Book launch: Metaphors We Supervise By

Welcome to book launch and exhibition.
This edited volume of Metaphors We Supervise By aims to bring supervision to life and contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between the supervisor and the thesis-writing student.
The following LUSEM researchers are the editors of the new book:
Olof Hallonsten
Anna Jonsson
Jens Rennstam
Nadja Sörgärde
Book publisher: Studentlitteratur
Comic artist: Axel Brechensbauer
Axel Brechensbauer is concept designer and comic artist in The Research Comic Group.
The Research Comic Group – researchcomic.org
Open event. Refreshments.
Spoken language: English and Swedish.
The event and art exhibition are funded by grants from the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, as well as the Tore Browaldh Foundation.
About the event
LUSEM (Lund University School of Economics and Management), Tycho Brahes väg 1, Lund. Venue: Ljusgården in EC1/Main building
Free admission
English and Swedish
anna [dot] jonsson [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se