Hj Holm
Vice Dean Research Education, Professor
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Högst olämpligt när Tyskland minskar sitt stöd till Ukraina.
Håkan Jerker Holm
(2024) Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Debatt
Newspaper articleNo mood effects in the field : The case of car inspections
Margaret Samahita, Håkan J. Holm
(2023) Journal of Economic Psychology, 96
Journal articleCooperation Beyond the Network
Ronald S. Burt, Sonja Opper, Håkan J. Holm
(2022) Organization Science, 33 p.495-517
Journal articleCompetition Makes Inspectors More Lenient : Evidence from the Motor Vehicle Inspection Market
Osmis Areda Habte, Håkan J. Holm
(2022) Review of Industrial Organization, 61 p.45-72
Journal articleRobust Inference in Risk Elicitation Tasks
Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2020) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 61 p.195-209
Journal articleRisking Other People's Money : Experimental Evidence on the Role of Incentives and Personality Traits
Ola Andersson, Hj Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2020) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 122 p.648-674
Journal articleMining for Mood Effect in the Field
Margaret Samahita, Håkan J. Holm
(2020) Working Papers
Working paperStrategic decisions : behavioral differences between CEOs and others
Håkan J. Holm, Victor Nee, Sonja Opper
(2020) Experimental Economics, 23 p.154-180
Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm, Erik Wengström
(2020) Economic Inquiry, 58 p.169-183
Journal articleLearning to Trust: From Relational Exchange to Generalized Trust in China
Nee Victor, Hj Holm, Sonja Opper
(2018) Organization Science, 29 p.969-986
Journal articleCurating social image : Experimental evidence on the value of actions and selfies
Hakan J. Holm, Margaret Samahita
(2018) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 148 p.83-104
Journal articleRisk Aversion and Guanxi Activities : A Behavioral Analysis of CEOs in China
Sonja Opper, Victor Nee, Hj Holm
(2017) Academy of Management Journal, 60 p.1504-1530
Journal articleCompetition Makes Inspectors More Lenient: Evidence from the Motor Vehicle Inspection Market
Osmis Habte, Hj Holm
(2017) Working Papers
Working paperGrind or Gamble? : An Experimental Analysis of Effort and Spread Seeking in Contests
Ola Andersson, Håkan J. Holm, Erik Wengström
(2016) Working Papers
Working paperStrategic Decisions : Behavioral Differences Between CEOs and Others
Håkan J. Holm, Victor Nee, Sonja Opper
(2016) Working Papers
Working paperRisk aversion relates to cognitive ability: Preferences or Noise?
Ola Andersson, Jerker Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2016) Journal of the European Economic Association, 14 p.1129-1154
Journal articleDeciding for Others Reduces Loss Aversion
Ola Andersson, Jerker Holm, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström
(2016) Management Science, 62 p.29-36
Journal articleCurating Social Image: Experimental Evidence on the Value of Actions and Selfies
Hj Holm, Margaret Samahita
(2016) Working Papers
Working paperRelational exchange and generalized trust in China
Victor Nee, Sonja Opper, Håkan J. Holm
(2016) 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2016 , p.383-388
Conference paperSocial Exchange and Generalized Trust in China
Sonja Opper, Jerker Holm, Victor Nee
(2014) Working Papers
Working paperEntrepreneurs Under Uncertainty: An Economic Experiment in China
Jerker Holm, Sonja Opper, Victor Nee
(2013) Management Science, 59 p.1671-1687
Journal articleCan Economics Explain Where All Inclusive Deals Are Offered?
Christian Bladh, Jerker Holm
(2013) Tourism Economics, 19 p.339-348
Journal articleSpeech is Silver; Silence is Golden
Ola Andersson, Jerker Holm
(2013) Games, 4 p.497-507
Journal article (letter)Double-blind in light of the internet: A note on author anonymity
Jerker Holm
(2011) Information Economics and Policy, 23 p.24-26
Journal articleKan multilaterala förmedlingsavgifter vara konkurrensbegränsande?
