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The Pontus Roos Memorial Foundation

Pontus Roos (January 31, 1953 – December 13, 2010) was a creative and resourceful person, firmly convinced that practical problems in the industrial and service sector were amenable to advanced economic analysis. As a person he was warm, generous, and a true friend. He loved his family and faced the hardships that befell him with humility and a strong will. The Foundation was established to keep the memory of Pontus Roos – economist, friend, and gentleman - alive.

Annual stipend

The aim of the Foundation is to annually award a stipend to a PhD student or a young researcher in economics at Lund University. He/she should be writing his/her thesis, or be doing research, in applied microeconomics in a manner that helps maintain the memory of Pontus Roos.

In 2024, the stipend is 110 000 kr  SEK. 

Decision is taken in June and the stipend will be awarded at the start of the Autumn semester.

This year’s stipend of the Pontus Roos Memorial Foundation

Stipend for 2024 is awarded to Sarah Rosenberg with the motivation: 

"Sarah Rosenberg’s project aims to fill a significant gap in our understanding of the long-term effects of breastfeeding by leveraging the random variation in birth timing around due dates. Her innovative approach will investigate whether births during Sweden's summer vacation, a period with potentially limited lactation support, lead to lower breastfeeding rates in the first three months of life. By using this variation as an instrumental variable, Sarah will estimate the long-run impacts of breastfeeding on children's health, education, and earnings. This research promises to provide more precise estimates and groundbreaking insights into the sustained benefits of breastfeeding, extending beyond early childhood into adulthood" 

2023 Davide Peitroborn received a scholarship of SEK 130,000 to support his research. "Davide's research project addresses the factors that hinder the adoption of agricultural technologies in the developing world. By conducting a rigorous randomized controlled trial, the project aims to contribute valuable insights to promote sustainable agriculture and explore the interplay between technology adoption and informal insurance networks. The findings from this study will offer evidence-based recommendations to foster inclusive rural development, enhance agricultural productivity, and strengthen the economic resilience of farmers." 

2022 Ana Rodriguez-Gonzalez received a scholarship of SEK 110,000 to support her research. “Ana Rodriguez-Gonzalez will investigate the impact of oral contraceptive pills on young women's mental health, education, and labor market outcomes. To find the causal link, the study will apply a novel quasi-experimental approach to administrative data from Denmark that exploits the variation in the probability when adolescents start taking the pills depending on their family doctor's propensity to prescribe it. It is of great value for the society if a causal link between oral contraceptive pills on young women's mental health, education, and labor market outcomes can be identified” 

2021 Devon Spika received a scholarship of SEK 85,000 to support her research. “Using a novel experimental design, Devon Spika will investigate the role of children's narratives in shaping early preferences regarding gender, family, and careers. It is important to understand the role of narratives because these may lead to the internalization of stereotypes about gender roles, which may in turn drive the post-childbearing decisions of women, potentially resulting in economic inefficiencies” 

2020 Matthew Collins received a scholarship of SEK 60,000 to support his research, which aims to analyze with experimental methods how the type of reward system affects the effectiveness of educational situations. For example, which is the best grading system, one with three levels as it was earlier in the Swedish school, or one as the current one with five levels. In the experiment, the students' success is measured partly in absolute terms and partly in relative terms, i.e. success in relation to other students' results. The experiment also aims to show whether different reward systems affect women and men in different ways. 

2019 Pol Campus-Mercade received a scholarship of SEK 85,000 to support its research, which aims to analyze with experimental methods whether women and men can accept jobs with lower pay if this at the same time means a greater contribution to society than an alternative highwage job. How much of women's and men's different choices of education and careers can be explained by this type of social preference? 

2018 Alexandros Rigos was rewarded 80000 SEK as a stipend to support his research concerning markets with strong information asymmetry, for instance in markets for healthcare, where rules that may reduce the information gap between producer and consumer are modeled. The analysis is performed in a laboratory environment where a theoretical model is tested within the framework of experimental economics. 

2017 Jörgen Kratz was rewarded 80000 SEK as a stipend to support his research in order to develop a method for a kidney exchange program where patients are matched to donors. In particular, the method will be modeled in a way that the incentives of potential donors maximize the number of transplants. 

2016 Margaret Samahita was rewarded 70000 SEK as a stipend to support her research concerning “The Demand for Flexibility”. The objective is to examine how individuals react on increased possibilities to design e.g. contracts for lending or the content of a travelling contract. The method of analysis is within experimental economics. 

2015 Jens Gudmundsson was rewarded 50000 SEK as a stipend to support his research concerning matching of individuals to various types of “objects”. It is, for instance, how an employer can fairly allocate tasks over time or how to supply dwellings efficiently over time. 

2014 Gustav Kjellsson was rewarded 40000 SEK as a stipend to support his research concerning, partly construction of measures of health variables with respect to fairness and inequality, and partly, analysis of consequences of competition within the health- and medical attendance sectors. 

2013 Alexander Reffgen was rewarded 42000 SEK as a stipend to support his research concerning constructing of rules for public as well as private decision making. Applications are, for instance, construction of system for taxation, voting procedures or queuing rules within the caring sector.



Helen Roos

Professor Fredrik Andersson

Professor Tommy Andersson, chairperson
e-mail: tommy [dot] andersson [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (tommy[dot]andersson[at]nek[dot]lu[dot]se)


The application form can be found below

Application time: 
May 1 – May 31, every year

Application _Pontus_Roos_minne22.pdf

The application must be sent via mail to:  

Tommy Andersson 
Nationalekonomiska institutionen 
Lunds universitet 
Box 7080 
220 07 Lund, Sweden