EKH Seminar - Vinicius de Souza Maia
Seminar title: Love thy neighbor? Segregation and neighborhood effects on fertility and family in Landskrona, Southern Sweden, 1905-2015
Vinicius de Souza Maia, Ph.D student at EKH/CED, will present his halfway seminar titled:
Love thy neighbor? Segregation and neighborhood effects on fertility and family in Landskrona, Southern Sweden, 1905-2015
Vinicius de Souza Maia webpage (
Commentator: Luciana Quaranta at EKH
Luciana Quaranta webpage (
About the event
Alfa1:1104, Scheelevägen 15B, 223 63 Lund
sean [dot] kenny [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se