Jerker Holm
(2010) Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, 2 p.95-106
Journal articleCollective Trust Behavior
Jerker Holm, Paul Nystedt
(2010) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112 p.25-53
Journal articleFace-to-face lying – An experimental study in Sweden and Japan
Jerker Holm, Toshiji Kawagoe
(2010) Journal of Economic Psychology, 31 p.310-321
Journal articleAn experiment on equilibrium selection: the relative unimportance of context
Jerker Holm
(2010) Computable, Constructive and Behavioral Economics , p.202-209
Book chapterTruth and Lie Detection in Bluffing
Jerker Holm
(2010) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 76 p.318-324
Journal articleTrust in surveys and games - A methodological contribution on the influence of money and location
Jerker Holm, Paul Nystedt
(2008) Journal of Economic Psychology, 29 p.522-542
Journal articleDo you trust your brethren? Eliciting trust attitudes and trust behavior in a Tanzanian congregation
Anders Danielson, Jerker Holm
(2007) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 62 p.255-271
Journal articleMarkets are more than Bits
Jerker Holm
(2007) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 63 p.256-261
Journal article (comment)Endogenous Communication and Tacit Coordination in Market Entry Games - An explorative experimental study
Ola Andersson, Hans Carlsson, Jerker Holm
(2006) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperIntra-Generational Trust - a Semi-Experimental Study of Trust Among Different Generations
Jerker Holm, Paul Nystedt
(2005) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58 p.403-419
Journal articleTropic Trust versus Nordic Trust Experimental Evidence from Tanzania and Sweden
Jerker Holm, Anders Danielson
(2005) Economic Journal, 115 p.505-532
Journal articleRights and Decentralized Computation
Jerker Holm
(2005) Computability, Complexity and Constructivity in Economic Analysis
Book chapterTrust in surveys and games - a matter of money and location?
Jerker Holm, Paul Nystedt
(2005) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperRights and Decentralized Computation
Jerker Holm
(2004) Metroeconomica, 55 p.290-317
Journal articleDetection Biases in Bluffing - Theory and Experiments
Jerker Holm
(2004) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperFairness and Promises for Sale
Jerker Holm, Anders Danielson
(2004) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperDo You Trust Your Brethren? Eliciting Trust Attitudes and Trust Behavior in a Tanzanian Congregation
Anders Danielson, Jerker Holm
(2004) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperCan Economic Theory Explain Piracy Behavior?
Jerker Holm
(2003) Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 3 p.1-15
Journal articleThe Demand for Information Services and the Market Structure
Jerker Holm
(2002) Journal of Economics, 77 p.155-183
Journal articleIntra-Generational Trust - a Semi-Experimental Study of Trust Among Different Generations
Jerker Holm, Paul Nystedt
(2002) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperTrust in the Tropics? Experimental Evidence from Tanzania
Anders Danielson, Jerker Holm
(2002) Working Papers
Working paperGender Based Focal Points
Jerker Holm
(2000) Games and Economic Behavior, 32 p.292-314
Journal articleIntroduction. The 17th Arne Ryde Symposium, "Focal Points--Coordination, Complexity, and Communication in Strategic Contexts"
Fredrik Andersson, Hans Carlsson, Jerker Holm
(2000) Games and Economic Behavior, 32 p.219-219
Journal article (letter)Transparency preference and economic behavior
Fredrik Andersson, Jerker Holm
(1998) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 37 p.56-349
Journal articleGenetic Information and Investment in Human Capital
Jerker Holm
(1997) Journal of Health Economics, 16 p.435-452
Journal articlePrisoners' Dilemma or the Jury's Dilemma : a story with a dubious name
Jerker Holm
(1995) Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 151 p.699-702
Journal articleComputational Cost of Verifying Enforceable Contracts
Jerker Holm
(1995) International Review of Law and Economics, 15 p.127-140
Journal articlePredicting the Effects of Intervention and Sabotage in a Boundedly Complex Game
Jerker Holm
(1992) Mathematical Social Sciences, 24 p.321-342
Journal article