Joakim Gullstrand
Dean, Professor
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Why reshore? Evidence from Swedish firms
Zouheir El-Sahli, Joakim Gullstrand
(2023) Economics Letters, 227
Journal articleThe external effects of offshoring on job security in SMEs
Zouheir El-Sahli, Joakim Gullstrand, Karin Olofsdotter
(2022) Small Business Economics, 59 p.1613-1640
Journal articleLinking local services to global manufactures
Björn Thor Arnarson, Joakim Gullstrand
(2022) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 124 p.3-34
Journal articleWhat goes around comes around: The effects of sanctions on Swedish firms in the wake of the Ukraine crisis
Joakim Gullstrand
(2020) World Economy, 43 p.2315-2342
Journal articleTrade and the Euro: Effects on Bystanders
Joakim Gullstrand, Karin Olofsdotter
(2019) Applied Economics Letters, 26 p.726-730
Journal articleIs Super-Fast Broadband Negative? An IV-Estimation of the Broadband Effect on Firms' Sales and Employment Level
Martin Nordin, Erik Grenestam, Joakim Gullstrand
(2019) Working Papers
Working paperThe Spatial Dimension of Import Competition
Joakim Gullstrand, Polina Knutsson
(2019) Working Papers
Working paperExploring outward FDI and the choice of destination: Evidence from Swedish firm-level data
Joakim Gullstrand, Zouheir El-Sahli, Karin Olofsdotter
(2018) Applied Economics Letters, 25 p.1222-1225
Journal articleFood security in Europe
Joakim Gullstrand, Christian Jörgensen
(2018) The European Union : Facing the Challange of Multiple Security Threats , p.116-138
Book chapterWhat goes around comes around: The effects of sanctions on Swedish firms in the wake of the Ukraine crisis
Joakim Gullstrand
(2018) Working Papers
Working paperComments by Joakim Gullstrand, on Internationalization of Indian Enterprises : Patterns, Determinants, and Policy Issues
Joakim Gullstrand
(2017) Asian Economic Papers, 16 p.167-168
Journal article (comment)The Features of a Survey on the Export Decisions of Swedish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Joakim Gullstrand
(2017) Working Papers, 2017
Working paperThe Internal and External Effects of Offshoring on Job Security
Zouheir El-Sahli, Joakim Gullstrand, Karin Olofsdotter
(2017) Working Papers
Working paperLinking Services to Manufacturing Exports
Björn Thor Arnarson, Joakim Gullstrand
(2016) Working Papers, 2016
Working paperPlats att växa - geografi och tillväxt i svenska kommuner
Cecilia Hammarlund, Joakim Gullstrand
(2016) AgriFood Rapport
ReportEn trygg livsmedelsförsörjning i Europa
Joakim Gullstrand, Christian Jörgensen
(2016) EU och de nya säkerhetshoten
Book chapterImporters, Exporters, and Multinationals : Exploring the Hierarchy of International Linkages
Karin Olofsdotter, Joakim Gullstrand, Susanna Thede
(2016) Open Economies Review, 27 p.495-514
Journal articleExploring Outward FDI and the Choice of Destination: Evidence from Swedish Firm-Level Data
Zouheir El-Sahli, Joakim Gullstrand, Karin Olofsdotter
(2016) Working Papers
Working paperHow to combine high sunk costs of exporting and low export survival
Joakim Gullstrand, Maria Persson
(2015) Review of World Economics, 151 p.23-51
Journal articleMarkups and export-pricing strategies
Joakim Gullstrand, Karin Olofsdotter, Susanna Thede
(2014) Review of World Economics, 150 p.221-239
Journal articleThe Influence of Biodiversity Provision on the Cost Structure of Swedish Dairy Farming
Joakim Gullstrand, Rembert De Blander, Staffan Waldo
(2014) Journal of Agricultural Economics, 65 p.87-111
Journal articleImporters, Exporters and Multinationals: Exploring the Hierarchy of International Linkages
Joakim Gullstrand, Karin Olofsdotter, Susanna Thede
(2014) Working Paper / Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Lund University
Working paperThe Euro Effect on Bystanders
Joakim Gullstrand, Karin Olofsdotter
(2014) Working Paper / Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Lund University
Working paperLocal Price Competition: The Case of Swedish Food Retailers
Joakim Gullstrand, Christian Jörgensen
(2012) Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, 10
Journal articleHow to combine high sunk costs of exporting and low export survival
Joakim Gullstrand, Maria Persson
Working paperFirm and destination-specific export costs: The case of the Swedish food sector
Joakim Gullstrand
(2011) Food Policy, 36 p.204-213
Journal articleKonkurrens och makt i svensk livsmedelshandel
