Sara Torregrosa Hetland
Senior lecturer

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
¿Una fiscalidad para limitar las desigualdades?
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2024) La desigualdad en España , p.75-75
Book chapterWar inflation and taxation
Oriol Sabaté Domingo, Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2024) UB Economics Working Papers, 24
Working paperIncome tax progressivity and inflation during the world wars
Sara Torregrosa Hetland, Oriol Sabaté
(2022) European Review of Economic History, 26 p.311-339
Journal articleEl fraude fiscal genera desigualdad : Naturaleza y efectos sobre la desigualdad del fraude en el IRPF
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2022) Desigualdad y pacto social , p.132-148
Book chapterResource abundance and public finances in five peripheral economies, 1850s–1930s
José Peres-Cajías, Sara Torregrosa Hetland, Cristian Ducoing
(2022) Resources Policy, 76
Journal articleLa reforma fiscal de 1977-1986 y sus restricciones económicas
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2022) Economía en Transición : Del tardofranquismo a la democracia , p.149-181
Book chapterThe Spanish Fiscal Transition : Tax Reform and Inequality in the Late Twentieth Century
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2021) Palgrave Studies in Economic History
BookThe "fiscal contract" in Andean and Nordic countries, 1850-2010
José Peres-Cajías, Sara Torregrosa Hetland, Cristian Ducoing
(2021) Palgrave Studies in Economic History , p.113-141
Book chapterIncome Taxes and Redistribution in the Early Twentieth Century
Sara Torregrosa Hetland, Oriol Sabaté
(2021) Lund Papers in Economic history
Working paperMethodological Notes : for "Income Taxes and Redistribution in the Early Twentieth Century" and "Income Tax Progressivity and Inflation during the World Wars"
Sara Torregrosa Hetland, Oriol Sabaté
(2021) Lund papers in Economic history
Working paperInequality in tax evasion: the case of the Spanish income tax
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland
(2020) Applied Economic Analysis, 28 p.89-109
Journal articleFraude y desigualdad en el impuesto sobre la renta español
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland
Web publicationResource abundance and public finances in five peripheral economies, 1850-1939
José Peres-Cajías, Sara Torregrosa-Hetland, Cristian Ducoing
(2020) Lund Papers in Economic History: General Issues
Working paperThe state’s crucial role in stimulating innovation in Finland and Sweden
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland, Antti Pelkonen, Juha Oksanen, Astrid Kander
(2019) Forksningspolitikk, 2019
Newspaper articleTaking off from Natural Resources? Fiscal dependence in Andean and Nordic countries, 1850s-1930s
Cristian Ducoing, Sara Torregrosa-Hetland, José Peres-Cajías
Conference - otherHow wartime inflation affected tax progressivity and redistribution
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland, Oriol Sabate Domingo
Web publicationThe prevalence of publicly stimulated innovations – A comparison of Finland and Sweden, 1970–2013
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland, Antti Pelkonen, Juha Oksanen, Astrid Kander
(2019) Research Policy
Journal articleIncome tax progressivity and war inflation during the two World Wars
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland, Oriol Sabaté Domingo
(2019) STANCE Working Papers Series, 2019 p.1-34
Working paperLimits to redistribution in late democratic transitions: the case of Spain
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2018) Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance , p.321-347
Book chapterNatural Resources Curse in the Long Run? Bolivia, Chile and Peru in the Nordic Countries’ Mirror
Cristián Ducoing, José Peres-Cajías, Marc Badia-Miró, Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Carlos Contreras, et al.
(2018) Sustainability, 10
Journal articleNatural Resources Curse in the long run? : Bolivia, Chile and Peru in the Nordic countries’ mirror
Cristian Ducoing, José Peres-Cajías, Marc Badia-Miró, Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Carlos Contreras, et al.
Conference paperEconomic history of Europe : New approaches, new topics
Miguel Artola Blanco, Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2017) Investigaciones de Historia Economica, 13 p.151-152
Journal articleThe political economy of peripheral tax reform : the Spanish fiscal transition
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2017) Lund Papers in Economic History: General Issues
Working paperImpact of innovation policy on firm innovation : A comparison of Finland and Sweden, 1970-2013
Sara Torregrosa Hetland, Antti Pelkonen, Juha Oksanen, Astrid Kander
(2017) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperInequality: measurement and policies
ReportSTICKY INCOME INEQUALITY in the Spanish TRANSITION (1973-1990)
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland
(2016) Revista de Historia Economica, 34 p.39-80
Journal articleSistema fiscal y redistribución: la transición fiscal española (1960-1990)
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2016) Perfiles Económicos, 1 p.149-180
Journal articleGrowth, inequality and extraction in Ibero-American democratizations
Cristian Ducoing, Sara Torregrosa Hetland
Conference paperLa Historia Económica en los planes de estudio europeos
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2016) Nuevas perspectivas en la investigación docente de la historia económica
Book chapterTax system and redistribution: the Spanish fiscal transition (1960-1990)
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
DissertationDid democracy bring redistribution? Insights from the Spanish tax system, 1960-90
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2015) European Review of Economic History, 19 p.294-315
Journal articleProgresividad y redistribución en el sistema fiscal español (1960-1990)
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2015) Colección Ciencias económicas y empresariales
Book chapterBypassing progressive taxation: fraud and base erosion in the Spanish income tax (1970-2001)
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2015) IEB Working Paper
Working paperSticky income inequality in the Spanish transition (1973-1990)
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2014) UB Economics Working Papers
Working paperA Fiscal Revolution? Progressivity in the Spanish tax system (1960-1990)
Sara Torregrosa Hetland
(2014) Document de treball de l’IEB
Working paper