Olof Ejermo
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Forskning eller familj – hur påverkas den vetenskapliga produktiviteten av att bli förälder?
Olof Ejermo
ReportWhen colleges graduate : Micro-level effects on publications and scientific organization
Olof Ejermo, Yotam Sofer
(2024) Research Policy, 53
Journal articleDeath and Turmoil in the R&D team
Thomas Åstebro, Olof Ejermo, Otto Toivanen
(2023) Discussion paper , p.1-44
Working paperDrifting on the Academic Highway: Experimental Evidence from a Transition to University
Yotam Sofer, Olof Ejermo
(2023) Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023
Conference paperVetenskaplig produktion och högskolors övergång till universitet : bakgrund, utveckling och analys av publikationsdata
Olof Ejermo, Yotam Sofer
BookUtlandsfödda forskare mer produktiva än svenskfödda
Olof Ejermo, Yotam Sofer
(2023) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
Newspaper articleHome, Sweet Home: Returns to Returning in the Age of Mass Migration
Olof Ejermo, Kerstin Enflo, Björn Eriksson, Erik Prawitz
(2022) Discussion Paper series
Working paperInnovation in Malmö after the Öresund Bridge
Olof Ejermo, Katrin Hussinger, Basheer Kalash, Torben Schubert
(2022) Journal of Regional Science, 62 p.5-20
Journal articleHome, Sweet Home: Returns to Returning in the Age of Mass Migration
Olof Ejermo, Kerstin Enflo, Björn Eriksson, Erik Prawitz
(2022) Lund Papers in Economic History , p.1-83
Working paperDoes Mobility across Universities Raise Scientific Productivity?
Olof Ejermo, Claudio Fassio, John Källström
(2020) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 82 p.603-624
Journal articleDoes incubation lead to innovation? Evidence from the Swedish incubation program
Olof Ejermo
(2018) , PM2018:20
OtherUniversity invention and the abolishment of the professor's privilege in Finland
Olof Ejermo, Hannes Toivanen
(2018) Research Policy, 47 p.814-825
Journal articleEkonomisk utveckling efter inkubation : analys av företag i det nationella inkubatorprogrammet
Olof Ejermo
(2018) , PM2018:02
OtherLiberalization of European migration and the immigration of skilled people to Sweden
Olof Ejermo, Yannu Zheng
(2018) IZA journal of development and migration, 8
Journal articleDo Higher Wages Reduce Knowledge Worker's Job Mobility? Evidence for Swedish Inventors
Olof Ejermo, Torben Schubert
(2018) Journal of Management Studies, 55 p.108-145
Journal articleThe effects of immigration on economic growth – a literature study
Claudio Fassio, Olof Ejermo
(2018) PM
OtherHur effektivt tar akademin fram innovationer?
Olof Ejermo, John Källström
(2017) Ekonomisk Debatt, 45 p.29-40
Journal articleWhat is the causal effect of R&D on patenting activity in a “professor’s privilege” country? Evidence from Sweden
Olof Ejermo, John Källström
(2016) Small Business Economics, 47 p.677-694
Journal articleHow do the foreign-born perform in inventive activity? Evidence from Sweden
Yannu Zheng, Olof Ejermo
(2015) Journal of Population Economics, 28 p.659-695
Journal articleHow important are local inventive milieus: The role of birthplace, high school and university education
Olof Ejermo, Hogni Kalso Hansen
(2015) Geoforum, 65 p.387-397
Journal articleEntrepreneurship and survival over the business cycle: how do new technology-based firms differ?
Olof Ejermo, Jing Xiao
(2014) Small Business Economics, 43 p.411-426
Journal articleServices vs. Manufacturing – How Does Foreign and Domestic Sales Impact on Their R&D?
Olof Ejermo, Karin Bergman
(2014) Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 14 p.367-391
Journal articleDemographic patterns and trends in patenting: Gender, age, and education of inventors
Taehyun Jung, Olof Ejermo
(2014) Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 86 p.110-124
Journal articleSwedish business research productivity
Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander
(2011) Industrial and Corporate Change, 20 p.1081-1118
Journal articleThe R&D-growth paradox arises in fast-growing sectors
Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander, Martin Henning
(2011) Research Policy, 40 p.664-672
Journal articleEffects of VINNOVA Programmes on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - the cases of Forska&Väx and VINN NU
Karin Bergman, Olof Ejermo, Josefine Fischer, Olof Hallonsten, Høgni Kalsø Hansen, et al.
(2010) VINNOVA Analysis VA
ReportTrender i svensk forskningsproduktivitet
Olof Ejermo
(2010) En Innovationsstrategi för Sverige , p.121-136
Book chapterWhen is Regional Beautiful? Implications for Knowledge Flows, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Introduction
Björn Asheim, Olof Ejermo, Annika Rickne
(2009) Industry and Innovation, 16 p.1-9
Journal article (comment)Regional Innovation Measured by Patent Data-Does Quality Matter?
