“I’m one of those people who hated, really hated the pandemic. It’s because I love being here, being available, meeting people and reading funny notes on the fridge in the lunchroom,” says Andreas.
In January the associate professor and senior lecturer in business law becomes Deputy dean at LUSEM but leadership is not necessarily a new thing for Andreas, as he is the former prefect at the department of business law, and current inspector of Gothenburg nation. Besides studying and later researching and teaching his main passion has been choir singing with Studentsångarna.
Singing has led to other things such as starting a medical company with one of his friends from the choir. A tour with the same choir to Asia, including Singapore, Bali but also Australia during his first year in Lund in 1993 would later inspire a return, but in a working capacity, many years later.
What will be first up on your list of priorities come January?
“We’ll have to do a bit of inventory, a good deal of listening and understanding of how things fit together and work ahead from there. Accreditations are a priority right now and definitely a challenge. I would like us to use them more creatively in our quality work and see how we can make them more relevant for the times ahead. My own role is to be focused on external relations and collaborations, but there is a local dimension to that as well as I think we as a school can become better at facilitating meetings and interactions between faculty members, students and entrepreneurs in our vicinity,” says Andreas Inghammar.
He mentions the 10-year celebration of the Centre for Retail Research as a good example of bringing researchers from different disciplines together with professionals and would very much like to see more opportunities like that.
Useful experience
After law school Andreas worked for a year as a law clerk in Malmö before returning to academia and PhD studies in labour law. Over the years he has worked for the European commission and its European Centre of excellence and split his time between research and teaching. Returning to the far east he was involved in a research and teaching project on human rights in Cambodia from 2015-2016.
“I know, as a researcher that our success and prestige to a great degree is measured in articles and quotations, but over the years I have really appreciated collaborations, outreach and teaching just as much. I try to continuously transfer what I do in research and my external experiences to my students and put an emphasis on what is relevant and applicable in a live situation at a workplace”, says Andreas.
After office hours
As a father of three kids in their late teens and early twenties Andreas shares his interests in music and the sea with the rest of his family. Singing is one part of it and sailing is another.
“We sail when we can but it’s not an every week kind of thing. But when we do I like the feeling of stowing away my watch and my phone and just depend on the weather and the wind”, he finishes.