Admin Routines and forms
On this page administrators find information and support regarding study administrative routines and forms.
The following administrative routines are jointly developed by the administrators at LUSEM and decided by the LUSEM dean. At the bottom of the list you will also find the documents that are under development.
The routines shall to the greatest possible extent, be followed by all of the departments at LUSEM.
The routines are updated annually before the upcoming academic year. All routine documents are in Swedish. For suggestions or changes, please contact Viktoria Svenby.
Administrative routines at LUSEM
You find the following routine documents in LU Box.
- Admission and registration (Antagning och registrering)
- Appointment of examiners (Utnämnande av examinatorer)
- Bachelor's programmes (Kandidatprogram)
- Canvas
- Course evaluations (Kursutvärdering)
- Credit transfer (Tillgodoräknande)
- Digital examination in Inspera
- International student mobility (Internationell studentmobilitet)
- Master's programmes (Magister- och mastersprogram)
- PhD studies (Forskarutbildning)
- Programme evalutions (Programutvärdering)
- Review and correction of grades (Ändring och rättelse av betyg)
- Scheduling and booking of premises (Schemaläggning och lokalbokning)
- Written exams (Tentamina)
Documents under development
- Study results (Studieresultat)
Forms and templates
You find the following forms and templates in LU Box.
- Application for exemption (Dispensansökan)
- Appointment of examiners (Utnämnande av examinatorer)
- Aproved leave and non completion of studies (Studieuppehåll och studieavbrott)
- Credit transfers (Tillgodoräknande)
- Change of grades (Ändring av betyg)
- Course certificate (Kursintyg)
- Course evaluation summary (Kursbokslut)
- Programme evaluation summary (Programbosklut)
- Exam cover page (Tentamensframsida)
Forms and templates in LU Box
Exam cover page, change of grades, application for credit transfer, approved leave etc.
Viktoria Svenby
Academic advisor, programme coordinator
viktoria [dot] svenby [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (viktoria[dot]svenby[at]ics[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 80 25
Room: EC2-279