Research at the Department of Business Law
Research in business law contributes to the theoretical framework and understanding of legal issues pertaining to domains and markets of particular importance for social welfare, such as business, innovation, entrepreneurship, labour, taxes and contracts.
A common theme in our research is to analyze and critically review how legal rules affect companies and the economic development in society. The increased internationalisation means that basically all fields of study have an international dimension. EU law and international law in general therefore often constitute central elements in our research. Currently, society is facing major challenges due to climate change, the digital transformation of the economy and increased use of artificial intelligence. The legal perspective, i.e. how the legal rules should be understood and reformed against the background of this new reality, is of great importance for companies, public administration and decision-makers at various levels.
The common denominator in Business law research is the connection to sustainable and legal economic development in Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world. Special emphasis is put on legal issues of immediate relevance to companies and other actors in both the private and public sectors.
The practical relevance of research in Business law to economic life in a broad sense creates excellent conditions for cooperation in various forms with the surrounding society. In its research, the Department of Business Law therefore strives at extensive collaboration with companies and other actors in both the private and public sectors.
Researchers at the Department of Business Law
– Lund University Research Portal