During your exchange at LUSEM
Lund University School of Economics and Management
- Lund Learning Culture
- Plagiarism
- Lund student life
- Transcript of Records
- Useful links for current students
Lund Learning Culture
A vast number of international students from all over the world come to LUSEM on exchange or to study one of our programmes. This creates global classroom environments where students encounter different cultural perspectives and start to build their international network. Many international students find the learning environment and teaching style in Sweden to be different from what they are used to.
The learning environment and teaching style - lunduniversity.lu.se
Plagiarism, commonly known as cheating, is considered to be a very serious academic offence. Lund University and the School will take disciplinary actions against any kind of attempted malpractice in examinations and assessments. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be reported to your home institution as well as the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University for further proceedings by the Disciplinary Committee of Lund University.
More information on the academic integrity of Lund University School of Economics and Management
Lund student life
LundaEkonomerna student union
LundaEkonomerna is the home and Student Union for all students at Lund University School of Economics and Management. The 300 active members in LundaEkonomerna all work together to improve the education at LUSEM, the future careers of the members, and the social life of students. International students are most welcome to become active members of LundaEkonomerna – all their activities are in English.
LundaEkonomerna are located in the little yellow house Skånis, surrounded by the Holger Crafoord Centre.
LundaEkonomerna - lundaekonomerna.se
Student organisations - lunduniversity.lu.se
Transcript of Records
A verifiable digital transcript can be downloaded from the Student Portal once the results have been reported. Hard copies are only sent upon request by the home university.
Login to Ladok using your student account details.
Welcome to Ladok for Students - student.ladok.se
Useful links for current students
- Key dates and deadlines for incoming exchange students
- School of Economics and Management: Schedule - cloud.timeedit.net
- ASKS - Academic Skills Services
- At LUSEM Library
- Career opportunities
- Grades and academic credits
- Resources and facilities
- Exams office
- Rules concerning exams on courses
- Canvas
- Academic advisors
- Wellness Weeks
- Student rights and guidelines - lunduniversity.lu
- Healthcare - lunduniversity.lu.se
Navigation for incoming LUSEM students
International Office
Lund University School of Economics and Management
incoming [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se
You can reach us on the phone during our visiting hours:
+ 46 46 222 33 44