Requirements for exchange studies
For LUSEM students
To go on an exchange you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go. Read the following information carefully, hopefully it will answer most of your questions.
- Exchange studies within a Bachelor’s programme
- Exchange within Master studies
General requirements to apply for exchange studies within a Bachelor’s programme:
- You should be registered for full-time studies on one of the Bachelor's programmes at Lund University School of Economics and Management, or a Bachelor's programme from another faculty with a chosen subject given at LUSEM. Students enrolled in freestanding courses are also able to go on an exchange, if they fulfil certain criteria. If you have been granted an approved leave from studies, you may still be eligible to apply.
- You should be able to go in semester five or six depending on your programme. See more details below, which options apply to your programme. Even if you are following an individual study plan, you may still be eligible to apply.
- You should have completed and passed at least 30 credits at Lund University (not including transferred credits from other universities) and at least 75% of the credits from previous semesters on the programme.
- You have the skills required in the language of instruction during the exchange semester. Read more under "language requirements".
- You have not previously been on an exchange semester within your programme.
When do I apply?
Requirements for going on exchange
If you are awarded a seat, you will be conditionally admitted to the exchange programme and have to fulfill the following requirements by 15 April for an exchange during autumn or 15 October for an exchange during spring:
- You should not lack more than 15 credits from the first three semesters. Credits outside of the programme and from semester four will not be considered.
- You are registered on semester four during the semester before your exchange.
- You must have space left in your degree for 30hp of elective courses
Language requirements
- Upper-secondary school qualifications in English tend to be sufficient. Language proficiency testing is usually not required, but there are some exceptions where the host university requires you to take a language test. Make sure to find out what applies to the universities you wish to apply for. This information is available in our search tool, Find your destination.
- If you wish to study in a language other than English, you may be required to present a certificate of your language qualifications with your application to the host university.
- Some partner universities give an exemption to the language requirements for student of a programme taught entirely in English.
- You are responsible for meeting the host university's language requirements.
Course selection
We recommend you to choose courses within the following areas:
- Economics and Management
- Social Sciences
- Engineering
- Science
- Law
- Humanities (including language courses)*
- Theology
General guidelines about courses
The courses cannot overlap with previous or future courses and must correspond to Swedish higher education studies.
Keep in mind that you have to be flexible regarding the courses that you choose. Partner universities may change the range of courses for exchange students and there is no guarantee that you will be able to study the exact courses you selected in advance.
*You can not choose language courses if you are studying at the Politices kandidatprogrammet or PPE. See more details below under your respective programme.
Programme-specific requirements
To go on an exchange during your fifth semester within the Bachelor’s programme in Economy and Society, you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go.
Requirements to apply for exchange studies
In order to apply for exchange studies, you must both meet the general and the following requirements at the time of application:
- You should be registered for full-time studies on the Bachelor's in Economy and Society at Lund University School of Economics and Management. If you have been granted an approved leave from studies, you may still be eligible to apply.
- You should be able to go in semester five. If you are following an individual study plan, you may still be eligible to apply.
To go on an exchange during your fifth semester within the Bachelor's programme in International Business, you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go.
Requirements to apply for exchange studies
In order to apply for exchange studies, you must meet both the general and the following requirements at the time of application:
- You should be registered for full-time studies on the Bachelor's in International Business at Lund University School of Economics and Management. If you have been granted an approved leave from studies, you may still be eligible to apply.
- You should be able to go in semester five. Even if you are following an individual study plan, you may still be eligible to apply.
To go on an exchange during your fifth or six semester within Ekonomie kandidatprogrammet, you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go (instructions in Swedish).
För att få söka utbytesstudier måste du uppfylla både de generella och de följande kraven vid ansökningstillfället:
- Du är registrerad för heltidsstudier inom Ekonomie kandidatprogrammet vid Ekonomihögskolan på Lunds universitet. Om du har ett beviljat studieuppehåll kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka.
- Du kan åka termin fem eller termin sex (om du byter plats på din valfria termin och din kandidatkurs). Om du följer en individuell studieplan kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka, men du måste då bifoga en komplett studieplan över alla kurser som du planerar att inkludera i din examen (individual study plan).
Ha följande i åtanke om du har nationalekonomi som huvudområde:
- kurserna NEKG21 (mikroekonomi) och NEKG31 (ekonometri) är behörighetskrav för kandidatuppsatsen.
- specialiseringskurserna i nationalekonomi i Lund ges vanligtvis en gång per år, antingen endast under höst- eller vårterminen. Om det finns en specifik specialiseringskurs du vill läsa, kan du därför behöva vara flexibel med vilken termin du åker på utbyte.
Students enrolled in freestanding courses are also able to go on an exchange, during their fifth or sixth semester if they fulfil certain criteria. You are following an individual study plan (i.e. not formally registered on one of our degree programmes) to earn one of these degrees:
- Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics (Ekonomie kandidatexemen)
- Bachelor of Science (Filosofie kandidatexamen) with a major in one of the subjects offered at LUSEM.
- Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (Filosofie kandidatexamen i systemvetenskap, huvudområde informationssystem)
Examina - ehl (in Swedish)
Indivual study plan
You will need to include an individual study plan with all planned studies at Lund University in your application. More info regarding this document can be found in the application guide.
Application guide for LUSEM students
Requirements for going on exchange
If you are awarded a seat, you will be conditionally admitted to the exchange programme and have to fulfil the general and the following requirements :
- You have completed and passed at least 60 credits in the subject areas offered at LUSEM.
- You are currently registered for full-time studies at Lund University School of Economics and Management.
If you are planning to earn a Bachelor's of Science in Business and Economics (Ekonomie kandidatexamen) you need to be registered to, or have completed, the intermediate course (31–60 credits) in your major.
To go on an exchange during your sixth semester within Kandidatprogrammet i Human Resources, you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go (instructions in Swedish).
För att få söka utbytesstudier måste du uppfylla både de generella och de följande kraven vid ansökningstillfället:
- Du är registrerad för heltidsstudier inom Kandidatprogrammet i Human Resources vid Ekonomihögskolan på Lunds universitet. Om du har ett beviljat studieuppehåll kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka.
- Du har sökt inriktning arbetsrätt.
- Du kan åka termin sex. Om du följer en avvikande studieplan kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka, men du måste då bifoga en individuell studieplan över planerade studier vid Lunds universitet i din ansökan.
Villkor för att få åka
Om du tilldelas en utbytesplats kommer du att vara villkorat antagen till utbytesstudier.
Du måste uppfylla de generella villkoren och de programspecifika villkoren vid uppföljningstillfället:
- Du är registrerad på kandidatkursen inom arbetsrätt på Ekonomihögskolan.
To go on an exchange within Politices kandidatprogrammet, you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go (instructions in Swedish).
För att få söka utbytesstudier måste du uppfylla både de generella och de följande kraven vid ansökningstillfället:
- Du är registrerad för heltidsstudier inom Politices kandidatprogrammet vid Ekonomihögskolan. Om du har ett beviljat studieuppehåll kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka.
- Du kan åka termin fem eller termin sex (om du byter plats på din valfria termin och din kandidatkurs) Om du följer en avvikande studieplan kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka, men du måste då bifoga en individuell studieplan över planerade studier vid Lunds universitet i din ansökan.
Villkor för att få åka
Om du tilldelas en utbytesplats kommer du att vara villkorat antagen till utbytesstudier.
Du måste uppfylla generella villkoren och de programspecifika villkoren vid uppföljningstillfället:
- Du är registrerad på fortsättnings- eller kandidatkursen inom nationalekonomi på Ekonomihögskolan.
Vi rekommenderar dig att välja kurser inom följande fakultetsområden:
- Ekonomi
- Samhällsvetenskap
- Teknik
- Naturvetenskap
- Juridik
- Humaniora
- 'Teologi
- Språkkurser tillgodoräknas ej.
Eftersom att du har nationalekonomi som huvudämne, bör du ha följande i åtanke:
- kurserna NEKG21 (mikroekonomi) och NEKG31 (ekonometri) är behörighetskrav för kandidatuppsatsen.
- specialiseringskurserna i nationalekonomi i Lund ges vanligtvis en gång per år, antingen endast under höst- eller vårterminen. Om det finns en specifik specialiseringskurs du vill läsa, kan du därför behöva vara flexibel med vilken termin du åker på utbyte.
To go on an exchange during your fifth semester within Praktisk filosofi, politik och ekonomi – kandidatprogram, you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go (instructions in Swedish).
För att få söka utbytesstudier måste du uppfylla både de generella och de följande kraven vid ansökningstillfället:
- Du är registrerad för heltidsstudier inom Kandidatprogrammet i praktisk filosofi, politik och ekonomi vid Ekonomihögskolan. Om du har ett beviljat studieuppehåll kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka.
- Du kan åka termin fem. Om du följer en avvikande studieplan kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka, men du måste då bifoga en individuell studieplan över planerade studier vid Lunds universitet i din ansökan.
Villkor för att få åka
Om du blir tilldelad en utbytesplats kommer du att vara villkorat antagen till utbytesstudier.
Du måste uppfylla de generella villkoren och de programspecifika villkoren vid uppföljningstillfället:
- Du är registrerad på fortsättnings- eller kandidatkursen inom nationalekonomi på Ekonomihögskolan.
- Ni behöver läsa motsvarande 30hp B-nivå NEK under ert utbyte.
- Kontakta er studievagledare på NEK för godkännande av er kurser.
To go on an exchange during your fifth semester within Systemvetenskapliga kandidatprogrammet, you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go (instructions in Swedish).
För att få söka utbytesstudier måste du uppfylla både de generella och de följande kraven vid ansökningstillfället:
- Du är registrerad för heltidsstudier inom Systemvetenskapliga kandidatprogrammet vid Ekonomihögskolan. Om du har ett beviljat studieuppehåll kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka.