Olof Ejermo
(2009) Industry and Innovation, 16 p.141-165
Journal articleWhen is Regional Beautiful? Policy and Practice in Regional Innovation. Special issue based on the Dahmén Sessions at the Uddevalla Symposium
(2009) Industry and Innovation, 16 Issue 2
Björn Asheim, Olof Ejermo, Annika Rickne
(2009) When is Regional Beautiful? Policy and Practice in Regional Innovation, Special issue based on the Dahmén Sessions at the Uddevalla Symposium, Industry and Innovation, 16
Journal articleThe Swedish Paradox revisited
Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander
(2009) Innovations and Entrepreneurship in Functional Regions
Book chapterThe Swedish paradox
Astrid Kander, Olof Ejermo
(2009) Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Functional Regions
Book chapterInnovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation
Olof Ejermo
(2008) Papers in Regional Science, 87 p.305-306
ReviewThe Swedish Paradox arises in Fast-Growing Sectors
Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander, Martin Henning
Working paperTechnology Specialization and the Magnitude and Quality of Exports
Martin Andersson, Olof Ejermo
(2008) Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 17
Journal articleInnovative activities, industrial transformation and growth in Sweden since 1985
Astrid Kander, Martin Henning Svensson, Olof Ejermo
Conference paperAre quality-adjusted patents more geographically clustered than raw patent counts? Evidence using Swedish data. Paper
Olof Ejermo
Conference paperRegional innovation measured by patent data – does quality matter?
Olof Ejermo
(2007) CIRCLE Working Paper 2007/08
Working paperInternational cooperation for Swedish inventors – an exploratory study
Olof Ejermo, Jonas Gabrielsson
Conference paperOffentlig forskning och utveckling och tillväxt
Olof Ejermo, Kerstin Enflo, Astrid Kander
(2007) VINNOVA rapport
ReportDe empiriska paradoxernas upplösning: FoU och tillväxten
Astrid Kander, Olof Ejermo, Lennart Schön
(2007) Ekonomisk Debatt, 35 p.6-15
Journal articleR&D, patenting and patent quality in Sweden 1985-2002. Paper
Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander
Conference paperSwedish business research productivity – improvements against international trends
Astrid Kander, Olof Ejermo
(2007) CIRCLE Working Paper WP2007/07
Working paperInterregional Inventor Networks as Studied by Patent Coinventorships
Olof Ejermo, Charlie Karlsson
(2006) Research Policy, 35 p.412-430
Journal articleTrends in R&D, innovation and productivity in Sweden 1985-2002. Paper
Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander
Conference paperThe geographical distribution of inventive and innovative activity and its relation to R&D-resources. Paper
Olof Ejermo
Conference paperTrends in R&D, innovation and productivity in Sweden 1985-2002
Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander
(2006) CIRCLE Working Paper WP2006/09
Working paperTechnology and Trade: An Analysis of Technology Specialization and Export Flows
Martin Andersson, Olof Ejermo
(2006) CIRCLE Working Paper WP2006/05
Working paperOffentlig forskning och utveckling och tillväxt
Olof Ejermo, Kerstin Enflo, Astrid Kander
(2006) VINNOVA rapport
ReportTechnological Specialization and the Composition of Export flows - An analysis of Swedish Regions ’ Trade with Europe. Paper
Olof Ejermo
Conference paperInventive and innovative activity over time and geographical space: the case of Sweden
Olof Ejermo
(2006) CIRCLE Working Paper WP2006/14
Working paperTechnological diversity and Jacobs' externality hypothesis revisited
Olof Ejermo
(2005) Growth & Change, 36 p.167-195
Journal articleHow does accessibility to knowledge sources affect the innovativeness of corporations? - evidence from Sweden
M Andersson, Olof Ejermo
(2005) Annals of Regional Science, 39 p.741-765
Journal articleR&D, innovation and growth - a survey of research issues
Olof Ejermo, Astrid Kander
Conference paperInterregional Inventor Networks as Studied by Patent Co-inventorships
Olof Ejermo, Charlie Karlsson
(2005) CIRCLE Working Paper WP 2005/11
Working paperHow does Accessibility to Knowledge Sources Affect the Innovativeness of Corporations? Evidence from Sweden
Martin Andersson, Olof Ejermo
(2004) CESIS Working Paper no. 3
Working paperProcess Innovations in a Duopoly with Two regions
Olof Ejermo, Börje Johansson
(2004) CESIS Working Paper no. 18
Working paperSectoral Knowledge Production in Swedish Functional Regions 1993-1999
Martin Andersson, Olof Ejermo
(2004) Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Management
Book chapterProductivity Spillovers of R&D in Sweden
Olof Ejermo
(2004) CESIS Working Paper no. 15
Working paperSpatial Inventor Networks as Studied by Patent Coinventorship
Olof Ejermo, Charlie Karlsson
(2004) CESIS Working Paper no. 17
Working paperSectoral Knowledge Production in Swedish Regions 1993-1999
Martin Andersson, Olof Ejermo
(2004) CESIS Working Paper no. 5
Working paperTechnological Diversity and Jacobs' Externality Hypothesis Revisited
Olof Ejermo
(2004) CESIS Working Paper no. 16
Working paperPatent Diversity as a Predictor of Regional Innovativeness in Sweden
Olof Ejermo
(2003) CESPRI working paper no. 140
Working paperÅkerinäringens samhällsekonomiska betydelse
Olof Ejermo, Charlie Karlsson, Johan Klaesson
ReportSkattekraft i Nässjö kommun
Olof Ejermo, Börje Johansson, Charlie Karlsson, Susanna Larsson, Lars Pettersson