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Course packages

Lund University School of Economics and Management offers course packages on both Master's level and Bachelor's level. Some course packages are available in English and can be applied for in the international round, some are only available in Swedish and then presented on our Swedish web site.

Master's level

Statistics: Master Course – Statistical Methods for Data Science – 60 credits

You will learn advanced analytical methods in machine learning and analysis of high-dimensional data. The package concludes with a thesis course where you write a Master’s thesis focusing on a practical or methodological problem involving modern data science techniques.

Course list:

  • Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Methods 
  • Programming for Data Science
  • Analysis of Textual Data
  • Machine Learning from a Regression Perspective
  • Advanced Machine Learning
  • High-dimensional Data Analysis
  • First Year Master Thesis

You apply for the course package at during the period 15 October – 15 January (if you are not living in Sweden), or at during the period 15 March – 15 April (if you are living in Sweden).

Statistics: Master Course – Statistical Methods for Data Science (course package) –

Bachelor's level

Course packages in Business Law (in Swedish)

  • Affärsjuridisk grundkurs, 30 hp (in Swedish)
  • Arbetsrättslig grundkurs, 30 hp (in Swedish)

Freestanding courses In Business Law (in Swedish) –

Course packages in Statistics (in Swedish)

  • Fortsättningskurser i statistik, 31-60 hp (in Swedish)
  • Kandidatkurser i statistik, 61-90 hp (in Swedish)

Course packages in Statistics (in Swedish) –

Course packages in Economic History 

  • Economic crises in Historical Perspective, 7,5 credits (remote learning, apply in Swedish national round)

Course packages in Economic History

Course packages in Business administration (in Swedish)

  • Företagsekonomi: Grundkurs, 30 hp (in Swedish)
  • Fortsättningskurs i företagsekonomi (kurspaket), 30 hp (in Swedish)
  • Företagsekonomi för lärare på gymnasiet, 90 hp (in Swedish)
  • Honours track, 20 hp (in Swedish)

Course packages in Business administration – Kurser på grundnivå (in swedish) –

Course packages in Informatics (in Swedish)

Course packages in Informatics – Kurser på grundnivå (in Swedish) –