NVivo Introductory Course second session

NVivo is used for qualitative research methods such as grounded theory (GT), content analysis, phenomenology, discourse analysis, literature reviews, and more. NVivo facilitates your research process by making it easier to organise and sort rich text research data.
Learn how to use NVivo effectively for qualitative research
In this course you will learn how to use NVivo effectively for different research methods. We will show and explain NVivo’s structure, basic functions and the terminology used in the software. We will also touch upon various tools to facilitate the iterative process for coding data in transcribed individual interviews and focus groups.
The course consists of two sessions. During the second session, we will introduce more advanced functions mixed with hands-on exercises, and a Q&A session based on participants' questions.
Prior knowledge & required installations
The course does not require any previous knowledge of NVivo or similar tools, but it is required that you have NVivo installed when you attend the course. The workshop is for researchers and PhD students at LUSEM.
This session is a continuation of the first part of the course held on 18 March 9-12
Sign up | Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM)
About the event
research_support [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se