Olof Hallonsten
Senior lecturer

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Kan det finnas en postmodern sociologi?
Olof Hallonsten
(2025) Tillståndet. Om postmodernismen och dess lärdomar , p.161-193
Book chapter”Långa marschen genom institutionerna”: 68-rörelsens strukturella följder
Olof Hallonsten
(2024) Kontinuitet och förändring: Essäer om spårbundenhet i samhället
Book chapterWhat´s wrong with creativity
Stephan Schaefer, Olof Hallonsten
(2024) Organization, 31 p.820-828
Journal articleAfterword
Olof Hallonsten, Anna Jonsson, Jens Rennstam, Nadja Sörgärde
(2024) Metaphors We Supervise By , p.135-138
Book chapterIntroduction
Olof Hallonsten, Anna Jonsson, Jens Rennstam, Nadja Sörgärde
(2024) Metaphors We Supervise By , p.7-12
Book chapterInterplay of Actors and Institutions in the Campaign to Localize ESS to Lund
Olof Hallonsten
(2024) Between Science and Industry : Institutions In The History of Materials Research , p.115-135
Book chapterInstitutional development of the organizational field of synchrotron radiation facilities in Europe
Olof Hallonsten, Thomas Heinze
(2024) Between Science and Industry : Institutions In The History of Materials Research , p.67-80
Book chapterIs Management and Organizational Studies divided into (micro‐)tribes?
Oliver Wieczorek, Olof Hallonsten, Fredrik Åström
(2024) Scientometrics, 129 p.3871-3995
Journal articleSpontan ordning får offentligheten att blomstra
Olof Hallonsten
(2024) Svensk Linje, 2024
Journal articleVägen ut ur järnburen : Om senmoderniteten och det kommunikativa förnuftet
Olof Hallonsten
BookHybrid organizations – what’s in a name?
Olof Hallonsten, Anna Thomasson
(2024) Journal of Organizational Sociology
Journal articleMetaphors we supervise by
BookDen senmoderna människans förlorade drömmar
Olof Hallonsten
(2024) NOD : tidskrift för tro, kultur och samhälle, 2024 p.5-9
Journal articleInnovationism and the New Public Intellectuals
Olof Hallonsten
(2024) International Studies in Entrepreneurship, 56
Book chapterWhere did all the money go? Funding, personnel and expenditure in Swedish universities and colleges 2001–21
Olof Hallonsten
(2024) Quality in Higher Education, 30 p.55-74
Journal articleSelling and over-selling Big Science in the knowledge society
Olof Hallonsten
(2023) Big Science in the 21st Century : Economic and societal impacts
Book chapterEmpty Innovation : Causes and Consequences of Society's Obsession with Entrepreneurship and Growth
Olof Hallonsten
BookWhy do associations run independent schools in Sweden, and why does it matter?
Olof Hallonsten, Ellika Sevelin
(2023) Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 27 p.71-84
Journal articleAre evaluative bibliometrics neoliberal? A historical and theoretical problematization.
Björn Hammarfelt, Olof Hallonsten
(2023) Social Science Information, 61
Journal articleIntroduction to special section : Causes and consequences of the current evaluation regime in (academic) science
Olof Hallonsten
(2023) Social Science Information, 61 p.407-413
Journal article (comment)Undervisning underskattad arena för samhällspåverkan
Olof Hallonsten, Stephan Schaefer
(2022) LUM: Lunds Universitets Magasin, 2022
Journal articleSluta klaga på utvecklingen av villkoren i högskolan!
