Martin Dribe
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Economic Inequality and Social Mobility
Gabriel Brea-Martinez, Martin Dribe
(2024) Urban Lives. An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century , p.82-114
Book chapterThe Late Emergence of the Socioeconomic Gradient in Adult Mortality: An Urban Phenomenon?
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe, Jonas Helgertz
(2024) Urban Lives. An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century , p.281-306
Book chapterThe Industrial City and Its People: Summary and Conclusion
Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson, Anna Tegunimataka
(2024) Urban Lives. An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century , p.339-352
Book chapterUrban Lives: A Micro- Level Approach to Economic and Demographic Change in the Twentieth Century
Martin Dribe, Therese Nilsson, Anna Tegunimataka
(2024) Urban Lives. An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century , p.1-25
Book chapterLandskrona: The Industrial City
Martin Dribe, Patrick Svensson
(2024) Urban Lives. An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century , p.26-81
Book chapterA Healthy Marriage? Marital Status and Adult Mortality
Ingrid Kirsten van Dijk, Martin Dribe
(2024) Urban Lives. An Industrial City and Its People During the Twentieth Century , p.213-242
Book chapterChildhood Neighborhoods and Life-Time Fertility in Twentieth-Century Southern Sweden: A k-Nearest Neighbor Approach
Vinicius Souza-Maia, Finn Hedefalk, Martin Dribe
(2024) Population, Space and Place
Journal articleHas it always paid to be rich? Income and cause-specific mortality in southern Sweden 1905–2014
Enrico Debiasi, Martin Dribe, Gabriel Brea-Martinez
(2023) Population Studies
Journal articleChildhood neighborhoods and cause-specific adult mortality in Sweden 1939–2015
Finn Hedefalk, Ingrid Kirsten van Dijk, Martin Dribe
(2023) Health & Place, 84
Journal articleThe price of poverty: The association between childhood poverty and adult income and education in Sweden, 1947–2015
Gabriel Brea-Martinez, Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
(2023) Economic History Review, 76 p.1281-1304
Journal articleMicro-level childhood neighborhoods and later-life hospital admissions, Sweden, 1939-2015
Finn Hedefalk, Martin Dribe, Ingrid Kirsten van Dijk
Conference paper: abstractWealth and Child Mortality in the Nineteenth-Century United States: Evidence from Three Panels of American Couples, 1850-1880
J David Hacker, Martin Dribe, Jonas Helgertz
(2023) Social Science History, 47 p.333-366
Journal articleModels of Leaving Home: Patterns and Trends in Sweden, 1830–1959
Samuel Sundvall, Christer Lundh, Martin Dribe, Glenn Sandström
(2023) The History of the Family, 28 p.601-629
Journal articleIntroduction to Fatal Years 30 Years Later: New Research on Child Mortality in the Past Special Issue
Martin Dribe, J David Hacker
(2023) Social Science History, 47 p.325-331
Journal articleChildhood Neighborhoods and Lifetime Fertility in Twentieth-Century Sweden: A K-Nearest Neighbor Approach
Vinicius de Souza Maia, Martin Dribe, Finn Hedefalk
Conference paper: abstractFrom Sweden to America: Migrant Selection in the Transatlantic Migration, 1890-1910
Martin Dribe, Björn Eriksson, Jonas Helgertz
(2023) European Review of Economic History, 27 p.24-44
Journal articleMaternal height and child health and schooling in sub-Saharan Africa : Decomposition and heterogeneity
Omar Karlsson, Martin Dribe
(2022) Social Science & Medicine, 315
Journal articleChildhood neighborhoods and cause-specific adult mortality in Sweden 1939-2015
Finn Hedefalk, Ingrid Kirsten van Dijk, Martin Dribe
(2022) , p.1-15
PreprintA Healthy Marriage? : Emerging Marital Status Differences in Mortality in Scania, 1815 – 2015
Ingrid Kirsten van Dijk, Martin Dribe
PreprintThe Effect of Parental Loss on Social Mobility in Early-Twentieth Century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Enrico Debiasi, Björn Eriksson
(2022) Demography, 59 p.1093-1115
Journal articleInequality in early life: Social class differences in childhood mortality in southern Sweden, 1815–1967
Martin Dribe, Omar Karlsson
(2022) Economic History Review, 75 p.475-502
Journal articleThe influence of social mobility on fertility behaviour in the long run. An application of Diagonal Reference Models (DRM) to Historical Demography (Southern Sweden, 1870-2015)
Gabriel Brea-Martinez, Martin Dribe
Conference - otherThe impact of kin proximity on net marital fertility and maternal survival in Sweden 1900-1910 – Evidence for cooperative breeding in a societal context of nuclear families, or just contextual correlations?
