Niclas Andrén
Head of the Department of Business Administration, Senior lecturer

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
How do Firms Hedge in Financial Distress?
Evan Dudley, Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård
(2022) Journal of Futures Markets, 42 p.1324-1351
Journal articleRisk Shifting or Risk Management: How do Firms Hedge in Financial Distress?
Niclas Andrén, Evan Dudley, Håkan Jankensgård
Conference paperDisappearing investment‐cash flow sensitivities: earnings have not become a worse proxy for cash flow
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård
(2020) Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 47 p.760-785
Journal articleFinancial Distress, Risk Shifting, and the Use of Options
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård, Evan Dudley
Conference paperDo credit ratings measure financial constraints?
Niclas Andrén, Anamaria Cociorva
Conference paperDo Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities Measure Investment Intensity or Financal Constraints?
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård
Conference - otherReappearing Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård
Conference - otherDisappearing Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities: Earnings Have Not Become a Worse Proxy for Cash Flow
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård
Conference paperWall of cash: The investment-cash flow sensitivity when capital becomes abundant
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård
(2015) Journal of Banking & Finance, 50 p.204-213
Journal articleA Tide of Cash: Corporate Governance and the Management of Large Cash Windfalls
Håkan Jankensgård, Niclas Andrén
(2014) Knut Wicksell Centre for Financial Studies Working Paper series
Working paperA Wall of Cash - The Investment Cash Flow-Sensitivity when Capital Becomes Abundant
Håkan Jankensgård, Niclas Andrén
(2013) Knut Wicksell Working Paper Series, 17
Working paperExposure-Based Cash-Flow-at Risk for Value Creating Risk Management under Macroeconomic Uncertainty
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård, Lars Oxelheim
(2012) The Strategic CFO - Creating Value in a Dynamic Market Environment
Book chapterExchange rate regime shift and price patterns
Lars Oxelheim, Niclas Andrén
(2011) International Journal of Managerial Finance, 7 p.153-178
Journal articleWhat You See is What You Get: Contrasting Measures of Risk Exposure
Niclas Andrén, Jens Forssbaeck, Lars Oxelheim
Conference paperThe Role of Country, Industry, and Style for International Diversification Strategies
Niclas Andrén
Conference paperRisk Management Strategies in Financial Distress
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård
Conference paperProducer Prices in the Transition to a Common Currency
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim
(2006) IFN Working Paper
Working paperErrors-in-Variables Corrections in Cross Sectional Beta Tests
Niclas Andrén, Måns Kjellsson
Conference paperProducer Prices in the Transition to a Common Currency
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim
Conference paperExposure-Based Cash-Flow-at-Risk: An Alternative to VaR for Industrial Companies
Niclas Andrén, Håkan Jankensgård, Lars Oxelheim
(2005) Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 17 p.76-86
Journal articleExposure-Based Cash-Flow-at-Risk under Macroeconomic Uncertainty
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim, Håkan Jankensgård
Conference paperExchange-Rate and Interest-Rate Driven Competitive Advantages in the EMU
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim
Conference paperEuron och konkurrens mellan EU-länder
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim
(2002) Europaperspektiv 2002. Årsbok för Europaforskning , p.73-104
Book chapterEuron och europeisk konkurrens i ett finskt perspektiv
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim
(2002) Journal of the Finnish Economic Society, 55 p.5-19
Journal articleEuron och europeisk prisutveckling i ett svenskt perspektiv
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim
(2002) Ekonomisk Debatt , p.219-229
Journal articleThe euro and European competition in a Finnish perspective
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim
(2002) Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, 55 p.5-5
Journal articleOn the Impact of the Euro on Corporate Exposure to Macroeconomic Risk
Niclas Andrén, Lars Oxelheim
Conference paper