Olof Hallonsten
(2022) Universitetsläraren
Journal articleInstitutional Logics and Functionalist Differentiation Theory: Challenges and pathways forward
Johan Alvehus, Olof Hallonsten
(2022) Organization Theory, 3
Journal articleKlämd skola
Ellika Sevelin, Olof Hallonsten
(2022) Organisation & Samhälle, 2022 p.46-51
Journal articleOn the essential role of organized skepticism in science’s “internal and lawful autonomy” (Eigengesetzlichkeit)
Olof Hallonsten
(2022) Journal of Classical Sociology, 22 p.282-303
Journal articleGeneric instruments in a synchrotron radiation facility
Kristofer Rolf Söderström, Fredrik Åström, Olof Hallonsten
(2022) Quantitative Science Studies, 3 p.420-442
Journal articleThe ‘yawning abyss’ between surface and substance : Organizational life as ‘pseudo-reality’
Olof Hallonsten
(2022) Scandinavian Journal of Management, 38
Journal article (comment)Juridiken bortom ”skolmarknaden” – associationsrättsliga förutsättningar för fristående skolor
Ellika Sevelin, Olof Hallonsten
(2022) KEFU skriftserie
ReportJärnburen smids på nytt. Ett klassiskt sociologiskt perspektiv på New Public Management och dess konsekvenser
Olof Hallonsten
(2022) Sociologisk Forskning, 59 p.31-53
Journal articleWhere did all the money go? Funding, personnel, and expenditure in Swedish universities and colleges 2001–2021
Olof Hallonsten
(2022) Quality in Higher Education
Journal articleAkademisk frihet hotas av oseriös debatt
Olof Hallonsten
(2021) Upsala Nya Tidning
Newspaper articleTålamod krävs för att bedöma forskningens nytta
Olof Hallonsten
(2021) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articleWeber’s value spheres, functional differentiation, and Zetterberg’s Many-Splendored Society
Olof Hallonsten
(2021) Max Weber Studies, 21 p.151-170
Journal articleStop evaluating science: A historical-sociological argument
Olof Hallonsten
(2021) Social Science Information, 60 p.7-26
Journal articleBra forskning bedrivs inte bara vid topprankade universitet
Olof Hallonsten
(2021) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articleNaivt idealistisk syn på fritt sanningssökande
Olof Hallonsten
(2021) Respons: Recensionstidskrift för humaniora & samhällsvetenskap, 2021
ReviewKeep discussing evaluation – A personal and appreciative reflection
Olof Hallonsten
(2021) Social Science Information, 60 p.384-394
Journal articlePolitikerna missförstår vad forskningen kan bidra med
Olof Hallonsten
(2020) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articleLåt inte stat och marknad tränga ut viktiga värden
Olof Hallonsten
(2020) Göteborgs-Posten
Newspaper articleThe Campaign: How a European Big Science facility ended up on the peripheral farmlands of Southern Sweden
Olof Hallonsten
BookYtlighet och formalism i historiens ljus
Olof Hallonsten
(2020) Signum: Katolsk orientering om kyrka, kultur, samhälle , p.7-13
Journal articleResearch infrastructures in Europe: The hype and the field
Olof Hallonsten
(2020) European Review, 28 p.617-635
Journal articleBig Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe : Conclusions and outlook
Olof Hallonsten, Katharina C. Cramer
(2020) Big Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe , p.251-257
Book chapterThe role of research infrastructures in innovation systems: the case of Swedish participation in the Halden Reactor Project (HRP).
Olof Hallonsten
(2020) Big Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe
Book chapterIs there an ‘iron law’ of Big Science?
Olof Hallonsten
(2020) Big Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe , p.217-231
Book chapterKlämd mellan marknad och stat: Om samhällets värdesfärer och vetenskapens roll
Olof Hallonsten
BookBig Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe: History and current trends
Katharina C. Cramer, Olof Hallonsten, Isabel Bolliger, Alexandra Griffiths
(2020) Big Science and Research Infrastructures in Europe , p.1-26
Book chapterHow industry collaboration influences research: The case of the Swedish interdisciplinary materials consortia, 1990–2000
Eugenia Perez Vico, Olof Hallonsten
(2019) Industry & Higher Education, 33 p.289-307
Journal articleAgera mera : Rapport från samverkansdialog om ESS, MAX IV, och svensk life science 2018 - 2019
Olof Hallonsten, Ursula Hultkvist Bengtsson
ReportDen funktionella särarten
Olof Hallonsten
(2019) Kampen om kunskap: Akademi och praktik , p.105-112