Kai Willfuehr, Björn Eriksson, Martin Dribe
(2022) American Journal of Human Biology, 34
Journal articleDo grandfathers matter for occupational and earnings attainment? Evidence from Swedish register data
Jonas Helgertz, Martin Dribe
(2022) European Sociological Review, 38 p.54-72
Journal articleA Schumpeter Hotel? Surname Status Persistence in Sweden 1880-2016
Elien van Dongen, Björn Eriksson, Martin Dribe
Conference paperNeighbors’ Social Class in Childhood and Adult Health Outcomes: A Life-Course of Place Study in Sweden, 1939-2015
Finn Hedefalk, Ingrid Kirsten van Dijk, Martin Dribe
Conference paper: abstractSocial class and fertility: A Long-run analysis of Southern Sweden, 1922–2015
Martin Dribe, Christopher Smith
(2021) Population Studies, 75 p.305-323
Journal articleThe long road to health and prosperity, Southern Sweden, 1765–2015. Research contributions from the Scanian Economic-Demographic Database (SEDD)
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2021) Historical Life Course Studies, 10 p.74-96
Journal articleSES differences in marital fertility widened during the fertility transition—evidence from global micro‑level population data
Martin Dribe, Francesco Scalone
(2021) SN Social Sciences, 1
Journal articleChildhood neighborhoods and health in adulthood: A life-course and nearest neighbor approach for Sweden 1939-2015
Finn Hedefalk, Ingrid van Dijk, Martin Dribe
(2021) , p.1-1
Conference paper: abstractThe changing price of poverty: The association between childhood poverty and adult economic status in Sweden 1930 to 2015
Gabriel Brea Martinez, Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
Conference paperMalthus and the poor
Martin Dribe
(2020) Poverty in the History of Economic Thought : From Mercantilism to Neoclassical Economics , p.44-55
Book chapterChanging speed of reduction in under-5 mortality rates over the 20th century
Omar Karlsson, Martin Dribe, S V Subramanian
(2020) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 75
Journal articleThe Scanian Economic-Demographic Database (SEDD)
Martin Dribe, Luciana Quaranta
(2020) Historical Life Course Studies, 9 p.158-158
Journal articleSES inequalities in cause-specific adult mortality: a study of the long-term trends using longitudinal individual data for Sweden (1813-2014)
Enrico Debiasi, Martin Dribe
(2020) European Journal of Epidemiology, 35 p.1043-1056
Journal articleBefolkning och ekonomi : om demografisk förändring och samhällsutveckling
Martin Dribe, Anna Tegunimataka
(2020) Vad är ekonomisk historia? , p.183-206
Book chapterThe social context of nearest neighbors shapes educational attainment regardless of class origin
Finn Hedefalk, Martin Dribe
(2020) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 p.14918-14925
Journal articleWhen did the Health Gradient Emerge? : Social Class and Adult Mortality in Southern Sweden, 1813-2015
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe, Jonas Helgertz
(2020) Demography, 57 p.953-977
Journal articleHelpful grandmothers and high fertility: Testing evolutionary theories on historical demographic data in Scandinavia and North America
Lisa Dillon, Alla Chernenko, Martin Dribe, Sasha Engelhardt, Alain Gagnon, et al.
