Gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity council
Ekonomihögskolans jlm-kommitté: jämställdhet, likabehandling och mångfald
A new order
Lund University has decided that the council dealing with gender equality and equal treatment issues would have a changed remit and composition from 1 April 2021, in order to create a mandate and better conditions for working on the issues on a strategic level. Another aim is to create a clearer connection between the University management and the managements at the faculties. The name of the council is now Council for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities.
Based on this LUSEM has decided to make new efforts regarding the work with gender equality and equal treatment issues. The name of the council working with these questions at LUSEM is Gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity council.
Members of the council
Anna Tegunimataka, Department of Economic History, Chair
Jakob Bergman, Department of Statistics
Ann-Christine Hartzén, Department of Business Law
Miranda Kajtazi, Department of Informatics
Devrim Göktepe-Hultén, Department of Business Administration
Anders Wilhelmsson, Department of Economics
Others with the right to attend, express opinions and make proposals at the meetings of the council:
Joakim Gullstrand, Dean, faculty representative
Emma Carolander, Dean's office
The students have three representatives who are appointed according to §7 in the Student Union order.
The staff organizations are given three representatives with the right to attend, express opinions and make proposals at the meetings of the council.
Anna Tegunimataka
Associate senior lecturer,
Chair, Gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity council