The numbers speak for themselves—many people want to study business and economics in Lund! When published the figures from the first selection round for eligible applicants for fall 2024, Ekonomie kandidatprogrammet at LUSEM was clearly in the lead in terms of the number of applications for all undergraduate business and economics programmes taught in Swedish. The numbers held steady in the second selection round: Ekonomie kandidatprogrammet at LUSEM remains the leader among all undergraduate business and economics programmes taught in Swedish. Following Lund are the corresponding BSc programmes at Uppsala University and the University of Gothenburg.
Among all undergraduate programmes at Lund University, regardless of subject, Ekonomie kandidatprogrammet is the third most sought-after programme; the Law programme is the most sought-after in Lund, followed by the Medical programme. Nationally, the ranking is similar, with law and medical programmes at various universities topping the list before the first business and economics programme appears, which is Ekonomie kandidatprogrammet at LUSEM.
“A student magnet”
Programme Director Hans Knutsson believes that a successful combination of key factors makes the programme attractive.
“Our Swedish Bachelor's programme, Ekonomie kandidatprogrammet, has for many years, prepared a large number of young men and women for a variety of exciting careers and important positions in society. Just as many students want to come to Lund, many researchers and teachers also want to work here. It's a successful combination where talented students challenge and stimulate qualified teachers, who in turn deliver a higher-quality education. This cycle has been in motion for many years, making the program the student magnet it is today,” explains Hans.
Read the full article published on our Swedish website.