(2020) Human Evolutionary Demography
Book chapterImmigration and child mortality: Lessons from the United States at the turn of the twentieth century
Martin Dribe, J David Hacker, Francesco Scalone
(2020) Social Science History, 44 p.57-57
Journal articleSpatial and Social Distance at the Onset of the Fertility Transition : Sweden, 1880–1900
Sebastian Klüsener, Martin Dribe, Francesco Scalone
(2019) Demography, 56 p.169-199
Journal articleMigration, Marriage and Social Mobility: Women in Sweden 1880-1900
Martin Dribe, Björn Eriksson, Francesco Scalone
(2019) Explorations in Economic History, 71 p.93-93
Journal articleIl decline della feconditá in prospettiva storica e internazionale: un’analisi comparative basata su dati censuari dell’archivo NAPP-IPUMS
Francesco Scalone, Martin Dribe
(2019) Quaderni del Centro Sammarinese di Studi Storici, 43 p.97-114
Book chapterSocial Class and Excess Mortality in Sweden During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe, Björn Eriksson
(2018) American Journal of Epidemiology, 187 p.2568-2576
Journal articleDoes Childhood Neighborhood Segregation Affect Individual Educational Choice? A Longitudinal Study of a Swedish City 1948–2011
Finn Hedefalk, Martin Dribe
Conference paperBecoming American : Intermarriage during the great migration to the United States
Martin Dribe, J David Hacker, Francesco Scalone
(2018) Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 49 p.189-218
Journal articleKorrelations- och regressionsanalys
Martin Dribe
(2018) Metod. Guide för historiska studier , p.213-240
Book chapterAge homogamy, gender and earnings : Sweden 1990-2009
Martin Dribe, Paul Nystedt
(2017) Social Forces, 96 p.239-264
Journal articleThe agricultural revolution and the conditions of the rural poor, southern Sweden 1750–1860
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2017) Economic History Review, 70 p.483-508
Journal articleTesting child-woman ratios and the own-children method on the 1900 Sweden census : Examples of indirect fertility estimates by socioeconomic status in a historical population
Francesco Scalone, Martin Dribe
(2017) Historical Methods, 50 p.16-29
Journal articleSocio-economic status and fertility decline : Insights from historical transitions in Europe and North America
Martin Dribe, Marco Breschi, Alain Gagnon, Danielle Gauvreau, Heidi A. Hanson, et al.
(2017) Population Studies, 71 p.3-21
Journal articleMigration, Marriage, and Social Mobility : Women in Sweden 1880-1900
Martin Dribe, Björn Eriksson, Francesco Scalone
(2017) Lund Papers in Economic Demography, 2017
Working paperAge homogamy and modernization : Evidence from turn-of-the-twentieth century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
(2017) Essays in Economic & Business History, 35 p.265-289
Journal articleNordic Europe
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2017) Famine in European History , p.185-211
Book chapterReady to stop: Socioeconomic status and the fertility transition in Stockholm, 1878-1926
Joseph Molitoris, Martin Dribe
(2016) Economic History Review, 69 p.679-704
Journal articleExploring the role of communication in shaping fertility transition patterns in space and time
Sebastian Klüsener, Francesco Scalone, Martin Dribe
(2016) Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies. Concepts, Methods, and Applications
Book chapterThe lasting impact of grandfathers : Class, occupational status, and earnings over three generations in Sweden 1815-2011
Martin Dribe, Jonas Helgertz
(2016) Journal of Economic History, 76 p.969-1000
Journal articleEducational Assortative Mating and Household Division of Labor : A pan-European Perspective
Maria Stanfors, Martin Dribe
Conference - otherIndustrialization and inequality revisited: Mortality differentials and vulnerability to economic stress in Stockholm, 1878-1926.
Joseph Molitoris, Martin Dribe
(2016) European Review of Economic History, 20 p.176-197
Journal articleIs there an Intermarriage Premium for Male Immigrants? Exogamy and Earnings in Sweden 1990-2009
Paul Nystedt, Martin Dribe
(2015) International Migration Review, 49 p.3-35
Journal articleDid social mobility increase during the industrialization process? A micro-level study of a transforming community in southern Sweden 1828–1968
Martin Dribe, Jonas Helgertz, Bart van de Putte
(2015) Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 41 p.25-39
Journal articleIs it who you are or where you live? Community effects on net fertility at the onset of fertility decline: A multilevel analysis using Swedish micro-census data
Martin Dribe, Sol Pia Juarez, Francesco Scalone
(2015) Population Space and Place, online: 15 Oct 2015
Journal articleFamines in the Nordic countries, AD 536 - 1875
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2015) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperThe Historical Fertility Transition at the Micro Level: Southern Sweden 1815-1939
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2014) Demographic Research, 30 p.493-533
Journal articleSocioeconomic status and fertility before, during, and after the demographic transition: An introduction
Martin Dribe, Michel Oris, Lucia Pozzi
(2014) Demographic Research, 31 p.161-182
Journal articleThe impact of socio-economic status on net fertility during the historical fertility decline: A comparative analysis of Canada, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, and the USA.
