“We have a strong base to start from and from there we will try to be more relevant for the whole of LUSEM than ever before. For instance we have an aim set at establishing new stipends for our teachers, researchers and guest researchers besides those we already have in place for the students,” says Stefan Dahlin, CEO of the partnership foundation.
He explains that the board is also very interested in ameliorating our offer to our partners and ads on a happy note that we just welcomed KPMG as a new partner!
The members are:
Ulrika Dieroff, Handelskammaren
Anna Westesson, Aspekta
Andreas Inghammar, LUSEM
Anna Brattström, LUSEM
Daniel Hjorth, LUSEM
Fredrik N G Andersson, LUSEM
Christine Blomquist, LUSEM
2 representatives from Lundaekonomerna
Paul Pierce, EHL – alternate
Stefan Dahlin, CEO of the Partnership foundation – alternate
Karin Wandér, Administrator, LUSEM, adjunct member