Gender equality & equal opportunities at the Department of Informatics
The department recognises the equal value of all staff and students.
Systematic preventive work against discrimination
Equality and diversity are basic principles for all parts of Lund University and very important to the Department of Informatics. In accordance with the Discrimination act, Lund University works to promote a discrimination free work and study environment. The systematic preventive work against discrimination is ongoing and active at the department. Risks of discrimination, reprisal, or other obstacles to the equal rights and opportunities of individuals in the business, are continuously estimated. Actions are identified and carried out to prevent the risks from happening. The actions are monitored continuously and the follow-up is documented annually.
The results of our gender equality and equal opportunities work is reported annually in an equal opportunities and diversity report together with the risk analysis.
You find the reports among other Staff Documents on the Department's pages in Teams.
The Discrimination act
The Discrimination act (2008:567) prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age.
The equality ombudsman website –
What support is available?
If you have been exposed to discrimination, harassment or victimisation it is important that you report this. Start by contacting the head of department. You can also contact the equality representative or the health and safety representative at the department. Your Human resources manager has an overall function and you can always turn to them. On a higher level, you can contact the Occupational health service at Lund University for consultation.
At Lund University Staff pages you can find information about definition, where to turn, what happens when you report harassment and so on.
Work enrivonment and health at the Department of Informatics
Informatic's equal opportunities reports
Documents in Teams
Equality representative
Miranda Kajtazi
Associate professor