Martin Dribe, J David Hacker, Francesco Scalone
(2014) Population Studies, 68 p.135-149
Journal articleThe roads to reproduction: Comparing life course trajectories in preindustrial Eurasia
Martin Dribe, Matteo Manfredini, Michel Oris
(2014) Similarity in Difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900
Book chapterSocial class and net fertility before, during and after the demographic transition: A micro-level analysis of Sweden 1880-1970
Martin Dribe, Francesco Scalone
(2014) Demographic Research, 30 p.429-464
Journal articleSocial norms and human agency: Marriage in nineteenth century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2014) Similarity in Difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900
Book chapterEducational Homogamy and Gender-Specific Earnings: Sweden, 1990–2009
Martin Dribe, Paul Nystedt
(2013) Demography, 50 p.1197-1216
Journal articleIf the landlord so wanted… Family, farm production and land transfers in the manorial system
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2012) Economic History Review, 65 p.746-769
Journal articleMarriage seasonality and the industrious revolution: southern Sweden, 1690-1895
Martin Dribe, Bart van de Putte
(2012) Economic History Review, 65 p.1123-1146
Journal articleSocial Mobility and Demographic Behaviour: Long Term Perspectives
Martin Dribe, Jan Van Bavel, Cameron Campbell
(2012) Demographic Research, 26 p.171-190
Journal articleSocioeconomic Status and Net Fertility in the Demographic Transition: Sweden in 1900 – A Preliminary Analysis
Francesco Scalone, Martin Dribe
(2012) Manuscript Census Schedules and Demographic Research (Popolazione e storia 2/2010) , p.111-132
Book chapterManorialisme et gestion du risque dans la société préindustrielle La Suède aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2012) Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 67 p.451-469
Journal articleIntermarriage, Value Context and Union Dissolution: Sweden 1990-2005
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2012) European Journal of Population, 28 p.139-158
Journal articleWas the Manorial System an Efficient Insurance Institution? Economic Stress and Demographic Response in Sweden, 1749–1859
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2012) European Review of Economic History, 16 p.292-310
Journal articleChildbearing and longevity - the contribution of historical demography
Martin Dribe
(2012) Frans van Poppel: A Sort of Farewell. Liber Amicorum , p.95-97
Book chapterRural transformation and vulnerability to hardship. Production, prices and mortality in Sweden, 1750–1860
Mats Olsson, Martin Dribe, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperThe late emergence of socioeconomic mortality differentials: A micro-level study of adult mortality in southern Sweden 1815-1968
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2011) Explorations in Economic History, 48 p.389-400
Journal articleCultural Dissimilarity and Intermarriage. A Longitudinal Study of Immigrants in Sweden 1990-2005
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2011) International Migration Review, 45 p.297-324
Journal articleProduction, prices and mortality: Demographic response to economic hardship in rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperEducation, assortative mating, and household division of labor. Evidence from Sweden.
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
Conference paperQuantifying the Family Frailty Effect in Infant and Child Mortality by Using Median Hazard Ratio (MHR)
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2010) Historical Methods, 43 p.15-27
Journal articleDetecting Deliberate Fertility Control in Pre‐transitional Populations: Evidence from six German villages, 1766–1863
Martin Dribe, Francesco Scalone
(2010) European Journal of Population, 26 p.411-434
Journal articleEconomic Stress and Reproductive Responses
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2010) Prudence and Pressure. Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900
Book chapterSeasonality in Marriage and the Industrious Revolution. Work Intensity in Southern Sweden 1690-1895
Martin Dribe, Bart van de Putte
Conference paperThe Fertility Transition at the Micro Level: Socioeconomic Status, Income and Fertility in Southern Sweden 1815-1939
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
Conference paperPathways to Reproduction in Pre-transitional Europe: A Sequential Approach
Martin Dribe, Matteo Manfredini, Michel Oris, Gilbert Ritschard
Conference paperEconomic Crisis, Manorialism, and Demographic Response: Southern Sweden in the Preindustrial Period
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
(2010) Demographic Responses to Economic and Environmental Crises , p.17-47
Book chapterFamily Life in Power Couples. Continued Childbearing and Union Stability among the Educational Elite in Sweden, 1991–2005
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
(2010) Demographic Research, 23 p.847-877
Journal articleMarriage choices and social reproduction: The interrelationship between partner selection and intergenerational socioeconomic mobility in 19th-century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2010) Demographic Research, 22 p.347-382
Journal articleAgricultural production and demography: The demographic response to local grain output in southern Sweden 1750-1860
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperEducational Assortative Matching and Individual Income Development: Results from Longitudinal Register Data in Sweden 1990-2005
Martin Dribe, Paul Nystedt
Conference paperAgency, Social Class, and Fertility in Southern Sweden, 1766 to 1865
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2010) Prudence and Pressure. Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900
