Erik Wengström
Director of Doctoral studies, Department of Economics, Professor
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
The Virtual Bingo Blower : An opensource tool to generate ambiguity and risk in experiments
Ola Andersson, Geoffrey Castillo, Erik Wengström
(2024) Working Papers
Working paperInsufficient evidence to conclude that confusion cannot explain cooperative behavior
Toke R Fosgaard, Erik Wengström
(2024) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121
Journal article (letter)Measures of cognitive ability and choice inconsistency
Helene Willadsen, Sarah Zaccagni, Marco Piovesan, Erik Wengström
(2024) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 220 p.495-506
Journal articleNorm compliance in an uncertain world
Toke R. Fosgaard, Lars Gårn Hansen, Erik Wengström
(2023) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 107
Journal articleEconomic Preferences and Personality Traits Among Finance Professionals and the General Population : Characteristics of Finance Professionals
Martin Holmén, Felix Holzmeister, Michael Kirchler, Matthias Stefan, Erik Wengström
(2023) Economic Journal, 133 p.2949-2977
Journal articleFinancial incentives for vaccination do not have negative unintended consequences
Florian H Schneider, Pol Campos-Mercade, Stephan Meier, Devin Pope, Erik Wengström, et al.
(2023) Nature, 613 p.526-533
Journal articleDelegation Decisions in Finance
Felix Holzmeister, Martin Holmén, Michael Kirchler, Matthias Stefan, Erik Wengström
(2023) Management Science, 69 p.4828-4844
Journal articlePut a Bet on It: Can Self-Funded Commitment Contracts Curb Fitness Procrastination?
Devon Spika, Linnea Wickström Wickström Östervall, Ulf-Göran Gerdtham, Erik Wengström
(2023) Working Papers
Working paperThe impact of stay-at-home policies on individual welfare
Ola Andersson, Pol Campos-Mercade, Fredrik Carlsson, Florian H. Schneider, Erik Wengström
(2022) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 124 p.340-362
Journal articleIntroduction to the special issue on “Poverty and Economic Decision-Making”
Ferdinand M. Vieider, Erik Wengström
(2022) Theory and Decision, 92 p.1-4
Journal article (comment)Monetary incentives increase COVID-19 vaccinations
Pol Campos-Mercade, Armando N Meier, Florian H Schneider, Stephan Meier, Devin Pope, et al.
(2021) Science (New York, N.Y.), 374 p.879-882
Journal articleDifferences Attract : An Experimental Study of Focusing in Economic Choice
Ola Andersson, Jim Ingebretsen Carlson, Erik Wengström
(2021) Economic Journal, 131 p.2671-2692
Journal articleParameterizing standard measures of income and health inequality using choice experiments
Hjördis Hardardottir, Ulf-G Gerdtham, Erik Wengström
(2021) Health Economics, 30 p.2531-2546
Journal articleDifferences Attract: An Experimental Study of Focusing in Economic Choice
Ola Andersson, Jim Ingebretsen Carlson, Erik Wengström
(2021) Economic Journal
Journal articleAnticipation of COVID-19 vaccines reduces willingness to socially distance
Ola Andersson, Pol Campos-Mercade, Armando Meier, Erik Wengström
(2021) Journal of Health Economics, 80
Journal articleThe Individual Welfare Costs of Stay at Home Policies
Ola Andersson, Pol Campos-Mercade, Fredrik Carlsson, Florian Schneider, Erik Wengström
(2021) Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Journal articleProsociality predicts health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pol Campos-Mercade, Armando Meier, Florian Schneider, Erik Wengström
(2021) Journal of Public Economics, 195
Journal articleAnticipation of COVID-19 vaccines reduces social distancing
Ola Andersson, Pol Campos-Mercade, Armando N. Meier, Erik Wengström
(2021) Journal of Health Economics, 80
Journal articleRobust Inference in Risk Elicitation Tasks
Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2020) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 61 p.195-209
Journal articleDelegation Decisions in Finance
Felix Holzmeister, Martin Holmén, Michael Kirchler, Matthias Stefan, Erik Wengström
(2020) Working Papers
Working paperThe Individual Welfare Costs of Stay-At-Home Policies
Ola Andersson, Pol Campos-Mercade, Fredrik Carlsson, Florian Schneider, Erik Wengström
(2020) Working Papers., 2020
Working paperCoronavirus: survey reveals what Swedish people really think of country’s relaxed approach
Erik Wengström
(2020) The Conversation
Journal articleRisking Other People's Money : Experimental Evidence on the Role of Incentives and Personality Traits
Ola Andersson, Hj Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2020) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 122 p.648-674
Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm, Erik Wengström
(2020) Economic Inquiry, 58 p.169-183
Journal articleTrait self-control, exercise and exercise ambition : Evidence from a healthy, adult population
Ulf-G. Gerdtham, Erik Wengström, Linnea Wickström Östervall
(2020) Psychology, Health & Medicine, 25 p.583-592
Journal articleAnticipation of COVID-19 Vaccines Reduces Social Distancing
Ola Andersson, Pol Campos-Mercade, Armando N. Meier, Erik Wengström
(2020) Working Papers
Working paperCooperation, framing, and political attitudes
Toke R. Fosgaard, Lars G. Hansen, Erik Wengström
(2019) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 158 p.416-427
Journal articleWhat Kind of Inequality Do You Prefer? Evaluating Measures of Income and Health Inequality Using Choice Experiments
Hjördis Hardardottir, Ulf-Göran Gerdtham, Erik Wengström
(2019) Working Papers
Working paperThinking fast, thinking badly
Natalia Jimenez, Ismael Rodriguez-Lara, Jean Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2018) Economics Letters, 162 p.41-44
Journal articleHow does communication affect beliefs in one-shot games with complete information?
