Ester Barinaga

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
The shock of the old : How a local currency’s transition from digital to paper deepened monetary conscientization
Ester Barinaga
Conference paper: abstractGaming the System : How communities strategize around currencies, convertibility and cash transfers in Kenya
Richard Kiaka, Michael Oloko, Juan Ocampo, Ester Barinaga
(2024) European Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 9 p.34-57
Journal articleRemaking money for a sustainable future : Money Commons
Ester Barinaga
(2024) Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century
BookParallel depreciating money : Mr Unterguggenberger’s prescription to the economic ills of The Great Depression
Ester Barinaga
(2024) Studies in Economic History , p.283-294
Book chapter”Ska vi bedriva den bästa undervisningen och forskningen kan vi inte agera poliser.”
Karin Zackari, Anna Lundberg, Maja Sager, Nina Gren, Till Koglin, et al.
(2023) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleThe role of digital municipal currencies in advancing a new form of progressive welfare policies : The case of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Ester Barinaga
Conference paper: abstractFrom Evaluation to Valorising : Three Moments in the Making of Social Impact Value
Ester Barinaga
(2023) Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
Journal articleTinkering with malleable grassroots infrastructures : Kenyan local currencies in informal settlements
Ester Barinaga, Maria Jose Zapata Campos
(2023) Urban Geography, 45 p.798-817
Journal articleParticipatory urban art and workplace democracy: A conversational teaser
Ester Barinaga
(2023) Business Ethics Quarterly, 33 p.401-407
Journal articleNothing to lose: the rationales of grassroots financial innovations in contexts of extreme scarcity
Maria Jose Zapata Campos, Ester Barinaga, Richard Kiaka, Juan Ocampo
(2023) Social Enterprise Journal, 19 p.193-212
Journal articleOrganising grassroots infrastructure : The (in)visible work of organisational (in)completeness
María José Zapata Camposs, Ester Barinaga, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Zapata Patrik
(2023) Urban Studies, 60 p.126-145
Journal articleDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleCommons-based monies for an inclusive and resilient future
Ester Barinaga, Andreu Honzawa, Juan Ocampo, Paola Raffaelli, Leanne Ussher
(2021) Climate Adaptation : Accounts of Resilience, Self-Sufficiency and Systems Change , p.301-321
Book chapterA route to commons-based democratic monies? Embedding the governance of money in traditional communal institutions
Ester Barinaga
(2020) Frontiers in Blockchain, 3
Journal articleCoopted! : Mission-drift in a social entrepreneurial initiative engaged in a cross-sectoral partnership
Ester Barinaga
(2020) Voluntas, 31 p.437-449
Journal articleTransforming or reproducing an unequal economy? : Solidarity and inequality in a community currency
Ester Barinaga
(2019) International Journal of Community Currency Research, 23 p.2-16
Journal articleFairCoop : The global cooperative and its collaborative cryptocurrency
Ester Barinaga, Juan Ocampo
Teaching caseOrganising grassroots initiatives for a more inclusive governance : Constructing the city from below
María José Zapata Camposs, Ester Barinaga, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Zapata Patrik
(2019) Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)
ReportCommunity Currencies as Means of Local Economic Empowerment : Innovations from Mombasa and Nairobi to Kisumu, Kenya
Ester Barinaga, Michael Oloko, Will O. Ruddick, María José Zapata Camposs
(2019) Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)
Journal articleGrassroots technological and financial innovations for an inclusive and sustainable waste management
Ester Barinaga, María José Zapata Campos, Michael Oloko, Zapata Patrik
OtherDo critical management scholars take responsibility for the performative consequences of their concepts and methods? A book review
Ester Barinaga
(2018) Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 18 p.397-402
ReviewTinkering with Space: The Organizational Practices of a Nascent Social Venture