Book chapterWas the Manorial System an Efficient Insurance Institution? Economic Stress and Demographic Response in Preindustrial Sweden
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperDoes Partnership Exogamy Increase the Risk of Separation? The Impact of Cultural Dissimilarity on Partnership Dissolutions in Sweden 1990-2005
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperStatus Homogamy in the Preindustrial Marriage Market: Partner Selection According to Age, Social Origin, and Place of Birth in Nineteenth-century Rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2009) Journal of Family History, 34 p.387-406
Journal articleDoes Parenthood Strengthen a Traditional Household Division of Labor? Evidence From Sweden
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
(2009) Journal of Marriage and Family, 71 p.33-45
Journal articleDetecting Deliberate Control during the Pre-transitional Period in a Sample of German Villages
Martin Dribe, Francesco Scalone
Conference paperImmigrant-native Exogamy in Sweden. A Longitudinal Study of the Determinants of Intermarriage among Immigrants 1990-2005
Martin Dribe
Conference paperDistribution and Differences. Stratification and the System of Reproduction in a Swedish Peasant Community 1620-1820
Martin Dribe
(2009) Social History, 34 p.519-519
ReviewPartner choice and intergenerational occupational mobility: the case of nineteenth-century rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2009) Continuity and Change, 24 p.487-512
Journal articleDemand and supply factors in the fertility transition: a county-level analysis of age-specific marital fertility in Sweden, 1880-1930
Martin Dribe
(2009) European Review of Economic History, 13 p.65-94
Journal articleEconomic Crisis, Manorialism, and Demographic Response: Southern Sweden in the Preindustrial Period
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperLand Transmissions in the Manorial System. The Case of Southern Sweden 1766-1859
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperEducation, Work and Parenthood: The Experience of Young Men and Women in Post-War Sweden
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
(2009) Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 30 p.32-42
Journal articleSocioeconomic differences in the fertility transition: a micro level study of southern Sweden
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
Conference paperStatarnas geografiska rörlighet, sociala ursprung och fruktsamhet
Martin Dribe, Patrick Svensson
(2008) Statarliv - i myt och verklighet , p.187-210
Book chapterIntermarriage and Immigrant Integration in Sweden An Exploratory Analysis
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2008) Acta Sociologica, 51 p.329-354
Journal articleTrading Preferences in the Marriage Market. Partner Selection According to Age, Social Origin, and Place of Birth in Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperFertility of Power Couples in Sweden, 1991-2005
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
Conference paperSocioeconomic Status and Mortality during the Mortality Transition: A Micro-level Study of Age-specific Mortality in Rural Southern Sweden 1815-1894
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
Conference paperStatus Exchange in the Marriage Market. Partner Selection According to Age, Social Origin, and Place of Birth in Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperSocial Mobility in Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden - A Micro Level Analysis
Martin Dribe, Patrick Svensson
(2008) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 56 p.122-141
Journal articlePartner selection and social mobility. The impact of age, socioeconomic origin and place of birth on intergenerational social mobility in 19th century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperDoes Parenthood Strengthen a Traditional Division of Labor? Everyday Time Use in Sweden, 1990/91–2000/01
Maria Stanfors, Martin Dribe
Conference - otherDoes Parenthood Strengthen a Traditional Household Division of Labor? Everyday Time Use in Sweden, 1990/91-2000/01
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
Conference paperWidowhood Strategies in Preindustrial Society
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh, Paul Nystedt
(2007) Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 38 p.207-232
Journal articleIntermarriage and Immigrant Economic Assimilation in Sweden 2003
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperFatherhood and Men’s Everyday Time Use in Sweden, 1990/91-2000/01
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
Conference paperThe Road to Reproduction: Comparing Life Course Trajectories in Preindustrial Eurasia
Martin Dribe, Matteo Manfredini, Michel Oris
Conference paperWidowhood, Family Size, and Postreproductive Mortality: A Comparative Analysis of Three Populations in Nineteenth-Century Europe
George Alter, Martin Dribe, Frans Van Poppel
(2007) Demography, 44 p.785-806
Journal articleSocioeconomic Differences and Family Clustering of Infant and Child Mortality: A Multilevel Analysis of Rural Southern Sweden, 1766-1895
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
Conference paperPartner Choice and Intergenerational Occupational Mobility. The Case of Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperSocial and spatial dimensions of child mortality: Southern Sweden 1766-1895
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
Conference paperDeliberate control in a natural fertility population: Southern Sweden, 1766-1864
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2006) Demography, 43 p.727-746
Journal articleMarriage and Migration in Europe. Evidence from Three Case-studies of Mid-nineteenth Century
Martin Dribe, Matteo Manfredini, Michel Oris