Book chapterWho Is ERIC? : The Politics and Jurisprudence of a Governance Tool for Collaborative European Research Infrastructures
Maria Moskovko, Arnljotur Astvaldsson, Olof Hallonsten
(2019) Journal of Contemporary European Research, 15 p.249-268
Journal articleDevelopment and transformation of the third sector of R&D in Sweden, 1942-2017
Olof Hallonsten
(2018) Science and Public Policy, 45 p.634-644
Journal articleBig Science i småstaden: En introduktion till ESS och MAX IV för humanister, samhällsvetare, ekonomer och jurister
Olof Hallonsten
ReportBalansen mellan vetenskap, ekonomi och politik behöver diskuteras
Olof Hallonsten
(2018) Sydsvenskan , p.4-4
Newspaper articleThe reinvention of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 1992–2012
Thomas Heinze, Olof Hallonsten
(2018) History and Technology, 33 p.300-332
Journal articleTax Policy Issues in Connection with the European Spallation Source Project and Other European Research Infrastructure Consortiums
Axel Hilling, Olof Hallonsten, Karina Kim Engholm Elgaard
(2017) SPO - Skattepolitisk Oversigt, 2017 p.279-290
Journal articleTurning the Ship : The Transformation of DESY, 1993–2009
Thomas Heinze, Olof Hallonsten, Steffi Heinecke
(2017) Physics in Perspective, 19 p.424-451
Journal articleThe third sector of R&D : literature review, basic analysis, and research agenda
Olof Hallonsten
(2017) Prometheus, 35 p.21-35
Journal articleKvasikapitalism tränger undan vetenskapens kärnvärden
Olof Hallonsten
(2017) Signum: Katolsk orientering om kyrka, kultur, samhälle, 2017 p.16-20
Journal articleCollaborative technological innovation in an academic, user-oriented Big Science facility
Olof Hallonsten, Oskar Christensson
(2017) Industry and Higher Education, 31 p.399-408
Journal articleThe emergence and growth of materials science in Swedish universities
Johan Gribbe, Olof Hallonsten
(2017) Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 47 p.459-493
Journal articleA resource- and impact-based micro-level conceptualization of collaborative academic work
Eugenia Perez Vico, Olof Hallonsten
(2017) Aslib Journal of Information Management, 69 p.624-639
Journal article”Det är ytterst relevant att fråga sig om ESS är en god investering för Skåne och Sverige.”
Olof Hallonsten
(2016) Sydsvenskan , p.3-3
Newspaper articleBig Science Transformed : Science, Politics and Organization in Europe and the United States
Olof Hallonsten
BookCorporate culture has no place in academia
Olof Hallonsten
(2016) Nature, 538 p.7-7
Journal article (comment)Use and productivity of contemporary, multidisciplinary Big Science
Olof Hallonsten
(2016) Research Evaluation, 25 p.486-495
Journal articleExcellence in Teaching and Teaching Sabbatical : Outcome evaluation
Johannes Henriksson, Olof Hallonsten
(2016) Utvärderingar
ReportEvaluation of the Swedish participation in the Halden Reactor Project 2006–2014
Hjalmar Eriksson, August Olsson, Olof Hallonsten
(2016) Research Report
ReportPreservation of the Laboratory is not a Mission.' Gradual Organizational Renewal in National Laboratories in Germany and the United States
Olof Hallonsten, Thomas Heinze
(2016) Innovation in Science and Organizational Renewal. Historical and Sociological Perspectives , p.117-145
Book chapterEurope needs fresh focus on big-science projects
Olof Hallonsten
(2015) Nature, 518
Journal article (comment)Qualifying the performance evaluation of Big Science beyond productivity, impact and costs
Richard Heidler, Olof Hallonsten
(2015) Scientometrics, 104 p.295-312
Journal articleFormation and expansion of a new organizational field in experimental science
Olof Hallonsten, Thomas Heinze
(2015) Science and Public Policy, 42 p.841-854
Journal articleFrom Periphery to Center: Synchrotron Radiation at DESY, Part I: 1962—1977
Thomas Heinze, Olof Hallonsten, Steffi Heinecke
(2015) Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 45 p.447-492
Journal articleFrom Periphery to Center: Synchrotron Radiation at DESY, Part II: 1977—1993
Thomas Heinze, Olof Hallonsten, Steffi Heinecke
(2015) Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 45 p.513-548
Journal articleThe parasites: Synchrotron radiation at SLAC, 1972-1992
Olof Hallonsten
(2015) Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 45 p.217-272
Journal articlePolicy reform and academic drift: Research mission and institutional legitimacy in the development of the Swedish higher education system 1977-2012
Daniel Holmberg, Olof Hallonsten
