About the Department of Economics
The Department of Economics is one of the largest departments within Lund University School of Economics and Management. The number of students registered at the department during an academic year amounts to approximately 2,000. Just over 100 people are more or less firmly connected to the department's activities as teachers, researchers, doctoral students and administrative staff.
The head of department and the directors of studies form the day to day leadership of the department, and are responsible for seeing that the boards decisions are carried out.
Head of Department
Professor Fredrik AnderssonCo-ordinator of Doctoral Studies
Professor Erik WengströmStudy Director
PhD Pontus HanssonHead of administration
Anna Marciniak
The board is responsible for outlining the guiding principles of the department, for seeing that these guidelines are followed and for deciding on any other questions that are delegated to it.
for the term of office 2024-2026
Fredrik Andersson, Head of Department, Chairman
Fredrik NG Andersson, Associate Professor
Jan Bietenbeck, Senior Lecturer
Åsa Hansson, Associate Professor
Anders Vilhelmsson, Associate Professor
Joakim Westerlund, Professor
Marie Pihl, Study Administrator
Pelle Almgren, PhD Candidate
Student (Lundaekonomerna)
Thomas Fischer, Associate senior lecturer
Therese Nilsson, Professor
Maria Persson, Associate Professor
Karin Bergman, Senior Lecturer
Marcus Nordström, PhD Candidate
Student (Lundaekonomerna)
Studies in economics have been conducted at Lund University, with short breaks, since 1668. There is a strong research tradition at the Department of Economics and the department has been the basis for well-known researchers such as Knut Wicksell and Johan Åkerman, who became the founder of the Department of Economics in 1947 .
Education is currently conducted at all levels within the subject, from basic courses to postgraduate education. The research at the department is diverse and extensive and is in several cases linked to specializations in undergraduate education, which also enables a wide range of courses.
The department has hosted many prominent international conferences thanks to support from, for example, the Arne Ryde Foundation, which is affiliated with the department.
Research is currently conducted in econometrics, financial economics, international economics and development economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics and public economics, including labor market economics and health economics.
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Visiting address
EC1 Tycho Brahes väg 1, Lund
Alfa 1 Scheelevägen 15B, Lund
Postal address
Box 7080, 220 07 LUND, Sweden
+46 46-222 00 00
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Staff pages
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