Conference paperGendered Strategies of Well-being in Widowhood: The Case of 19th-century Rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh, Paul Nystedt
Conference paperDemand and Supply Factors in the Fertility Transition: A Disaggregated Analysis of Sweden 1880-1930
Martin Dribe
Conference paperEducation, Work and Parenthood: The Experience of Young Men and Women in Post-War Sweden
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
Conference paperMarriage and Migration in a Comparative European Perspective
Martin Dribe, Matteo Manfredini, Michel Oris
Conference paperRetirement as a strategy for land transmission: a micro-study of pre-industrial rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2005) Continuity and Change, 20 p.165-191
Journal articleFinding the right partner: Rural homogamy in nineteenth-century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2005) International Review of Social History, 50 p.149-177
Journal articleDeliberate Control in a Natural Fertility Population: Southern Sweden 1766-1865
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
Conference paperLinking the Past to the Present. 20th Century Sweden from a Long-term panel Perspective
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperGender Aspects of Inheritance Strategies and Land Transmission in Rural Scania, Sweden, 1720-1840
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2005) History of the Family, 10 p.293-308
Journal articleLeaving Home in Post-War Sweden. A Micro-level Analysis of Leaving the Parental Home in Three Birth Cohorts
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
(2005) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 53 p.30-49
Journal articleMalthus and the Poor
Martin Dribe
(2005) Economists and Poverty. From Adam Smith to Amartya Sen
Book chapterPeople on the move: determinants of servant migration in nineteenth-century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2005) Continuity and Change, 20 p.53-91
Journal articleFinding the Right Partner. Rural Homogamy in Nineteenth Century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperEducation and labor market effects on becoming a parent: the experience of young men and women in post-war Sweden
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
Conference paperIntroduction to Living Standards in the Past
Robert A Allen, Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2005) Living Standards in the Past : New Perspectives on Well-being in Asia and Europe , p.1-22
Book chapterNew Evidence on the Standard of Living in Sweden during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries : Long-Term Development of the Demographic Response to Short-Term Economic Stress
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2005) Living Standards in the Past : New Perspectives on Well-Being in Asia and Europe , p.319-340
Book chapterLong-term effects of childbearing on mortality: Evidence from pre-industrial Sweden
Martin Dribe
(2004) Population Studies, 58 p.297-310
Journal articleDeliberate Control in a Natural Fertility Population: Southern Sweden 1766-1865
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
Conference paperChildbearing History and Post-Reproductive Mortality: A Comparative Analysis of Three Populations in Nineteenth Century Europe
George Alter, Martin Dribe, Frans Van Poppel
Conference paperFertility Decline in a Regional Perspective - A Preliminary Look at Swedish Counties 1870-1930
Martin Dribe
Conference paperFinding the Right Partner Social and Geographic Aspects on Mate Selection in Southern Sweden 1829-1894
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperChildbearing History and Mortality in Later Life: Comparing Men and Women in Southern Sweden, 1766-1895
Martin Dribe
(2003) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperThe Complexity of Migration in the European Countryside
(2003) The History of the Family. An International Quarterly, special issue, 8:2
BookInformation, Trust and Diffusion of Smallpox Vaccination. The Case of Scania, Sweden 1802-1835
Martin Dribe, Paul Nystedt
(2003) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 51 p.9-28
Journal articleLiv och rörelse. Familj och flyttningar i 1800-talets svenska bondesamhälle
Martin Dribe
BookGender Aspects of Inheritance Strategies and Land Transmission in Rural Scania, Sweden, 1720-1840
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2003) The Logic of Female Succession: Rethinking Patriarchy and Patrilinearity in Global Perspective , p.53-73
Book chapterLeaving Home as a Family Strategy in Times of Economic and Demographic Stress: The Case of Rural Scania, Sweden 1829-1866
Martin Dribe
(2003) The Road to Independence. Leaving Home in Western and Eastern Societies, 16th-20th Centuries , p.85-116
Book chapterMigration of Rural Families in 19th Century Southern Sweden. A Longitudinal Analysis of Local Migration Patterns
Martin Dribe
(2003) History of the Family, 8 p.247-265
Journal articleRetirement as a Strategy for Land Transmission: A Micro Study of Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperSpelade äganderätten någon roll? Om friköp av frälsejord i Skåne under 1800-talet
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson
Conference paperChildbearing History and Mortality in Later Life: Comparing Men and Women in Southern Sweden 1766-1895
Martin Dribe
Conference paperDealing with Economic Stress Through Migration: Lessons from Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden
Martin Dribe
(2003) European Review of Economic History, 7 p.271-299
Journal articleDealing with Economic Stress Through Migration: Lessons from Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden
Martin Dribe
(2002) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperFertility Response to Short-term Economic Stress: Deliberate Control or Reduced Fecundability?
