Swedish Land, according to ownership type, 1718–1865
The file contains a dataset of land in Sweden, for the period 1718–1865. The data describe how much of the land, in terms of tax-assessment units (mantal), belonged to each of sevente different sub-categories of property right regime. The data is a based on a synthesis of the existing data compilations already available. The data also include detailed meta-data that describe the source for each observation.
The reference when using the database is:
Lindgren, Mattias (2021), Svenska jordnaturer 1718-1865. Lund: Department of Economic History.
Svenska jordnaturer 1718-1865
Håkan Lobell
hakan [dot] lobell [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se (hakan[dot]lobell[at]ekh[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 74 85
Room: Alfa1:2099
Documentation and Publications
Lindgren, Mattias (2021), Svenska jordnaturer 1718–1865 : En kvantitativ översikt. Lund Papers in Economic History. 2021:220.