Ester Barinaga
(2017) Organization Studies, 38 p.937-958
Journal articleECO-Kitchen
Ester Barinaga
(2017) Educating Social Entrepreneurs : From Business Plan Formulation to Implementation, 2
Book chapterCommunity Arts : On the precarious compromise between the inspirational and the civic worlds
Ester Barinaga
(2017) Arts and Business : Building a Common Ground for Understanding Society , p.104-117
Book chapterActivism in Business Education : Making the social sciences practical for social entrepreneurs
Ester Barinaga
(2016) The Routledge Companion to Reinventing Management Education , p.298-311
Book chapterEngaged Scholarship : Taking responsibility for the politics of our method mediations
Ester Barinaga
(2016) Challenging Entrepreneurship Research , p.155-172
Book chapterBetongen berättar: Handbok för muralaktivister (Handbook for Community Activists)
Ester Barinaga
BookMicro-finance in a developed welfare state : A hybrid technology for the government of the outcast
Ester Barinaga
(2014) Geoforum, 51 p.27-36
Journal articleCommunity-Engaged Scholarship : Creating Participative Spaces for Transformative Politics
Ester Barinaga, Patricia Parker
(2013) Tamara Journal, 11 p.5-11
Journal articleCulture and Identity in Organization Studies
Ester Barinaga, Dan Kärreman
(2013) Management: An advanced introduction , p.231-256
Book chapterMaktens kategorier och kategoriernas makt : Inkludering och exkludering i Kista Science City
Ester Barinaga
(2013) Företagsekonomin och samhället , p.51-84
Book chapterThe Psychic Life of Resistance : The Ethnic Subject in a High-Tech Region
Ester Barinaga
(2013) Ethnicities, 13 p.625-644
Journal articleIntroducing micro-finance in Sweden
Ester Barinaga
(2013) Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 19
Journal articlePoliticising Social Entrepreneurship : Three Social Entrepreneurial Rationalities toward Social Change
Ester Barinaga
(2013) Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 4 p.347-372
Journal articleOvercoming inertia: The social question in social entrepreneurship
Ester Barinaga
(2012) Handbook on Organizational Entrepreneurship , p.242-256
Book chapterVagueness: The role of language in the organizing process of knowledge intensive work
Ester Barinaga
(2009) Handbook of Research on Knowledge-Intensive Organizations , p.116-132
Book chapterHave science parks anything to do with ethnicity?
Ester Barinaga
(2009) Journal of Nordregio, 2 p.18-19
Journal articleA few thoughts on micro-finance, ethnicity and social cohesion
Ester Barinaga
(2009) Mikrofinans i Sverige : hur når vi människor utan relation till banksystemet?
Book chapterA performative view of language : Methodological considerations and consequences for the study of culture
Ester Barinaga
(2009) Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 10
Journal articleThe information society : A global discourse and its local translation into regional organizational practices
Ester Barinaga
(2008) Management Practices in High-Tech Environments , p.18-41
Book chapter’Cultural diversity’ at work : ‘National culture’ as a discourse organizing an international project group
Ester Barinaga
(2007) Human Relations, 60 p.315-340
Journal articleVälkommen till Kista Science City – om problemet att definiera en högteknologisk region och om hur ‘den andre’ konstrueras i denna process.
Ester Barinaga
(2006) Statens offentliga utredningar, SOU, 2006 p.101-143
Book chapterDet gränslösa samhället : Om hur goda idéer kan leda till ojämlikhet/utestängning
Ester Barinaga
(2006) LOOP: Tidskriften om ledarskap organisation och personal, 5 p.46-49
Journal articleInformationssamhällets utanförskap
Ester Barinaga
(2006) Tensta utanför mitt fönster : Ingång till Tensta Bo06 , p.98-101
Book chapterKista: The two sides of the Network Society
Ester Barinaga, Lena Ramfelt
(2004) Networks and Communication Studies, 18 p.225-244
Journal articleLevelling Vagueness: A study of cultural diversity in an international project group
Ester Barinaga
DissertationLevelling Vagueness: The organising process of an international project group
Ester Barinaga
(2002) Reflecting Diversity: Viewpoints from Scandinavia
Book chapter