1500–1850
Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Zeyuan Chen
Getting Old in a Changing World: Sons, Pensions, and the Wellbeing of the Elderly in Contemporary China

Samuel Jenkin
Foreign Investment in Agricultural Development: The Past of the Present in Zambia
Director, Information Services, Consumer Affairs. Victoria, Australia

Omar Karlsson
Growth and Survival: Child Health Disparities and Early Life Adversity in Sub-Saharan Africa
Takemi Fellow T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard

Jason Lennard
Economic Fluctuations in the United Kingdom
Senior Economist at the national Institute of Economic and Social Research, London
Postdoctoral fellow at London School of Economics and Politics (LSE)

Jens Andersson
State Capacity and Development in Francophone West Africa
Self-employed evaluator and consultant
MEL specialist at IKEA Social Entrepreneurship
Read Jens Anderssons story here

Siddartha Aradhya
Diversity of Legacy: The Experience of Immigrants and their Descendants in Sweden
Postdoctoral fellow at the Stockholm Research Institute

Annika Elwert
Will You Intermarry Me? Determinants and Consequences of Immigrant-Native Intermarriage in Contemporary Nordic Settings
Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Lund University
Analyst at Lund Municipality

Volha Lazuka
Defeating Disease: Lasting Effects of Public Health and Medical Breakthroughs Between 1880 and 1945 on Health and Income in Sweden
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Economic History, Lund University
Assistant professor University of Southern Denmark

Sylvia Sztern
Russia on the Move: The Railroads and the Exodus from Compulsory Collectivism 1861–1914

Anna Tegunimataka
Trajectories of Integration: Naturalization, Intermarriage and Education in Denmark, 1980-2015
Associate senior lecturer at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Yannu Zheng
How Immigrants Invent: Evidence from Sweden
Researcher at Zhejiang University, China

Hana Nielsen
Coal, commerce and communism: Empirical studies on energy history in the Czech Republic
Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Lund University
Senior Sustainability Data Specialist, Danish Crown

Thor Berger
Engines of Growth: Essays in Swedish Economic History
Associate professor at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Seán Kenny
Empirical Studies in Money and Debt in Northern Europe 1840-2015
Associate professor at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Jeffrey Neilson
Converging Times: Parenthood, Time Allocation and the Gender Division of Labor in Sweden 1990-2010
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Haodong Qi
Live Longer, Work Longer? Evidence from Sweden’s Ageing Population
Researcher at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University
Researcher at Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University

Martin Lindström
All that’s mine I carry with me: Early life disease and adult health in Sweden during 250 years
Professor, Social Medicine and Health Policy, Lund University

Joseph Molitoris
Life and Death in the City: Demography and living standards during Stockholm's industrialization
Associate Population Affairs Officer, United Nations, New York

Björn Eriksson
Dynamic Decades: A micro perspective on late nineteenth century Sweden
Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Lund University

Mats Persson
In good times and in bad: Immigrants, Self-employment and Social Insurance
Member of the Swedish Parliament

Karol Jan Borowiecki
“Mournful and yet grand is the destiny of the artist.” Some Economic History of Music Composers and their Creativity
Professor at University of Southern Denmark