Business Administration
Here, you can see upcoming staff calendar events and read more about the department’s boards and committees. You will find information about their scheduled meetings and their members.
The Department Board
The Department Board (Institutionsstyrelsen, IS) has an overall responsibility for the department’s education and research, and for its quality and development work.
Meetings, autumn 2024
- 24th September, 13:00–16:00
- 22nd October, 13:00–16:00
- 26th November, 13:00–16:00
Venue: Rhenmansalen, Alfa 5
Meetings, spring 2025
- 11th February, 13:00–16:00
- 1st April, 13:00–16:00
- 27th May, 13:00–16:00
Venue: Rhenmansalen, Alfa 5
Members, autumn 2024
Niclas Andrén, Senior lecturer, Head of Department
Anders Anell, Professor
Anna Brattström, Associate professor
Igor Plicanic, Study advisor
Diamanto Politis, Professor
Ulf Ramberg, Associate professor
Nadja Sörgärde, Senior lecturer
Two students from Lundaekonomerna and one from EDR
Others with the right to attend, express opinions and make proposals at the meetings
Anna-Lena Andrén, Dept. Head accountant/controller
Caroline Hellström, Lecturer, Academic Director of studies
Tomas Nilsson, Course administrator, Safety representative
Jens Rennstam, Associate professor, Director of Research and PhD Programme
Mårten Sommelius, Head of office (course administration)
Elin Funck, Associate professor
Olof Hallonsten, Associate professor
Alexander Paulsson, Associate professor
Anna Jonsson, Associate professor
Documents in LU Box
The Research and PhD Education Committee (FFUN)
The Research and PhD Education Committee (Forsknings- och forskarutbildningsnämnden, FFUN) is a preparatory body focused on issues related to the department’s research and research education. The Committee is led by the Director of Research and PhD studies.
Meetings, spring 2025
- Tuesday 28th January, 13:00–15:00
- Tuesday 18th March, 13:00–15:00
- Tuesday 13th May, 13:00–15:00
Venue: Alfa 1:3004
Applications for promotion to Associate professor are processed at the March and October meetings. Applications must be submitted to the Director of Research and PhD programme at least three weeks before the meeting.
Instructions for docent applications (LU Box)
Jens Rennstam, Associate professor, Director of research and PhD programme
Ester Barinaga, Professor, Entrepreneurship
Farzana Bashiri, PhD student
Anna Glenngård, Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance
Hassan Hamadi, PhD student
Thomas Kalling, Professor, Strategy & Research Policy
Stefan Sveningsson, Professor, Organisation
Peter Svensson, Associate Professor, Marketing
Documents in LU Box
The Council for education at undergraduate and graduate level (NUGA)
The Council for education at undergraduate and graduate level (Nämnden för utbildning på grund- och avancerad nivå, NUGA) is focused on the development and quality assurance of the department’s selection of courses. It is led by the Academic Director of Studies.
Meetings, spring 2025
- Tuesday 25 February, 13:00–14:30
- Thursday 24 April, 13:00–14:30
- Thursday 12 June, 13:00–14:30
Caroline Hellström, Academic Director of Studies
Members (240301–270228)
Solomon Akele Abebe
Christine Blomquist
Javier Cenamor
Devrim Göktepe-Hultén
Veronika Tarnovskaya
Student representatives (240701–250630)
Sara Atkisson
Liam Wirestrand
Mårten Sommelius, Head of office (course administration)
Pernilla Honoré, Academic advisor
Ian Noresson, course administrator
Staff calendar
Department Board & FFUN
Charlina Lunvald
Doctoral programme coordinator
Secretary to the Department Board & FFUN
charlina [dot] lunvald [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone: +46 46 222 41 73
Ian Noresson
Course administrator
Secretary to NUGA
caroline [dot] hellstrom [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se (ian[dot]noresson[at]fek[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 78 25
Important documents in LU Box
- The Delegation of Authority (Arbets- och delegationsordning)
- Instructions for docent and professor applications
- Guidelines for business travels and expenses