Career readiness through inner development
How can you develop professional skills for a sustainable future? Get an introduction to the framework Inner Development Goals with Pernilla Thellmark from LUSEM Career Services who gives you her best tips.
In order to deal with our increasingly complex environment and drive sustainable change we need to develop new skills. Come listen to Pernilla Thellmark at LUSEM Career Services, who will introduce you to the framework Inner Development Goals (IDG). The framework IDG helps us understand, identify and practice the inner skills needed for a sustainable change. It can assist us in navigating our inner lives so that we can all be change makers.
Career Services serve students at LUSEM who are interested in learning about working life, discussing career alternatives, finding interesting jobs and internships, or other career-related matters.
Inner Development Goals (IDG) is a non-profit, open-source initiative committed to fostering inner development towards more sustainable futures.
Inner Development Goals (IDG) – innerdevelopmentgoals.org
This is a Wellness Weeks event. Stay tuned for more activities!
About the event
LUSEM, EC3: Karlssonsalen (EC3:108)
anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se