Mats Olsson

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Wealth, work, and industriousness, 1670–1860: evidence from rural Swedish probates
Marcus Falk, Erik Bengtsson, Mats Olsson
(2025) Rural History
Journal articleStatarsystemets uppgång och fall
Mats Olsson
(2024) Historiskan : Sveriges första kvinnohistoriska tidning, 4 p.16-25
Journal articleWealth, work, and industriousness, 1670–1860: Evidence from rural Swedish probates
Marcus Falk, Erik Bengtsson, Mats Olsson
(2023) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperUnder the landlord’s thumb. Municipalities and local elites in Sweden 1862–1900
Carolina Uppenberg, Mats Olsson
(2022) Social History, 47 p.265-289
Journal articleMonopsony power and wages: Evidence from the introduction of serfdom in Denmark
Kathryn Gary, Peter Sandholt Jensen, Mats Olsson, Cristina Victoria Radu, Battista Severgnini, et al.
(2022) Economic Journal, 132 p.2835-2872
Journal articleMercantilist Inequality: Wealth and Poverty in Stockholm 1650–1750
Erik Bengtsson, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2022) Economic History Review, 75 p.157-180
Journal articleA land of milk and butter: how elites created the modern Danish dairy industry by Markus Lampe and Paul Sharp
Mats Olsson
(2021) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 69 p.326-326
ReviewUnder the Landlord's Thumb. Municipalities and Local Elites in Sweden 1862-1900
Carolina Uppenberg, Mats Olsson
(2021) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperPeasant aristocrats? Wealth, social status and the politics of Swedish farmer parliamentarians 1769–1895
Erik Bengtsson, Mats Olsson
(2020) Scandinavian Journal of History, 45 p.573-592
Journal articleMen at work. Wages and industriousness in southern Sweden 1500–1850
Kathryn Gary, Mats Olsson
(2020) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 68 p.112-112
Journal articleMen at work : Real wages from annual and casual labour in southern Sweden 1500–1850
Kathryn Gary, Mats Olsson
(2019) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperAristocratic Wealth and Inequality in a Changing Society: Sweden, 1750–1900
Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2019) Scandinavian Journal of History, 44 p.27-52
Journal articleUnequal poverty and equal industrialisation: Finnish wealth, 1750–1900
Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Ilkka Nummela, Mats Olsson
(2019) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 67 p.229-248
Journal articleMercantilist Inequality : Wealth and Poverty in Stockholm 1650-1750
Erik Bengtsson, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2019) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperWealth inequality in Sweden 1750–1900
Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2018) Economic History Review, 71 p.772-794
Journal articlePeasant Aristocrats? Wealth and Social Status of Swedish Farmer Parliamentarians 1769–1895
Erik Bengtsson, Mats Olsson
(2018) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperThe agricultural revolution and the conditions of the rural poor, southern Sweden 1750–1860
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2017) Economic History Review, 70 p.483-508
Journal articleNordic Europe
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2017) Famine in European History , p.185-211
Book chapterEstimating agricultural production in Scania, 1702–1881 : User guide for the Historical Database of Scanian Agriculture and overall results
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2017) Lund Papers in Economic History: General Issues
Working paperBusiness as usual : Nobility and landed estates in Sweden
Kathryn Gary, Mats Olsson
(2017) Essays in Economic & Business History, 35 p.149-171
Journal articleThe Wealth of the Richest : Inequality and the Nobility in Sweden, 1750–1900
Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2017) Lund Papers in Economic History: General Issues
Working paperThe landlord lag – productivity on peasant farms and landlord demesnes during the agricultural revolution in Sweden 1700–1860
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2016) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 64 p.55-71
Journal articleThe Wealth of the Richest : Inequality and the Nobility in Sweden, 1750–1900
Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperInequality in the long run : Finland and Sweden 1750–1900
Mats Olsson, Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Ilkka Nummela
Conference paperFamines in the Nordic countries, AD 536 - 1875
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2015) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperWealth inequality in Sweden 1750–1900
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson, Anna Missiaia, Erik Bengtsson
Conference paperVarför har Sverige saknat en jordreform?