- Du kan åka termin fem. Om du följer en avvikande studieplan kan du fortfarande vara behörig att söka, men du måste då bifoga en individuell studieplan över planerade studier vid Lunds universitet i din ansökan.
Tips på kurser du kan läsa
Område "Design of IS and Business"
Här kan man tänka sig kurser inom klassisk systemutveckling riktade mot vad som ofta kallas analys, d.v.s. att utforma modeller för verksamheten och dess informationssystem som kan användas för att ändra eller utveckla den/dessa.
Här handlar det alltså inte i första hand om att skriva mjukvara eller utforma IT-infrastruktur, utan om att utforma, d.v.s. designa, verksamheter och deras IS. Detta görs med olika modellspråk och världar, och i förlängningen teknologier. Möjliga områden att fördjupa sig inom kan vara:
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Business/Enterprise Modeling
- Business Process Modeling
- Business Onthology/Conceptual Modeling
- Business Rules Approach/Business Rules Modeling
- Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Service-oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture (SOEA)
- Service Science/Design
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
- Decision Support Systems
- Business Intelligence
- Requirement Engineering
- Information Security
- Model-driven Development (MDD) and Model-driven Architecture (MDA)
Område "Business, Organization and IS"
Här handlar det om förståelse för den/de verksamheter som i föregående punkt utformas. Möjliga områden att fördjupa sig inom kan vara:
- Organizational Theory with a special focus on business and IS
- Systems Theory and Systems Analysis
- IS Strategy and Management of IS
- Service Management
- Business Process Management
- Workflow Management
- IS and ICT procurement
- IS/IT Operation Management
- Change Management
Område "Information and Communication Technology (ICT)"
Här kan man tänka sig fördjupningar i den infrastruktur som måste finnas/skapas/köpas för att ovanstående skall kunna införas som IT-system i verksamheterna. Däremot handlar det inte om att utforma eller bygga tekniken i form av datorer, datorsystem, chip-teknologi, processorer m.m. utan det handlar fortfarande om att stödja verksamheter. Möjliga områden att fördjupa sig inom kan vara:
- Service-oriented Computing (SOC)
- Business Process Management Systems (BPMS)
- Business Rules Management Systems (BRMS)
- Workflow Management Systems (WfMS)
- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- Component-based Development (CBD)
- Cloud Computing
- Multi-layered Architecture
- Middleware Applications
Område "Project management for IS and ICT design"
Detta kunskapsområde handlar om hur man genomför, planerar och leder IS- och IKT-projekt. Möjliga områden att fördjupa sig inom kan vara:
- Agile methods, such as Scrum and DSDM
- Distributed projects
- International projects and culturally heterogeneous projects
- Project management methods and tools
- More advanced studies in Group Dynamics
Exchange within Master studies
Master’s in Economics
To go on an exchange during your third semester within the Master's in Economics, you must meet certain requirements to be eligible to apply.
When do I apply?
Exchange studies for Master's in Economics
Students from the Master's in Economics may choose from a group of selected universities, offering master level courses in economics. A list of available universities is published in the search tool, when the application opens.
You apply in January (during your second semester) to be able to go on exchange in the autumn (during your third semester).
Requirements to apply for exchange studies within the Master’s in Economics
- You are registered for full-time studies within the programme.
- You have completed at least 75% of the programme’s first semester.
- You have the skills required in the language of instruction during the exchange semester. Read more under "language requirements".
- You have not previously been on an exchange within the programme.
Language requirements
Upper-secondary school qualifications in English tend to be sufficient. Language proficiency testing is usually not required, but there are some exceptions where the host university requires a certificate from one of the regular test institutes (TOEFL or IELTS). Make sure you find out what applies to the university you wish to attend. This information is available in our search tool, Find your destination:
If you wish to study in a language other than English, you may be required to present a certificate of your language qualificions with your application to the host university. You are responsible for meeting these requirements.
Course selection
You have the option to study any advanced Economics courses that you have an interest in (elective courses) to either broaden your field of expertise or further deepen your specialization with courses that are not offered in Lund.
You should not study the same courses on exchange as they have already studied in Lund, i.e. no overlapping of courses.
All courses have to be approved by the programme director.
General guidelines about courses
The courses cannot overlap previous or future courses and must correspond to Swedish higher education studies. We recommend you to avoid courses with the same focus and the same required reading as ones you have already studied or plan to study.
Partner universities often change the range of courses they offer, you can therefore not expect to study the exact courses you selected in advance. Be flexible and focus on studying rewarding courses equivalent to 30 credits. The best courses are sometimes not the ones you had in mind from the start.
You will not receive a preliminary notice regarding the courses, nor of your eligibility for further studies. Therefore, it is important that you read the rules and requirements regarding credit transfer carefully so that you are completely aware of what applies to you.
International Office
Lund University School of Economics and Management
outgoing [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se
You can reach us on the phone during our visiting hours:
+ 46 46 222 33 44

Canvas – How to apply for Studies abroad
Application process and guides on our Canvas pages for current LUSEM students