Anna Glenngård
Assistant head Accounting and Corporate Finance, Department of Business Administration
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Increasing perceived autonomy by decreasing the level of detail in payment models? The dependency and interdependency of management control practices.”
Anna Glenngård, Lina Maria Ellegård
Conference paperExploring healthcare authorities’ decisions to sustain or abandon a management control initiative
Anna Glenngård, Lina Maria Ellegård
(2024) Financial Accountability & Management, 40 p.173-173
Journal articleEtt års erfarenheter av mobilt team närsjukvård Landskrona -fortsatt positiva tongångar
Elin Funck, Anna Glenngård
(2024) KEFU skriftserie
ReportAccess to automated comparative feedback reports in primary care - A study of intensity of use and relationship with clinical performance among Swedish primary care practices
Anders Anell, Eva Arvidsson, Margareta Dackehag, Lina Maria Ellegård, Anna Glenngård
(2024) BMC Health Services Research, 24
Journal articleUnderstanding Collaboration Beyond Contracting: The Relationship between Inter-Organizational Collaboration and Hard/Soft Control
Kristina Frid, Elin Funck, Anna Glenngård
(2024) Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, 36 p.47-71
Journal articleConnective Professionalism and Self-Organized Accountability: Lessons from Multiprofessional Collaborations in Swedish Healthcare
Elin Funck, Anna Glenngård
Conference - otherImplementing change in public sector organisations – a matter of capability, opportunity and motivation, but not necessarily in that order
Anna Glenngård, Anna Thomasson
Conference - otherSweden's public/private sector mix in the financing and delivery of healthcare services : How it relates to health equity and the quality of healthcare services
Anna Häger Glenngård
(2023) The Public/Private Sector Mix in Healthcare Delivery : A Comparative Study , p.125-148
Book chapterExploring differences between public and private providers in primary care: Findings from a large Swedish region
Anna Glenngård
(2023) Health Economics, Policy and Law, 18 p.219-233
Journal articleUnderstanding Collaboration Beyond the Contract: The Relationship between Hybrid Organizing and Hard/Soft Control
Elin Funck, Kristina Frid, Anna Glenngård
Conference - otherAudit & feedback messages in Swedish primary care – How is it perceived by primary care managers and does it matter for performance?
Anders Anell, Anna Glenngård
Conference - otherBetter with GPs as managers? – Variation in perceptions of feedback messages, goal-clarity and performance across managers in Swedish primary care
Anders Anell, Anna Glenngård
(2023) BMC Health Services Research, 23
Journal articleImplementing change in PSOs – a dynamic matter of capability, opportunity and motivation
Anna Glenngård, Anna Thomasson
Conference - otherSamordnad och personcentrerad vård i hemmet : en fallstudie av mobilt team närsjukvård Landskrona
Anna Glenngård, Elin Funck
(2023) KEFU skriftserie
ReportSweden : Health System Review
Nils Janlöv, Sara Blume, Anna Glenngård, Kajsa Hanspers, Anders Anell, et al.
(2023) Health systems in transition, 25 p.1-236
Journal articleNära vård med lokala variationer
Mattias Haraldsson, Anna Glenngård
(2023) Kommunal ekonomi, 2023 p.39-40
Journal articleHow do managers respond to changes in control practices? A mixed method longitudinal study of a large Swedish public sector organization, shifting from a coercive to an enabling control system
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell
Conference paperExploring differences in the use of performance measurement systems across public and private providers in primary care: Evidence from Finland and Sweden
Anna Glenngård, Teemu Malmi
Conference paperVad blir konsekvenserna av att byta från prestationsbaserad till fast ersättning? : En kartläggning av chefers uppfattningar om förändrad avtals- och ersättningsmodell inom psykiatrisk öppenvård i egen regi i Stockholm
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell
(2022) KEFU skriftserie
ReportAtt gå från prestation till fasta anslag
Anna Glenngård, Lina Maria Ellegård
(2022) Kommunal ekonomi, 5
Journal articleEffekter av mobilt vårdteam i ordinärt boende - resultat från två skånska kommuner.
Mattias Haraldsson, Anna Glenngård
(2022) KEFU skriftserie
ReportThe rise and fall of variable DRG-based ABF in Swedish hospital care - Exploring healthcare authorities’ decisions to sustain or abandon a novel management control
Anna Glenngård, Lina Maria Ellegård
Conference paperWhat matters for patients’ experiences with primary care? A study of variation in patient reported experience measures with regard to structural and organisational characteristics of primary care centres in a Swedish region
Anna Glenngård
(2021) Nordic Journal of Health Economics
Journal articleManagement practices and the quality of primary care
Jannis Angelis, Anna Häger Glenngård, Henrik Jordahl
(2021) Public Money and Management, 41 p.264-271
Journal articleThe Impact of Audit and Feedback to Support Change Behaviour in Healthcare Organisations - A Cross-sectional Qualitative Study of Primary Care Centre Managers
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell
(2021) BMC Health Services Research, 21
Journal articleUppföljning av etablering och funktion av vårdformen mobilt vårdteam i Region Skåne 2017-2020
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell
(2021) KEFU skriftserie
ReportThe Swedish Health Care System 2018
Anna Glenngård
(2020) International profiles of health care systems, 2020 , p.181-190
Report chapterDen interna styrningen vid vårdcentraler i Sverige och Finland – en jämförelse mellan Malmö och Esbo, Tammerfors och Jyväskylä
Anna Häger Glenngård, Teemu Malmi, Joona Tyni
(2020) KEFU skriftserie
ReportLimited Consequences of a Transition From Activity-Based Financing to Budgeting : Four Reasons Why According to Swedish Hospital Managers
Lina Maria Ellegård, Anna Häger Glenngård
(2019) Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision and Financing, 56
Journal articlePursuing the objectives of support to providers and external accountability through enabling controls - A study of governance models in Swedish primary care.