Mats Olsson
(2014) Att bruka men inte äga. Arrende och annan nyttjanderätt till mark i svenskt jordbruk från medeltid till idag , p.74-83
Book chapterThe Landlord lag. Productivity on peasant farms and landlord demesnes, Sweden 1700-1860
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperProduction and credits: a micro level analysis of the agrarian economy in Västra Karaby parish, Sweden 1786-1846
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2013) Agricultural transformation in a global perspective , p.206-228
Book chapterWagons at Work: A Transport Revolution from Below – the Case of Sweden, 1750-1850
Fredrik Bergenfeldt, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2013) Agricultural History Review, 61 p.63-82
Journal articleEnclosures, loans and commercial farming. A village study of south Sweden 1790–1845
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperIf the landlord so wanted… Family, farm production and land transfers in the manorial system
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2012) Economic History Review, 65 p.746-769
Journal articleRural transformation and vulnerability to hardship. Production, prices and mortality in Sweden, 1750–1860
Mats Olsson, Martin Dribe, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperLabour productivity and labour provision in pre-industrial agriculture – a micro level analysis of Sweden 1765–1808
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperGods och gårdar
Mats Olsson
(2012) Lunds historia - staden och omlandet, 2. Tidigmodern tid. I en bördig bygd (1536-1862) p.232-241
Book chapterWas the Manorial System an Efficient Insurance Institution? Economic Stress and Demographic Response in Sweden, 1749–1859
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2012) European Review of Economic History, 16 p.292-310
Journal articleManorialisme et gestion du risque dans la société préindustrielle La Suède aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2012) Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 67 p.451-469
Journal articleFemale farming. Persistence and economic performance of Swedish widows from 1730-1860
Fay Lundh Nilsson, Mats Olsson
(2012) The History of the Family, 17 p.125-141
Journal articleGrowth and stagnation in European historical agriculture
(2011) Rural History in Europe
BookContract-workers in Swedish agriculture, c. 1890s – 1930s. A comparative study of standard of living and social status
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson
(2011) Scandinavian Journal of History, 36 p.298-323
Journal articleFattigvård, skatter och åldringsfrågan 1874-1913. Ett bidrag till framväxten av den svenska välfärdsstaten.
Per Gunnar Edebalk, Mats Olsson
(2011) Meddelanden från Socialhögskolan
ReportMeasuring and explaning agricultural growth
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2011) Growth and stagnation in European historical agriculture , p.15-33
Book chapterProduction, prices and mortality: Demographic response to economic hardship in rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperAgricultural production in southern Sweden 1702-1864
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2011) Growth and stagnation in European historical agriculture , p.117-139
Book chapterPoor Relief, Taxes and the First Universal Pension Reform: the origin of the Swedish welfare state reconsidered
Per Gunnar Edebalk, Mats Olsson
(2010) Scandinavian Journal of History, 35 p.391-402
Journal articleWas the Manorial System an Efficient Insurance Institution? Economic Stress and Demographic Response in Preindustrial Sweden
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperLärkesholms ekonomi under 200 år
Mats Olsson
(2010) Lärkesholms gods och von Reiserska stiftelsen , p.339-356
Book chapterAgricultural growth and institutions: Sweden 1700-1860
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2010) European Review of Economic History, 14 p.275-304
Journal articleAgricultural production and demography: The demographic response to local grain output in southern Sweden 1750-1860
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperScandinavia, 1750–2000
Mats Olsson, Mats Morell
(2010) Rural Economy and Society in North-Western Europe 500–200, IV. Social relations: Property and power , p.315-347
Book chapterEconomic Crisis, Manorialism, and Demographic Response: Southern Sweden in the Preindustrial Period
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2010) Demographic Responses to Economic and Environmental Crises , p.17-47
Book chapterPeasant economy. Markets and agricultural production in southern Sweden 1711–1860