Karin Olofsdotter, Joakim Gullstrand, Karantininis Kostas
ReportSverige i EU
Karin Olofsdotter, Joakim Gullstrand
(2011) Marknad och Politik 9 upplagan , p.342-368
Book chapterLive or Let Die? Alternative Routes to Industry Exit
David Greenaway, Joakim Gullstrand, Richard Kneller
(2009) Open Economies Review, 20 p.317-337
Journal articleCertifiering, konkurrens och handel
Anna Andersson, Joakim Gullstrand
(2009) Uppdragsforskningsrapport
ReportSurviving Globalisation
David Greenaway, Joakim Gullstrand, Richard Kneller
(2008) Journal of International Economics, 74 p.264-277
Journal articleWho Leaves after Entering the Primary Sector? Evidence from Swedish micro-level data
Joakim Gullstrand, Kerem Tezic
(2008) European Review of Agricultural Economics, 35 p.41302-41302
Journal articleDeeper integration and productivity: The Swedish food and beverage industry
Joakim Gullstrand, Christian Jörgensen
(2008) Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section C. Food Economics, 5 p.1-13
Journal articleThe Swedish food industry during a revolutionary period - the time before and after EU membership
Christian Jörgensen, Joakim Gullstrand, Fredrik Wilhelmsson
ReportThe EU and Regional Integration in West Africa: Assessing the Effects of Deepening and Enlargement
Yves Bourdet, Joakim Gullstrand
(2007) The European Union and Developing Countries. Trade, Aid and Growth in an Integrating World , p.120-138
Book chapterTrade and Specialisation: Changing Patterns in the 1990s
Joakim Gullstrand, Karin Olofsdotter
(2007) The European Union and Developing Countries. Trade, Aid and Growth in an Integrating World , p.7-28
Book chapterPlats för tillväxt? - Bilaga 2 till Långtidsutredningen 2008
Joakim Gullstrand, Cecilia Hammarlund
BookSäljer svenska mervärden på EU-markanden?
Joakim Gullstrand, Cecilia Hammarlund
(2007) SLI-rapport
ReportExporting may not always boost firm productivity
David Greenaway, Joakim Gullstrand, Richard Kneller
(2005) Review of World Economics, 141 p.561-582
Journal articleThe disciplinary effect of the single market on Swedish firms
Joakim Gullstrand, Helena Johansson
(2005) Open Economies Review, 16 p.381-398
Journal articleIndustry dynamics in the Swedish textile and wearing apparel sector
Joakim Gullstrand
(2005) Review of Industrial Organization, 26 p.349-370
Journal articleKonflikt eller samverkan mellan ekonomiska, social och miljömässiga mål på landsbygden?
Helena Johansson, Joakim Gullstrand, A. C. Franzén, Harald Svensson
ReportEstimating Farmers’ Valuation of Semi-Natural Grazing Land: a Dual Approach
Mark Brady, Joakim Gullstrand
Conference paperKonflikt eller samverkan mellan ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga mål på landsbygden
Ann-Charlott Franzén, Joakim Gullstrand, Helena Johansson, Harald Svensson
(2005) Jordbruksverkets Rapport Serie
ReportWho survives and who grows after EU membership? Evidence from Swedish micro-level data
Joakim Gullstrand
(2005) SLI Working Paper
Working paperRegional inkomstutveckling och ekonomisk koncentration - med fokus på jordbruket
Joakim Gullstrand
(2004) SLI-rapport
ReportSvensk livsmedelsexport - analys av vilka som exporterar vad
Eva Kaspersson, Joakim Gullstrand, Christian Jörgensen, Jenny Lövbom, Ewa Rabinowicz
(2004) SLI-rapport
ReportSwedish Food Exports - Who are the exporters and what do they export
Christian Jörgensen, Eva Kaspersson, Joakim Gullstrand, Ewa Rabinowicz
ReportExports, Restructuring and Industry Productivity Growth
Rod Falvey, David Greenaway, Joakim Gullstrand, Zhihong Yu
(2004) GEP Research Paper 2004/40
Working paperArealstöd till jordbruket - Hur påverkas produktionen i Svergie
Joakim Gullstrand
(2003) SLI-skrift
ReportDecoupling: The case of Swedish crop producers
Joakim Gullstrand
(2003) SLI Working Paper
Working paperSplitting and Measuring Intra-Industry Trade
Joakim Gullstrand
(2002) Lund Economic Studies, no. 98
DissertationDemand Patterns and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade: With Special Reference to North-South Trade
Joakim Gullstrand
(2002) Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 11 p.429-455
Journal articleDoes the Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade Matter?
Joakim Gullstrand
(2002) Review of World Economics, 138 p.317-339
Journal articleDemand Patterns and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade with Special Reference to North-South Trade
Joakim Gullstrand
(2001) CFE Working Paper Series ; 9
Working paper