Anna Glenngård
(2019) BMC Health Services Research, 19
Journal articleCan people afford to pay for health care? : New evidence on financial protection in Sweden
Anna Glenngård, Sixten Borg
(2019) Can people afford to pay for health care? New evidence on financial protection in Europe
Book chapterCoping with autonomy: Managers’ responses to the pendulum between activity-based and fixed reimbursement systems in Swedish hospital care
Anna Glenngård, Lina Maria Ellegård
(2018) American Journal of Management, 18
Journal articleAtt visa tillit genom val av ersättningsmodell – effekter av anslagsfinansiering i hälso- och sjukvården i Region Skåne
Lina Maria Ellegård, Anna Glenngård
(2018) Statens offentliga utredningar , p.115-115
Report chapterProcess measures or patient reported experience measures (PREMs) for comparing performance across providers? : A study of measures related to access and continuity in Swedish primary care
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell
(2018) Primary health care research & development, 19 p.23-32
Journal articleErfarenheter av förändrad ersättningsmodell i skånsk sjukhusvård - från prestation till anslag
Lina Maria Ellegård, Anna Glenngård
(2018) KEFU skriftserie
ReportTillitsbaserad styrning i sjukvården – ersättningsmodellens roll
Anna Glenngård
(2018) Organisation & Samhälle, 2018
Journal articleDoes increased standardisation in health care mean less responsiveness towards individual patients expectations? : A register based study in Swedish primary care
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell
(2017) SAGE Open, 5
Journal articleIntroducing quasi-markets in primary care : the Swedish experience
Anna Häger Glenngård, Anders Anell
(2017) Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management , p.193-208
Book chapterManagement Practices and the Quality of Primary Care.
Jannis Angelis, Anna Glenngård, Henrik Jordahl
Working paperThe Swedish Health Care System
Anna Glenngård
(2017) International profiles of health care systems , p.147-154
Report chapterDialog och prestationsmätning - Mot en ändamålsenlig styrning i svensk primärvård
Anna Glenngård
(2017) KEFU skriftserie
ReportFörstärk den externa styrningen av vårdcentraler
Jannis Angelis, Anna Glenngård, Henrik Jordahl
(2016) Dagens Samhälle
Journal articleExperiences of Introducing a Quasi-Market in Swedish Primary Care : Fulfilment of Overall Objectives and Assessment of Provider Activities
Anna Glenngård
(2016) Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 20 p.71-86
Journal articleAtt styra och leda en vårdcentral. Hur går det till och vad kan förbättras?
Jannis Angelis, Anna Glenngård, Henrik Jordahl
BookPrimärvården efter vårdvalsreformen : Valfrihet, effektivitet och produktivitet
Anna Glenngård
BookUppföljning och ansvarsutkrävning av vårdgivare jämte pinnstatistik – erfarenheter av fem års medicinsk revision i primärvården i Region Skåne
Anna Glenngård
(2015) KEFU skriftserie
ReportVälfärdsmarknader och dubbel ansvarsutkrävning av utförare – ett resonemang utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv och utifrån exemplet svensk primärvård
Anna Glenngård
(2014) KEFU skriftserie
ReportThe use of outcome and process indicators to incentivize integrated care for frail older people. A case study of primary care services in Sweden
Anders Anell, Anna Glenngård
(2014) International Journal of Integrated Care, 14 p.038-038
Journal articleProductivity and patient satisfaction in primary care-Conflicting or compatible goals?
Anna Glenngård
(2013) Health Policy, 111 p.157-165
Journal articleIs patient satisfaction in primary care dependent on structural and organizational characteristics among providers? Findings based on data from the national patient survey in Sweden.
Anna Glenngård
(2013) Health Economics, Policy and Law, 8 p.317-333
Journal articlePatient preferences and willingness-to-pay for ADHD treatment with stimulants using discrete choice experiment (DCE) in Sweden, Denmark and Norway
Anna Glenngård, Jonas Hjelmgren, Per Hove Thomsen, Torbjörn Tvedten
(2013) Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 67 p.351-359
Journal articleObjectives, actors and accountability in quasi-markets: Studies of Swedish primary care
Anna Glenngård
DissertationVårdval i primärvården : jämförelse av uppdrag, ersättningsprinciper och kostnadsansvar
Anders Anell, Pia Nylinder, Anna Glenngård
ReportVad påverkar patientnöjdhet i primärvården?
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell
(2012) Rapport / Vårdanalys
ReportProduktivitet och patientnöjdhet i primärvården - en studie av Region Halland, Region Skåne och Västra Götalandsregionen
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell
(2012) KEFU skriftserie
ReportSweden : health system review
Anders Anell, Anna Glenngård, Sherry Merkur
(2012) Health systems in transition, 14 p.1-159
Journal articleChoice of primary care provider: Results from a population survey in three Swedish counties.
Anna Glenngård, Anders Anell, Anders Beckman
(2011) Health Policy, 103 p.31-37
Journal articleMissbrukets ekonomiska börda i Sverige
Anna Glenngård, Johanna Svensson, Ulf Persson
(2011) Statens offentliga utredningar, 2011:6 p.771-771
Book chapterReversing the trend of weak policy implementation in the Kenyan health sector? : A study of budget allocations and spending of health resources versus set priorities
Anna Glenngård, Tomas Maina
(2007) Health Research Policy and Systems, 5
Journal articleEn blodtransfusion i Sverige - så mycket kostar den samhället
Anna Glenngård, Ulf Persson
(2006) Läkartidningen, 103 p.6-2752
Journal article