(2015) European Journal of Higher Education, 5 p.181-196
Journal articleUnpreparedness and risk in Big Science policy: Sweden and the European Spallation Source
Olof Hallonsten
(2015) Science and Public Policy, 42 p.415-426
Journal articleThe Politics of European Collaboration in Big Science
Olof Hallonsten
(2014) The Global Politics of Science and Technology, 2 p.31-46
Book chapterHow expensive is Big Science? Consequences of using simple publication counts in performance assessment of large scientific facilities
Olof Hallonsten
(2014) Scientometrics, 100 p.483-496
Journal articleHow scientists may ‘benefit from the mess’: A resource dependence perspective on individual organizing in contemporary science
Olof Hallonsten
(2014) Social Science Information, 53 p.341-362
Journal articleSupporting ‘future research leaders’ in Sweden: Institutional isomorphism and inadvertent funding agglomeration
Olof Hallonsten, Olof Hugander
(2014) Research Evaluation, 23 p.249-260
Journal articleDon't let brinkmanship get in the way of Big Science
Olof Hallonsten
(2013) Research Europe
Journal articleFrom particle physics to photon science: Multidimensional and multilevel renewal at DESY and SLAC
Olof Hallonsten, Thomas Heinze
(2013) Science and Public Policy, 40 p.591-603
Journal articleMyths and realities of the ESS project: A systematic scrutiny of readily accepted ‘truths’
Olof Hallonsten
(2013) Legitimizing ESS: Big Science as a collaboration across boundaries , p.43-66
Book chapterAnalyzing structural stratification in the Swedish higher education system : data contextualization with policy-history analysis
Olof Hallonsten, Daniel Holmberg
(2013) Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64 p.574-586
Journal articleIntroducing 'facilitymetrics': A first review and analysis of commonly used measures of scientific leadership among synchrotron radiation facilities worldwide
Olof Hallonsten
(2013) Scientometrics, 96 p.497-513
Journal articleSvårtolkad tystnad kring förhandlingarna om European Spallation Source
Olof Hallonsten
(2013) Forskningspolitikk, 2013 p.18-19
Journal articleContinuity and change in the politics of European scientific collaboration
Olof Hallonsten
(2012) Journal of Contemporary European Research, 8 p.300-318
Journal articleCommissioning the University of Excellence: Swedish research policy and new public research funding programmes
Olof Hallonsten, Charlotte Silander
(2012) Quality in Higher Education, 18 p.367-381
Journal articleThe persistence of big science and megascience in research and innovation policy
Merle Jacob, Olof Hallonsten
(2012) Science and Public Policy, 39 p.411-415
Journal articleSeeking alternative researcher identities in newcomer academic institutions in Sweden
Olof Hallonsten
(2012) Higher Education Management and Policy, 24 p.1-18
Journal articleInstitutional persistence through gradual adaptation: analysis of national laboratories in the USA and Germany
Olof Hallonsten, Thomas Heinze
(2012) Science and Public Policy, 39 p.450-463
Journal articleContextualizing the European Spallation Source: what we can learn from the history, politics, and sociology of Big Science
Olof Hallonsten
(2012) In pursuit of a promise: Perspectives on the political process to establish the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden , p.81-107
Book chapterA classic laboratory study in science policy clothing
Olof Hallonsten
(2011) Science and Public Policy, 38 p.79-80
ReviewGrowing Big Science in a Small Country: MAX-Iab and the Swedish Research Policy System
Olof Hallonsten
(2011) Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 41 p.179-215
Journal articleThe scientists in the periphery: Localized conditions for research
Olof Hallonsten, Daniel Holmberg, Mats Benner
Conference paperEffects of VINNOVA Programmes on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - the cases of Forska&Väx and VINN NU
Karin Bergman, Olof Ejermo, Josefine Fischer, Olof Hallonsten, Høgni Kalsø Hansen, et al.
(2010) VINNOVA Analysis VA
ReportLarge-scale international facilities within the organization: Max-Lab within Lund University
Olof Hallonsten, Mats Benner
(2009) Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institution to Knowledge Business , p.65-89
Book chapterSmall science on big machines: Politics and practices of synchrotron radiation laboratories
Olof Hallonsten
(2009) Lund Studies in Research Policy, 1