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Teaching at the Department of Informatics


This page contains an overview of information on important rules, regulations, and resources for teachers at the department.

Rules and regulations

List of student's rights and responsibilities

The list of rights for students at Lund University details rights and obligations relating to admission requirements and selection, the study environment, syllabi and timetables, tests and examinations, degree projects and course evaluations.

List of student rights (PDF, 668 kB)

Fair examination

UKÄ's guidelines to fair examination covers everything from areas of responsibility to grading rules. It is an important document for teachers. Below, you can find the full guideline in Swedish and a short summery in English.

UKÄ Rättssäker examination (PDF, 560 kB)

UKÄ Guidelines to fair examination – English summary (PDF, 58 kB)

Visiting hours and communication

All teachers must have consultation time for students for at least one hour per week during the semester. Teachers who work part time or are temporarily employed, are required to have visiting hours as long as they have a course running and up to the date of the retake exam. The visiting hours can either be drop-in or bookable e.g. via Canvas or e-mail.

Information regarding visiting hours and how they are handled must be published on the courses in Canvas, and by the office door.

Teachers are expected to reply to e-mails from students without undue delay, preferable within one day but no longer than three days, during the semester.

AI in education 

The department has an policy on use of AI in education. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for teaching staff at the Department of Informatics regarding examination in a time of easy access to AI-based tools. The policy provides guidelines on informing students about AI-based tools and on the use and integration of AI-based tools into teaching.

Department of Informatics Policy on use of Artificial Intelligence-based Tools in Education (PDF, 227 kB)

Deadlines for syllabi and literature lists

For upcoming Autumn term:

  • Syllabus incl. set of exams – proposals sent to the director of studies by 1 October.
  • Literature lists – proposals sent to the director of studies by 1 May.

For upcoming Spring term:

  • Syllabus incl. set of exams – proposals sent to the director of studies by 1 May.
  • Literature lists – proposals sent to the director of studies by 1 October.


Inspiration and resources for teaching and learning online

On Teaching and learning at LU you find inspirational articles and guides on how to create your online classroom. You can also find information on specific tools and resources. 

On the site Go digital! on the LUSEM Staff Pages you can find information, tools and good exampels from LUSEM regarding digital teaching and learning.

In Canvas, you can find the hub Online vid LU where you get quick access to guides directly in Canvas, e.g. Course start checklist etc.

Teaching and learning at LU

Digital learning

Online vid LU – Canvas

Courses in teaching and learning

Courses in teaching and learning in higher education (högskolepedagogik) are a prioritised area of development for the department. Continuous development in this field is important both to new and more experienced teachers. You can find more information on LUSEM Staff pages.

Courses in teaching and learning

Assistance from teaching assistants

The department usually employs two teaching assistants during autumn and spring semesters. These are students who have proven themselves to be exceptionally technically and pedagogically qualified. The teaching assistants assist on the more technical courses given such as those in, for example, programming or databases. The teaching assistants are also responsible for recruiting fellow competent students as lab assistants whenever needed. The teaching assistants usually staff, run the labs and manage scheduling of themselves and the lab assistants.

If the teaching assistants are needed on a course, the teacher must first get the use approved by the director of studies. Upon approval of such a request the teacher can, in collaboration with the director of studies and the teaching assistants, work out the details of their involvement. 

LUBsearch epublications

You can find course literature that is available digitally at LUBsearch.

Log in to LUBsearch

Academic skills services – ASKS

Academic Skills Services (ASKS) provides free and confidential learning support, in English, for all students at LUSEM. Please encourage your students to join the Canvas resource.

On ASKS you can also find LUSEM's Harvard system referencing style guide.

Academic Skills Services

LUSEM's Harvard system referencing style guide (PDF, 4.4 MB)


Björn Svensson
Lecturer and Director of studies