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2002) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperLeaving Home in Post-War Sweden: A Micro-level Analysis of the Determinants of Leaving the Parental Home in Three Birth Cohorts
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors
Working paperNew Evidence on the Standard of Living in Sweden during the 18th and 19th Centuries: Long-term Development of the Demographic Response to Short-term Economic Stress among Landless in Western Scania
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2002) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperPeople on the Move: Determinants of Servant Migration in Nineteenth Century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2002) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperHusmännens och torparnas demografi - skillnader och likheter i fyra skånska församlingar, 1815-1865
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
(2002) Gatehus och gatehusfolk i skånska godsmiljöer , p.143-156
Book chapterHousehold and Family Aspects of Children Leaving Home. Rural Youth Migration in Nineteenth Century Scania, Sweden
Martin Dribe
(2002) Migrations, Cycle de vie familiale et marché du travail , p.95-122
Book chapterFertility Response to Short-term Economic Stress: Deliberate Control or Reduced Fecundability?
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2002) [Host publication title missing]
Conference paperInformation, trust and diffusion of smallpox vaccination : the case of Scania, Sweden 1802-1835
Martin Dribe, Paul Nystedt
(2002) Lund Papers in Economic History: Population Economics
Working paperGender Aspects on Inheritance Strategies and Land Transmissions in Rural Scania, Sweden, in 1720-1840. Preliminary version no. 2
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperGender Aspects on Inheritance Strategies and Land Transmissions in Rural Scania, Sweden, in 1720-1840. Preliminary version no. 2
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperPeople on the Move. Determinants of Servant Migration in Nineteenth Century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperPeople on the Move. Determinants of Servant Migration in the Nineteenth Century Sweden
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperGender Aspects on Inheritance Strategies and Land Transmissions in Rural Scania, Sweden, in 1720-1840. Preliminary version no. 1
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh
Conference paperFamiljer och hushåll i 1800-talets Skåne – exempel från Skånes demografiska databas
Martin Dribe
(2001) ALE, 2001 p.22-31
Journal articleLeaving Home in a Peasant Society. Economic Fluctuations, Household Dynamics and Youth Migration in Southern Sweden, 1829-1866.
Martin Dribe
(2000) Lund Studies in Economic History, 13
DissertationFertility and Economic Stress in Southern Sweden, 1829-1867
Martin Dribe, Paul Nystedt
(2000) Marriage, Family Formation, and Population Behavior in the Past: An East-West Comparison
Book chapterMigration and Economic Stress in Nineteenth Century Scania, Sweden
Martin Dribe
(2000) Marriage, Family Formation, and Population Behavior in the Past: An East-West Comparison
Book chapterRisk Management in the Family. Demographic Responses to Short-term Economic Stress in Southern Sweden during the Agricultural Transformation, 1829-1865
Tommy Bengtsson, Martin Dribe
(2000) Family Structures, Demography and Population. A Comparison of Societies in Asia and Europe
Book chapterEconomy and Demography in Western Scania, Sweden, 1650-1900
Martin Dribe, Tommy Bengtsson
Working paperRural Youth Migration from a Household Perspective: A Study of the Age at Leaving Home in Scania, Sweden 1829-1870
Martin Dribe
Licentiate thesisMigration, Security and Economic Fluctuations. Family Migration from Halmstad 1801-1860
Martin Dribe
(1995) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperLångväga flyttningar i Sverige 1961-1992. En studie av förändringarna i de interregionala flyttningarna för män i åldern 20-29 år
Martin Dribe
(1994) Lund Papers in Economic History, 38
Working paper