Jakob Molinder
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Electrifying equality: How electricity adoption boosted inclusive growth in early 20th century Sweden
Jonathan Jayes, Jakob Molinder, Kerstin Enflo
Web publicationPower for progress: The impact of electricity on individual labor market outcomes
Jonathan Jayes, Jakob Molinder, Kerstin Enflo
(2024) CEPR Discussion papers , p.1-38
Working paperIncomes and Income Inequality in Stockholm, 1870–1970: Evidence from Micro Data
Erik Bengtsson, Jakob Molinder
(2023) Explorations in Economic History
Journal articleWomen's work and wages in the sixteenth century and Sweden's position in the ‘little divergence’
Jakob Molinder, Christopher Pihl
(2023) Economic History Review, 76 p.145-168
Journal articleSocial Mobility in Sweden before the Welfare State
Thor Berger, Per Engzell, Björn Eriksson, Jakob Molinder
(2023) Journal of Economic History, 102
Journal articleSocial democracy and the decline of strikes
Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson, Kerstin Enflo
(2022) Explorations in Economic History, 83
Journal articleIncomes and Income Inequality in Stockholm, 1870–1970: Evidence from Micro Data
Erik Bengtsson, Jakob Molinder
(2022) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperPersistently egalitarian? Swedish income inequality in 1613 and the four-estate parliament
Martin Andersson, Jakob Molinder
(2022) Lund papers in Economic history
Working paperHow effective are mobility subsidies in targeting the unemployed? Lessons from the Swedish Model, 1965–1975
Jakob Molinder
(2022) Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43 p.1724-1746
Journal articleHistorical roots of the dual-earner model: Women’s labour force participation in Sweden, 1870–1960
Jakob Molinder
(2022) Lund Papers in Economic History , p.1-46
Working paperSweden’s first labour movement didn’t fear technological change – they embraced it to demand higher wages
Kerstin Enflo, Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson
(2021) The Conversation
Journal articleSocial Democracy and the Decline of Strikes
Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson, Kerstin Enflo
(2021) Lund papers in Economic history
Working paperWomen’s work and wages in the sixteenth-century and Sweden’s position in the “Little divergence”
Jakob Molinder, Christopher Pihl
(2021) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperMore Power to the People: Electriciy Adoption, Technological Change and Labour Conflict
Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson, Kerstin Enflo
(2021) Journal of Economic History, 81 p.481-512
Journal articleWhat Happened to the Incomes of the Rich during the Great Levelling? Evidence from Swedish Individual-level Data, 1909–1950
Erik Bengtsson, Jakob Molinder
(2021) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperEconomic Growth and the Development of Real Wages : Swedish Construction Workers' Wages in Comparative Perspective, 1831-1900
Johan Ericsson, Jakob Molinder
(2020) Journal of Economic History, 80 p.813-852
Journal article reviewMore power to the people : Electricity adoption, technological change and social conflict
Kerstin Enflo, Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson
Web publicationFrån Sundsvall till Saltsjöbaden – ett regionalt perspektiv på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
Kerstin Enflo, Tobias Karlsson, Jakob Molinder
(2019) Ekonomisk Debatt, 47
Journal articleMore Power to the People: : Electricity Adoption, Technological Change and Social Conflict
Kerstin Enflo, Tobias Karlsson, Jakob Molinder
(2019) CEPR Discussion paper , p.1-36
Working paperDid Industrialization Lead to Segregation in Cities of the Nineteenth Century? The Case of Uppsala 1880–1900
Jakob Molinder, Martin Söderhäll
(2019) Scandinavian Economic History Review , p.23-44
Journal articleWage differentials, economic restructuring and the solidaristic wage policy in Sweden
Jakob Molinder
(2019) European Review of Economic History, 23 p.97-121
Journal articleWhy Was Unemployment so Low in Postwar Sweden? An Analysis with New Unemployment Data by Manufacturing Industry, 1935-1948
Jakob Molinder
(2019) Lund Papers in Economic History. Education and the Labour Market
Working paperThe Power Resource Theory Revisited : What Explains the Decline in Industrial Conflicts in Sweden?
Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson, Kerstin Enflo
(2019) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperMore Power to the People: Electricity Adoption, Technological Change and Social Conflict
Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson, Kerstin Enflo
(2019) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperThe Power Resource Theory Revisited: What Explains the Decline in Industrial Conflicts in Sweden?
Kerstin Enflo, Tobias Karlsson, Jakob Molinder
(2018) Discussion Paper series, DP13130 p.1-27
Working paperWhy did Swedish regional net migration rates fall in the 1970s? : The role of policy changes versus structural change, 1945–1985
Jakob Molinder
(2018) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 66 p.91-115
Journal articleA Workers’ Revolution in Sweden? Exploring Economic Growth and Distributional Change with Detailed Data on Construction Workers’ Wages, 1831–1900
Johan Ericsson, Jakob Molinder
(2018) Lund Papers in Economic History. Education and the Labour Market
Working paperThe economic effects of the 1920 eight-hour working day reform in Sweden
Erik Bengtsson, Jakob Molinder
(2017) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 65 p.149-168
Journal articleWhat can the State do for you? : Relocation Allowances and Regional Subsidies in Post-War Sweden
Jakob Molinder, Jan Ottosson, Lena Andersson-Skog, Lars Magnusson
(2017) Scandinavian Journal of History, 42 p.273-298
Journal articleInterregional Migration, Wages and Labor Market Policy : Essays on the Swedish Model in the Postwar Period
Jakob Molinder
(2017) Uppsala studies in economic history
DissertationThe Effect of a Massive Wage Push on Income Distribution and Employment. Evidence from the 1920 Eight-Hour Workday Reform in Sweden and Its Aftermath
Erik Bengtsson, Jakob Molinder
(2016) Lund Papers in Economic History. Education and the Labour Market
Working paperArbetskostnadsandelens utveckling i Sverige
Jakob Molinder, Ola Pettersson
(2013) Ekonomisk Debatt, 41 p.18-28
Journal article