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2009) Markets and agricultural change in Europe (13th to 20th centuries) , p.75-106
Book chapterEconomic Crisis, Manorialism, and Demographic Response: Southern Sweden in the Preindustrial Period
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperLand Transmissions in the Manorial System. The Case of Southern Sweden 1766-1859
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperStatarliv - i myt och verklighet
BookExplaining agricultural growth. The case of Sweden 1700-1850
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperStorjordbruk, statare och andra
Mats Olsson
(2008) Statarliv - i myt och verklighet , p.41-86
Book chapterStatarna berättar
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson
(2008) Statarliv - i myt och verklighet , p.251-286
Book chapterTenancy Contracts in Scania from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson
(2008) The development of leasehold in northwestern Europe, c. 1200–1600, CORN publication series nr 10 p.113-137
Book chapterStatare och statarsystem - en introduktion
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson
(2008) Statarliv - i myt och verklighet , p.9-40
Book chapterJohn Ragnar Myking: "Herre over andre si jord? Norske leglendingsvilkår i europeisk lys 1500-1800"
Mats Olsson
(2008) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 56 p.92-94
ReviewFemale farming – better or worse? Economic performance of Swedish widows in the 18th and 19th centuries
Fay Lundh Nilsson, Mats Olsson
Conference paperProduction and productivity in European agriculture in a historical context
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2008) AKA (Arbeitskreis fur Agrargeschichte) Newsletter, Nr. 4
ReportAgricultural production in southern Sweden 1700-1860 - estimates and explanations
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperAgricultural production in Scania 1701-1864 - estimates and explanations
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperThe commercialisation of the peasant economy - markets and agricultural production in southern Sweden 1711-1860
Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperManorial economy and corvee labour in southern Sweden 1650-1850
Mats Olsson
(2006) Economic History Review, 59 p.481-497
Journal articleEnskiftesbonde under krigshot? Myten om Svaneholm och "utskrivninarna" 1788
Magnus Olofsson, Mats Olsson
(2006) ALE, 2006 p.22-30
Journal articleStorföretaget Vittskövle 1500-1950
Mats Olsson
(2006) Gods och bönder från högmedeltid till nutid. Kontinuitet genom omvandling på Vittskövle och andra skånska gods , p.149-171
Book chapterSpelade äganderätten någon roll? Om friköp av frälsejord i Skåne under 1800-talet
Mats Olsson
(2006) Gods och bönder från högmedeltid till nutid. Kontinuitet och omvandling på Vittskövle och andra skånska gods , p.172-197
Book chapterGods i kontinuitet och omvandling
Mats Olsson, Sten Skansjö
(2006) Gods och bönder från högmedeltid till nutid. Kontinuitet genom omvandling på Vittskövle och andra skånska gods , p.7-20
Book chapterContract-workers in Swedish Agriculture in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson
(2005) History in Global Perspective - Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Sydney 2005
Conference paperSpelade äganderätten någon roll? Om friköp av frälsejord i Skåne under 1800-talet
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson
Conference paperPeasant Freedom and Noble Dominance - Scania in Early Modern Times
Mats Olsson
(2003) Leibeigenschaft. Bäurliche Unfreiheit in der frühen Neuzeit , p.117-134
Book chapterStorgodsdrift. Godsekonomi och arbetsorganisation i Skåne från dansk tid till mitten av 1800-talet.
Mats Olsson
(2002) Lund Studies in Economic History, 20
DissertationThe Appearence of Leasing Contracts in Scandinavia: Tenancy Contracts in Scania from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson
Conference paperThe institution of retirement on Scanian estates in the nineteenth century
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson
(2002) Continuity and Change, 17 p.373-403
Journal articleGodsens bönder och ålderdomen. Undantagssystemet under 1800-talet
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson
(2001) Skånska godsmiljöer , p.117-133
Book chapterAtt icke understå sig att lämna sina hemman… Om bondeklassens frihet och adelns dominans i Skåne
Mats Olsson
(2001) Historisk Tidskrift, 1 p.5-28
Journal articleVikingatida träldom : Om slaveriets plats i Skandinaviens ekonomiska historia
Mats Olsson
(1999) Lund Papers in Economic History: General Issues
Working paperIndelt hoveri – tegskifte som arbetsorganisation på skånska gods
Mats Olsson, Inge Svensson
(1999) Scandia, 2 p.211-224
Journal article