Tore Ellingsen, Robert Östling, Erik Wengström
(2018) Games and Economic Behavior, 107 p.153-181
Journal articleRegistered Replication Report : Rand, Greene, and Nowak (2012)
Sjoerd Bouwmeester, Peter P.J.L. Verkoeijen, Balazs Aczel, Fernando Jr. Barbosa, L. Bègue, et al.
(2017) Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12 p.527-542
Journal articleCognitive Load and Cooperation
Felix Døssing, Marco Piovesan, Erik Wengström
(2017) Review of Behavioral Economics, 4 p.69-92
Journal articleFraming and Misperception in Public Good Experiments
Toke Reinholt Fosgaard, Lars Gårn Hansen, Erik Wengström
(2017) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119 p.435-456
Journal articleRisk and Cooperation : Experimental Evidence from Stochastic Public Good Games
Erik Wengström, Stepan Vesely
(2017) Working Papers, 2017
Working paperCooperation, Framing and Political Attitudes
Toke Reinholt Fosgaard, Lars Gårn Hansen, Erik Wengström
(2017) Working Papers, 2017
Working paperSelf-Scanning and Self-Control: A Field Experiment on Real-Time Feedback and Shopping Behavior
Natalia Montinari, Emma Runnemark, Erik Wengström
(2017) Working Papers
Working paperGrind or Gamble? : An Experimental Analysis of Effort and Spread Seeking in Contests
Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm, Erik Wengström
(2016) Working Papers, 2016
Working paperFairness is intuitive
Alexander W. Cappelen, Ulrik H. Nielsen, Bertil Tungodden, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2016) Experimental Economics, 19 p.727-740
Journal articleRisk aversion relates to cognitive ability: Preferences or Noise?
Ola Andersson, Jerker Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2016) Journal of the European Economic Association, 14 p.1129-1154
Journal articleDeciding for Others Reduces Loss Aversion
Ola Andersson, Jerker Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2016) Management Science, 62 p.29-36
Journal articlePersonality Traits and the Gender Gap in Ideology
Rebecca Morton, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2016) Studies in Political Economy , p.153-185
Book chapter"Skojarnas marknad" : Recension av George A Akerlof och Robert J Shiller: Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception
Erik Wengström
(2016) Ekonomisk Debatt, 44 p.84-87
ReviewDifferences Attract: An Experimental Study of Focusing in Economic Choice
Ola Andersson, Jim Ingebretsen Carlson, Erik Wengström
(2016) Working Papers
Working paperUnderstanding the Nature of Cooperation Variability
Toke Reinholt Fosgaard, Lars Gårn Hansen, Erik Wengström
(2014) Journal of Public Economics, 120 p.134-143
Journal articleSecond Thoughts on Free Riding
Ulrik H. Nielsen, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2014) Economics Letters, 122 p.136-139
Journal articleVinst för Sverige. Den forskande läkemedelsbranschens betydelse för samhället
Magnus Jiborn, Håkan Pihl, Sjöö Karolin, Erik Wengström
ReportHar vi en klimatskuld?
Magnus Jiborn, Håkan Pihl, Erik Wengström
(2013) Generationsmålet , p.35-63
Book chapterMicrofoundations of Social Capital
Christian Thöni, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2012) Journal of Public Economics, 96 p.635-643
Journal articleCredible Communication and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from Multi-stage Games
Ola Andersson, Erik Wengström
(2012) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 81 p.207-219
Journal articleExperts in Experiments: How Selection Matters for Estimated Distributions of Risk Preferences
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Arthur van Soest, Erik Wengström
(2012) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 45 p.159-190
Journal articleHeterogeneity in risky choice behaviour in a broad population
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Arthur van Soest, Erik Wengström
(2011) The American Economic Review, 101 p.664-694
Journal articleCostly Renegotiation in Repeated Bertrand Games
Ola Andersson, Erik Wengström
(2010) Journal of Theoretical Economics, 10
Journal articlePersuasion in Experimental Ultimatum Games
Ola Andersson, Matteo Galizzi, Tim Hoppe, Sebastian Kranz, Karen van der Wiel, et al.
(2010) Economics Letters, 108 p.16-18
Journal articleCostly renegotiation in repeated Bertand games
Ola Andersson, Erik Wengström
(2010) Contributions to Theoretical Economics, 10
Journal articleFast or fair? A study of response times
Marco Piovesan, Erik Wengström
(2009) Economics Letters, 105 p.193-196
Journal articlePrice competition, level-k theory and communication
Erik Wengström
(2008) Economics Bulletin, 3 p.1-15
Journal articleDo antitrust laws facilitate collusion? Experimental evidence on costly communication in duopolies
Ola Andersson, Erik Wengström
(2007) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 109 p.321-339
Journal articleCommunication in Games and Decision Making under Risk
Erik Wengström
(2007) Lund Economic Studies, 144
DissertationSetting the Anchor: Price Competition, Level-n Theory and Communication
Erik Wengström
(2007) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperCommunication and Renegotiation in Two-stage Games
Ola Andersson, Erik Wengström
(2007) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperA note on renegotiation in repeated Bertrand duopolies
Ola Andersson, Erik Wengström
(2007) Economics Letters, 95 p.398-401
Journal articleCommunication in Games: The Role of Renegotiation and Bounded Rationality
Erik Wengström
Licentiate thesisDo Antitrust Laws Facilitate Collusion? Experimental Evidence on Costly Communication in Duopolies
Ola Andersson, Erik Wengström
(2004) Working Papers. Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paper