Symposium on the Law and Policy of Data-Driven Innovation in Competition and Cooperation

We are pleased to announce our upcoming Symposium on the Law and Policy of Data-Driven Innovation in Competition and Cooperation. The symposium takes place on June 5, 2024, at the Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM).
Set against the backdrop of recent developments in digital technologies and their profound impact on the economy and society, this symposium delves into critical discussions surrounding the pivotal role of “data” in this transformative landscape. We will navigate the complex intersection of law and technology in the realm of data-driven innovation.
Acknowledged as a cornerstone of modern production, complementing both labour and physical capital, “data” stands at the forefront of innovation – for example in the development of artificial intelligence. However, the emergence of the data economy has brought forth a myriad of legal and regulatory challenges for market participants. These challenges span across areas such as data protection, governance, and the designation of data as an essential facility for certain business models, thereby creating both opportunities and perceived imbalances in the market, along with risks to fundamental rights.
In response to these challenges, the European Union has enacted new legislation aimed at fostering innovative business models while addressing regulatory concerns. Key examples include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Digital Markets Act (DMA), the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Data Governance Act (DGA), the Data Act (DA), and the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). These legal frameworks collectively seek to establish a balance between competing interests.
In alignment with these new developments, our interdisciplinary symposium will explore various facets of data innovation, encompassing privacy, competition, cooperation, and governance.
Agenda of the day
08:30 Registration
09:00 Welcome
Professor Jörgen Hettne, Head of Department, Department of Business Law, Lund School of Economics and Managements, Director of Centre for European Studies at Lund University
09:15 Setting the scene: Data-driven innovation
Dr. Jonas Ledendal, Department of Business Law, Lund School of Economics and Management, and Dr. Hajo Michael Holtz, Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University
09:45 Artificial Intelligence
Ass. Prof. Stefan Larsson, Department of Technology and Society, Lund University
Ass. Prof. Stanley Greenstein, Department of Law, Stockholm University
Katarina Renman Claesson, federation lawyer, The Artists' Association of Sweden
Hans Hedin, Swedish Post & Telecom Authority
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Digital markets and digital services
Prof. Björn Lundqvist, Department of Law, Stockholm University
Katarzyna Söderlund, Department of Technology and Society, Lund University
12:15 Lunch break
13:30 Data governance and licensing
Dr. Jonas Ledendal, Department of Business Law, Lund School of Economics
Daniel Lundqvist, Attorney-at-Law, Kahn Pedersen
Ass. Prof Katja de Vries, Department of Law, Uppsala University
Tommie Hallin, Chief Architect, Data Services, IBM Consulting
14:45 Coffee break
15:15 Data protection and compliance
Prof. Jan Trzaskowski, Copenhagen Business School
Per Nydén, Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection
Aron Klingberg, Senior Manager, Advisense
Hans Hedin, Swedish Post & Telecom Authority
16:30 Concluding remarks
The symposium is tailored for academics and practitioners specializing in data law, data governance, and data innovation. Attendance is free of charge. For registration and to obtain updates related to the symposium, please register via the following link.
The symposium is organised with economic support from the Centre for European Studies and hosted by LUSEM researchers Jonas Ledendal and Johan Axhamn and Uppsala University researcher Hajo Michael Holtz.
About the event
The Crafoord hall, LUSEM (Lund University School of Economics and Management), Tycho Brahes väg 1, Lund. Or on Zoom.
Free admission
In English
fabian [dot] vukic [at] har [dot] lu [dot] se